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Windows 7 32bit Ram or Memory Limit Removal Patch you using windows 7 32 bit??.
Always having problems windows crash, windows freeze, windows hang, software crash and slow??
You will faced a RAM problem that they cannot use the fully RAM capacity installed. It is locked by Windows.
You have installed 4GB ram and only 2GB ram utilized???and the rest is stored under hardware reserved that brings no benefits to your https://www.tradebit.coms is because kernel problem in windows 32Bit. So here is the solution for you to fully utilize the ram installed but also to unlock the ram capacity support. So now you can upgrade your ram hardware to more than 4Gb up to 64Gb. 4Gb is the maximum limits set for windows 7 32bit.
Physical Memory Limits: Windows 7
The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows 7.