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Irish Nationalism _ An Appeal To History
The author,George Douglas Campbell,disputes the notion put forth by Gladstone and other 19th century contemporaries that English rule has been the cause of all the misery of Ireland since the 12th reviews the historical record in depth to support his argument.
This book begins with early Irish culture and history before the expedition of HENRY II., IN A.D. covers the invasion and devastation of Ireland, history of rebellion,Irish education,and continues through the famines of the 18th century.
An excerpt from Chapter 2:
...The Danes did not conquer it, as they did a large part of England and finally the whole. The Danes conquered bits of it and in return they only did for the Irish Celt what he had never done for himself, they founded all his important cities. They founded all his commerce. They refounded, also, and effectively reformed his Church. Neither were the Irish conquered by the tardy and transitory Norman invasion of the twelfth century. For another long period of time they were left to their own devices, in all domestic matters practically un- controlled. More than four centuries is the time specified by Professor Richey as the interval which elapsed before anything like a real conquest was effected.
Four hundred and thirty-three years from 1170 to 1603 is the time he means. In the last year of Queen Elizabeths reign the last of the Old Irish Chiefs were subdued, and fled. The flight of the Earls is a well-known epoch in Irish history. During all this time we have the light of the native Annals. The continuity is perfect. It is a continuity of horrors sometimes a little better, sometimes a little worse, but always in its essential character, and in its immediate cause, absolutely unchanged. England had far less power of reforming the domestic laws, usages, and ideas of the people than she now has of changing the habits and manners of Central Africa. The same writer, Professor Richey, has well explained the impossibility of any effective conquest of Ireland during any of those centuries. The country was covered with impassable bogs and impenetrable forests. English Sovereigns had no standing armies. They had their own troubles to attend to their wars with France their own disputed successions. The cost of feudal levies was enormous, and practically prohibitory.
Navigational Menus
This download contains 2 files:Mobi 6 & AZW3.
The AZW3 file is for newer Kindle devices such as the Kindle Fire.
The Mobi 6 file is suitable for older Kindle devices,Mobipocket Reader,Calibre ,and any other reader which accepts this format.
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This file is sold by wrenchbiscuit, an independent seller on Tradebit.