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Guerilla Blueprints for Creative Passive Income (ebook)

83 pages, Written by StrangeFlow, 2013. Comes in RTF, MOBI, EPUB, and TXT format. This book was written specifically with the electronic musician in mind, though many of these techniques can be applied to a variety of creative areas.

D.I.Y. Techniques for Culture Jamming 2.0, Niche-Hacking, and Feeling Like a Champion...

Learn how to combine Lifestyle Design with Culture Jamming, learn to greyhack (a form of niche-hacking) your music career, and establish self-sustained income-generating machine to feel like a super-ambitious and all-around champion while doing it. This is NOT a get rich quick book.

Culture Jamming, Greyhack your music career, and establish self-sustained income-generating machines to feel like a super-ambitious and all-around champion while doing it.


There are so many books out there about the music industry, and a lot of them seem to focus on ‘getting signed,’ ‘selling CDs, MP3s, and t-shirts,’ ‘how to get gigs,’ etc. Ok, but what else? Half the time, these books are geared specifically for rock bands and pop groups. But, I’m not in a rock band, I make electronic music. Really weird, underground electronic music. Is there any hope for folks like me? Do I have to choose between making music I love and making money?

No, that’s a bunch of bullshit.

Passive income generation for electronic musicians and producers is one of the main focuses of this book, and I want to share some techniques for setting up some income streams for creative individuals like you and me.

With the modern electronic musician in mind, I provide dozens of examples of this, as well as provide workable examples on how to greyhack (a term I use to describe the process of finding a creative niche in between two pre-existing artistic contexts) and tap it for all it’s worth to set up an automated income flow to fund your future musical endeavors. This is NOT a get-rich-quick book, but there is a lot of practical help in here that can really help if youre looking to make money as an electronic music.

- Will (StrangeFlow)

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File Size 5 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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