MP3 Jubeus - Natural Mood
Unique blend of styles including Latin, folk, funk and reggae into contemporary pop-rock tunes.
11 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Roots Rock, BLUES: Soul-Blues
An intoxicating spirit of roots-rock and soul best describes the sound of Jubeus, an innovative quintet at the forefront of a new musical movement, and their mark will certainly be left.
Basing most of their compositions around Jason Masi’s singer/songwriter approach, Mike Jarvis (bass), Seth Thomas (guitar), Eric Jack (drums) and Brian Reed (keyboards, auxiliary percussion) display a unique ability to blend various styles including Latin, folk, funk and reggae into contemporary pop rock tunes. While parallels have been drawn between acts such as Rusted Root, Maroon 5 and Carbon Leaf, Jubeus provides audiences with a life and pulse unmistakably their own.
Jubeus has had the honor of sharing performances with: Everclear, The Sugar Hill Gang, Cyro Baptista, Oteil and the Peacemakers, Donna the Buffalo, 2 Skinnee J''s, DJ Williams, Soldiers of Jah Army, Ryan Montbleau Band, Pinmonkey, Mosquitos and more…