Sold by resellrightzz on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,271,618 satisfied buyers
By using Ads-Rotator you will experience many advantages over other pay per click search engine feeds.
-Ads-Rotator Advantages You decide what ads you want displayed
-Display any affiliate ads you want
-Show ads that could give you big commissions
-Have all the links open in a new window
-All ad links are cloaked
-Choose the look and feel of the ads
-Easy to use admin interface to edit, add or delete your ads
-Easily see the number of impressions for all your ads
-Easily see the click through rate of all your ads
-Add your own images all your ads!
Ads-Rotator is a simple to use website script. You just upload it to your website once and then all management of your ads is done through a user friendly web based administration section.
File Data
This file is sold by resellrightzz, an independent seller on Tradebit.