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Healing Chakras Full Guided Meditation MP3

Full Guided Meditation - Healing Shakra

The chakras are energy points in our subtle bodies that are like portals for vital universal energy. The energy flows in and out of us in rotating patterns from set points in the body. There are seven major points and several other minor points known as chakras. The energy must be allowed to flow easily in and out of these chakra points or else the body will start to function incorrectly and manifest dis-ease and illness.
Ancient healing traditions and texts of many cultures and religions talk of a universal energy which is present in all of us. This energy is referred to as Chi in the Chinese tradition, Ki by the Japanese or Prahna by the Hindus in India. In modern times the energy is still referred to but under names like bio energy, life force, primal energy and many many more. This is a very subtle energy that cannot really be measured effectively yet but can be perceived. Manipulation of this energy as it flows into the human body is a key to energy healing to which the body responds well.
The word chakra is of sanskrit origin and can be loosely translated as meaning, wheel, rotating or spinning. The seven main chakras are at fixed points in the body and they need to be activated and open in order for us to function properly. If one of the chakras is blocked, i.e. rotating at a slower speed than it should be, then this can manifest as physical and/or emotional problems.
Each chakra resonates and responds to a different vibration which can be stimulated by its associated color, musical note, crystal or gemstone. It can be quite easy for a trained therapist or healer to balance the chakras and you can even balance your own chakras through various meditation techniques.
In future articles I will be expanding on each of the chakras and their properties but for now here is a brief overview of each chakra and its associated color and energy.
Root Chakra Red Associated with primal energy and survival issues.
Sacral Chakra Orange Associated with the joy of living
Solar Plexus Chakra Yellow Related to Personal Power
Heart Chakra Green or Pink All to do with Love
Throat Chakra Turquoise / Blue Related to communication and self expression
Third Eye Chakra Indigo Insight, foresight, clairvoyance and Self realization within the cosmic order.
Crown Chakra violet / white / golden This is a purely spiritual connection
In future articles I will be writing in much more detail about each chakra and including the associated properties, gemstones, colors musical tones and much more.
1 The Root Chakra
The root chakra, Muladhara by its Sanskrit name is located at the base of the spinal column. at the area of the perineum between the anus and the genitals.
This is one of the most important chakras as it is the one that gives us stability. It is also the chakra that most people tend to have out of balance with the rest.
The root chakra represents the roots of your power, of your survival and of your swell being. It generates desire for survival, well being and comfort, economic well being and a relationship with the earth.
Activation of this chakra can help with matters of prosperity and abundance, with economic stability and with a comfortable life in general.
When the chakra is blocked it can hinder in all of the aspects mentioned so far. It can also promote certain bodily symptoms specifically, hemorrhoids, back problems (especially the lower back), sciatica, constipation, circulatory problems, knee problems, bad circulation in the legs, problems with obesity.
The associated color for the root chakra is red, its element is earth, the metal associated is iron and its gem stones are red jasper, ruby, and hematite. Use of the stones, especially the red jasper help us to develop a healthy aggressiveness towards healing our own lives. They can help to awaken dormant energy and help us to connect more with the earth. When used in meditation they can help to activate and cleanse all of the lower chakras. They can help you to become more grounded and are ideal for the more timid person and for those who have a lot of fear as they can help to give you strength and courage.
The psychological aspects of the root chakra when it is in balance are self assurance and control of your creative will. The psychological aspects of the chakra when it is out of balance however are selfishness, depression, instability, shyness, incapacity to save money and a tendency towards distraction.
To balance the chakra you can use meditation music in the key of C and imagine a ball of red light centered on the area of the chakra. Imagine a 4 petalled lotus flower slowly opening and rotating over the chakra. The 4 petalled red lotus flower is represented in the Sanskrit Mandala for the chakra.

2 The Sacral Chakra
The second chakra, the sacral chakra or Swadisthana in Sanskrit is located some three inches (8 centimeters) below the navel around the area of the pubic bone. The energy from this chakra comes out in the form of a vortex from both the front of the body as described but also from behind in the small of the back.
This chakra is the one that give us the joy of life, the joy of being.
The sacral chakra represents physical pleasure in general and an opening and conquest of sexual energy. It generates desire for unity of opposites and also for sexual unity.
Activation of this chakra can help with matters of trust, patience, wisdom and desire.
When the chakra is blocked it can cause anxiety, fear, frigidity, ***, general instability and a bottling up of the emotions. It can even cause one to talk too incessantly. The bodily symptoms a blocked sacral chakra can manifest can be kidney problems, bladder and prostate problems and also problems with the sexual organs.
The associated color for the sacral chakra is orange, its element is water, the associated metal is copper and its principal gem stone is Carnelian. Use of this stone helps to counteract depression and exhaustion as the its major properties are to stimulate activity. Contact with this stone give one a feeling of self security and confidence, peace and balance. it can be used to help with treatments of diabetes, the liver, arthritis and all sorts of nervous complaints. It serves us best as a way of distancing any external negative vibrations that might be affecting us. This stone can help us to become more balanced and to give us serenity. It can also help to attract peace.
The psychological aspects of the sacral chakra when it is in balance are patience, confidence and resistance to external influences. It is also directly associated with the function of sexuality and the sexual organs. The psychological aspects of the sacral chakra when it is out of balance are anxiety, fear, too much talking as a mechanism for not accepting ones situation, sexual disfunction and inability to feel emotions or feeling overly emotional.
To balance the chakra you can use meditation music in the key of D and imagine a ball of orange light centered around the area of the chakra. Imagine a 6 petalled orange lotus flower slowly opening and rotating over the chakra. The 6 petalled orange lotus flower is represented in the Sanskrit Mandala for the chakra.
3 The Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, Manipura in Sanskrit is positioned just above the navel. As with the all but the root and the crown, the energy flows out from this chakra in the form of a vortex from both the front and the back of the body. In this case from the naval and the point directly behind it on the back. The energy flowing out from the front of the body however is always more than that which flows out of the back.
This chakra is the one that give us our life force. Here the sun is represented with all its warmth and life giving properties.
The solar plexus chakra represents vitality, unwavering self control and true inner power. It can motivate us to act upon that inner strength that we have inside us.
Activation of this chakra can help with dietary matters and general healthy balancing of our bodies.
When the chakra is blocked it can cause stomach ulcers, bloated stomachs and even hepatitis,
The associated color for the solar plexus chakra is yellow, yellow of the sun. Its element is of course fire and its associated metal is bronze. Its gem stones are citrine and tigers eye. Use of these stones, especially the tigers eye can help us to take a look inside ourselves. It helps us to understand and admit to our mistakes. It also helps to develop a connection between our personal power, the subconscious and the will. Tigers eye can stimulate the digestive system and the colon. Principally however it vibrates and reacts to the solar plexus itself.
The psychological aspects of the solar plexus chakra when it is in balance are a great personal power, determination and the ability to make fair decisions. The psychological aspects of the solar plexus chakra when it is out of balance are shyness, doubt, low energy or even exhaustion and digestive problems.
To balance the chakra you can use meditation music in the key of F and imagine a ball of bright yellow light centered around the area of the chakra. Imagine a 10 petalled yellow lotus flower slowly opening and rotating over the chakra. The 10 petalled yellow lotus flower is represented in the Sanskrit Mandala for the chakra.
4 The Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra, the heart chakra is known as Anahatta in ancient Sanskrit. It is located right in the center of the chest. Its energy flows out of the front of the chest and to a lesser extent also out of the back at a point directly behind.
This chakra is all about love and feelings. Love in its purest sense.
The heart chakra represents a balance in relationships, links with others and with oneself. It is literally the center of our being, both physically and psychologically.
When this chakra is activated fully it benefits the heart and the lungs. If the chakra is blocked it can cause breathing problems, high blood pressure and even heart related ailments.
The associated colors for the heart chakra are green or pink. The way it is used in the healing chakras CD is that when the meditation is working its way up, activating the chakras from the bottom up then the color to activate it is green. Once all the chakras are open and active then on the way back down the body, the color best suited for bathing the already open chakra is pink.
Its element is air and the metal associated is Tin. Its gem stones are rose quartz, green quartz or emerald. When you use these stones, especially the rose quartz, which is has a very loving energy, they can help us to transmit loving vibrations which will help to heal the wounds of the heart. It can teach us to accept and to love. They can also help us to see the love in others and appreciate them more. These stone can also stimulate creativity and fantasy at the same time as balancing us emotionally.
When the heart chakra is in balance, the psychological aspects can be compassion, acceptance of what cannot be changed and a great general opening up emotionally. The psychological aspects of the heart chakra when it is out of balance are low self esteem, loneliness, sadness and a closing up emotionally.
To balance the chakra you can use meditation music in the key of G and imagine a ball of gentle green light centered around the area of the chakra. Imagine a 12 petalled green lotus flower opening slowly and rotating over the chakra. This 12 petalled green lotus flower is represented in the Sanskrit Mandala for the chakra.

5 The Throat Chakra
The fifth chakra is the throat chakra and is called Vishudda in ancient Sanskrit. It is positioned the the center of the throat. The energy from this chakra flows out of the front, just under the chin and also a little less intensely from back of the neck.
This chakra is to do with communication, speech and expression.
The throat chakra represents a will to communicate harmoniously that which is inside oneself to others and the use of that energy in a creative way.
With a fully activated throat chakra speech can come easily and thee is a willingness to communicate with others. With this chakra blocked then throat problems in general can arise along with loss of voice, neck problems and sometimes shoulder problems too.
The color associated with the throat chakra is blue turquoise blue, Its element is the ether and the associated metal is Mercury. The main gem stone for this chakra Turquoise. This stone has the blue of the sky and the heavens combined with the green of the earth combining the spiritual with the grounded power of the planet itself. This is the principle behind this chakra. The stone helps us to express ourselves and to share spiritual knowledge which can be integrated into our material lives. As well as augmenting both psychic and spiritual communication it can also help with communication in general,
When the throat chakra is in balance, the psychological aspects manifest as a development of artistic talent and elevated spirituality. The psychological aspects of the throat chakra when it is out of balance can be getting blocked, obsession, repression of speech, creative blocks and not being able to express yourself.
To balance the chakra you can use meditation music in the key of A and imagine a sphere of turquoise blue light around the area throat. Visualize a 16 petalled blue lotus flower slowly opening and rotating over the chakra. This 16 petalled blue lotus flower is represented in the Sanskrit Mandala for the chakra.

The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra and in the Sanskrit language is referred to as Alna. It can be found right in the center of the forehead, just between and slightly above the eyes at the level of the eyebrows. It also has a corresponding point at the back of the head.
This chakra is about attaining a clear vision of events, of knowing instinctively and of awakening the sixth sense.
The third eye chakra represents the power to communicate with your inner self and your intuition.
If this chakra is activated and open, it can help you to get in touch with your inner self, your intuition will become more finely tuned and it can allow you to learn to let the messages of the brain flow easily thus allowing a direct connection to the cosmic consciousness. When this chakra is blocked however then there can be mental imbalance along with insensitivity and an inability to accept new ideas.
The color associated with the throat chakra is indigo blue and its metal is Silver. The principle stone for this chakra is Sodalite. Sodalite clarifies understanding, it can bring a serenity and can strengthen the nerves. It can help greatly in dissolving old and obsolete behavior patterns whilst providing the strength and confidence to defend ones thought patterns in the environment of our daily life. It can help to clear the mind and to achieve rational thinking.
When the third eye chakra is balanced, the psychological aspects can manifest as psychic development, an intellectual lucidity and extra-sensorial perception. When the chakra is unbalanced the psychological aspects can manifest as inability to use the intuition, disbelief of dreams, an inability to visualize and intellectual blockages. It can cause headaches and confusing thoughts.
To balance the chakra you can use meditation music in the key of D and imagine a sphere of indigo blue light between the eyebrows. See a 2 petalled indigo lotus flower slowly opening and rotating over the area. This indigo lotus flower with its 2 petals is represented in the Sanskrit Mandala for the chakra.

The Crown chakra, the seventh is the uppermost of the principal chakras and in ancient Sanskrit is called Sahasrara. It is located right on top of the head in the center at the crown of the head.
This chakra connects us with our spirituality and providing a mystic union can help us toward achieving enlightenment.
The crown chakra is the chakra that most will help us on our spiritual path as it opens us up to other dimensions and can give us knowledge of alternative consciousness at the same time as helping us to not become extremist and to remain grounded. This offers you the opportunity to explore new dimensions and levels of consciousness.
When this chakra is fully open and activated it offer great inspiration, enlightenment and open a gateway into the cosmic consciousness
If this chakra is blocked however, depression can ensue accompanied by confusion slow thinking, a closing of to new ideas, tumors or cranial pressure.
The color associated with the crown chakra is Violet or white and even sometimes a warm golden color. The metal associated with this chakra is Gold. The principle stone for this chakra is clear quartz. The use of quartz offers light to the soul and promotes a spiritual knowledge. It can help us to connect our souls with the universal spirit that resides in everyone and everything. It can also help to dissolve blocks, protect us and give us new energy.
When the crown chakra is balanced, the psychological aspects can manifest as inspiration, enlightenment and a unity with the cosmic consciousness. When the crown chakra is unbalanced or not open properly some of the psychological aspects can manifest as limited personal beliefs, worry, inability to open up to new ideas and it can even in some cases lead to madness and psychosis.
To balance the chakra you can use meditation music in the key of G and imagine a ball of bright white light over the top of the head. Imagine a thousand petalled violet lotus flower slowly opening and rotating over the area. This violet lotus flower with its thousand petals surrounded in white healing light is represented in the Sanskrit Mandala for the chakra.
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