RSS Announcer
RSS Announcer
Would The Thought Of Thousands Of Other Web Site's All Displaying Your Content, And A Link Back To Your Web Site Excite You?
What If This Could All Happen Automatically,
with a simple push of a button.....
I was totally amazed when...
I started to see the traffic from my RSS feeds start pouring in almost over night . I have been banging my head against my monitor for years trying to find the secret formula to get a good and steady stream of traffic to my web site. RSS Announcer is an amazing tool and has turned my mediocre traffic and sales numbers into something I can be proud of in days not years, thanks guys I owe you one.
RSS Announcer instantly and automatically submits your RSS feeds to all of the major RSS feed directories on the Internet.
Imagine the power of tens of thousands of other web sites being able to easily display your RSS feeds on their web sites for content.
Think that will drive you some extra traffic?
How much is your time worth??And how much of it do you spend on trying to get other sites to link to your site?
The power of RSS feeds are a give-and-take, everyone knows that you can create massive web sites displaying other people's RSS feeds, which are great for driving search engine spiders.
This works especially well if you are building large content sites for making money with programs such as Google AdSense or also for promoting affiliate programs.
But there is also an often overlooked side of making money with RSS feeds, and that is your creating your own RSS feeds for displaying on other peoples web sites.
But once you have taken the time to learn how to create your own RSS feeds. How do you get other people to display your RSS feeds on their web site?
I used to spend hours and hourswhen I first found out about the power of displaying RSS feeds on other peoples web sites submitting my RSS feed links to five or 10 directories. So other people to find the links and use the content for their web sites.
This worked great when I was just getting started. However we all the old saying that time is money, and if you consider the amount of time I used to spend submitting my feeds to the RSS directories, I was losing loads and it...
I knew there had to be a better wayconsidering all the technology that is available to us now.
I considered building a web site where people could go and submit their RSS feeds and then that web site would disperse those feeds to all the RSS feed directory web sites automatically.
But after thinking about it for a while I realize this would be very complicated. Not only could build but also to use.
That's when I came up with the idea for RSS announcer.
I knew if I could automate the process of submitting your RSS to all the directories that matter, it would have to be easy to use?
Imagine a tool that would:
Simply allow you to add all of your RSS feeds into a list.
Select which RSS feed directories you would like to submit your feeds to
And with the push of a button blast your feed instantly to all of them
Possibly double or triple your income, with the extra traffic almost overnight
RSS Announcer Is Easy To Use-
RSS announcer is so easy to use, that even a child could figure it out. When we were having the software developed my nine-year-old son did most of the testing.
He had a ball watching all the content we created showing up immediately in the major RSS directories and knowing that he and put it there all on his own what this simple to use the software.
If only he knew the value these RSS feeds can bring, we would probably have never been able to get him away from the computer
It's Fast-
I used to spend hours manually sending me my feeds to all of the major directories.
RSS Announcer submits all of my feeds to the major feed directories automatically with the push of a button and completes all the submissions in minutes rather than hours!
It's all been automated for you-
When you open RSS Announcer's interface you will be prompted to enter in some basic information such as the title and description of your web site, plus the actual link to your RSS feed, the category of which your RSS feed falls under, and a few other small things.
It will then save this information for future use so as you build more and more RSS feeds up, RSS Announcer will remember them for the next time you use the software.
I absolutely guarantee you will be amazed when you see the amount of time that you can save, the amount of content, you can spread all over the Internet, and the amount of extra money that content can be bringing in immediately.
Don't you owe it to yourself to try RSS announcer today?
If You have always wanted to be able to quit your day job and break into the Internet Marketing world RSS Announcer is a great way to do it! Grab this software now!
Right about now is usually where most slick talking Internet marketing salesman would go into how many months it took them to create RSS Announcer and how much money they spent creating it, and ask you how much you think you should pay for such an incredible piece of software.
You know the pitch - you have seen it a thousand times if you've been on the Internet very long.
But I will be perfectly honest. I don't like those kind of sales tactics, anymore than you probably do so I'm not going to beat around the bush.
When you consider the amount of time that you can spend manually submitting your RSS feeds to these directories. I'm sure you will agree that that is a very small sum for me to ask..
So you have ask yourself how much is your time worth?
If you are used to used to making small sums of money every month, then possibly it is worth your time to sit in submit your RSS feeds manually.
Only you know what your time is worth.....
However if you have figured out that there is a lot of money to be made on this thing called the Internet then I'm sure you understand what your time is really worth, and if that's the case,you would absolutely without question know that a tool that will save you as much time as RSS announcer can, is easily worth four times what I'm asking for it.