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This manual is devided into https://www.tradebit.come we provide you the manual index to help you have an idea about this Mazda 323 1988 manual:
-general information
-lubrication system
-cooling system
-fuel and emission control systems
-engine electrical system
-manual transaxle
-automatic transaxle
-front and rear axles
-steering system
-braking system
-body electrical system
-heater and air conditioner sytems
-technical data
-special tools
-wiring diagrams
Written for Mazda 323 1988 dealership mechanics, this reprint of the dealer manual shows you how to work on your vehicle. With step-by-step instructions, clear pictures, exploded view illustrations, schematics, and specifications, you will have the information you need to get your project on the road and keep it there. This manual covers Mazda 323 1988 models . Buy now to own the best shop manual for your vehicle.
File Data
This file is sold by kartar, an independent seller on Tradebit.