MP3 Jodi Roberts & Paul Hubbert - Sacred Sounds of the Heart
Sacred sound meditation and sound healing musical collaboration.
5 MP3 Songs
NEW AGE: Meditation, NEW AGE: Energy Healing
Jodi Roberts is a Shamanic Sound Healer, Sacred Sound Concert Musician. She is a cultural anthropologist trained in cross-cultural shamanic ceremony & healing, spiritual counseling, energetic healing, Zen meditation, Tibetan sound healing, reality creation processes, and group dynamic principles. She serves as a catalyst for your transformation.
The synergy of this collaboration creates a sound vibration unparalleled in sacred sound healing. Often I can’t tell where the crystal and metal bowls begin and end - their voices blend into something new and powerful.
The weaving of Paul’s vocal harmonics throughout the bowls inspires us all to commune with the angelic realms.
Paul Hubbert holds a Ph.D. in psychology. He is the founder and also a facilitator of Holographic Sound Healing and performs Sacred Sound Concerts throughout the world. Paul is a Sound & Reiki Master, vocalist, musician, plays crystal bowls and has recorded several powerful healing/meditation cd’s. While working on his first book, he continues to record and teach this work internationally.
For me this Concert and CD are about awakening and sharing the pulsing vibration of Love with humanity, one person touching another and another and another... intending this harmonic of Love and Healing be perpetuated throughout mankind.