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MP3 D'marie Fazi - My Tribute
Inspirational & uplifting Christian music; beautiful female vocals, richly accompanied by piano/keyboard and orchestra
15 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, GOSPEL: Traditional Gospel
You won''t find any extraordinary "credits" in this biography... simply that I was born into the hearts of Joseph and Josephine Casale at 11 months of age. My parents showered me with an unsurmountable, selfless amount of love, strength and knowledge. I loved, admired and respected them for the environment they created for me which gave me the courage to grow into the person I am today.
I share my life with my wonderful husband Jerry whose patience and support has been a wonderful blessing. My heart and thanks go out to my three incredible children, Joseph, Tina and Lori who share their beautiful voices on this CD. Throughout this project, our sense of family has been enriched and we hope this musical tribute to the Glory of God lifts your spirit and lightens your mood.
Over the years, my musical experience has included live community theatre performances and many musical recitals; however, I find sharing the word of God through song to be most fulfilling and rewarding.
I can only hope that this music speaks to you with the peace and serenity that is also known as the love of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Heartfelt Gratitude,
D''Marie Fazi
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This file is sold by music, an independent seller on Tradebit.