Ultimate Dating and Relationship Secrets Pack + 2 BONUSES!
Get 14 HOT products on Dating and Relationships, along with two Mystery BONUSES!
If you want to make money from the "Dating and Relationships" niche, then this package is for you! Listed below are the 14 products you will get as part of the package:
Product 1. 101 Great Ideas for Enhancing Your Love Life - with Private Label Rights:
42 pages - 11,468 Words!
Check out just SOME of the information you will find inside:
* 1 week in the life of a romantic! Check out this step by step, day by day guide that tells you exactly what you need to do to make your partner feel like they've met a brand new you. (Pages 4-6)
* The biggest myth in romance - follow this valuable advice and see your relationship soar off in a whole new direction. (Page 6)
* 7 "little things" you can do to make your special someone knows the fire is still alive. (Page 7)
* Discover the importance of the first kiss. You do NOT want to mess this one up. (Page 7)
* How to tell if they want to kiss you. Read this before you find yourself in an embarrassing situation. (Page 8)
* The secret to positioning yourself for the perfect (and comfortable) kiss. (Page 9)
* A tiny little trick for preparing your lips for a kiss that will make for a MUCH better experience. (Page 9)
* How to react smoothly immediately after the first kiss is finished. (Page 10)
* The secret reasons why men and women love kissing. (Page 10)
* 10 ground-breakers for flirting like a seasoned professional. (Pages 11-12)
* The secret meaning roses of different colors and varieties will tell your partner. Make sure you know what messages you are sending them! (Pages 13-14)
* 4 dynamite ways to help your man find his romantic side. (Pages 14-15)
* A little-used method for creating a regular, intimate, and romantic time for you and your partner that will make your relationship sizzle. (Page 16)
* 17 sure-fire ways to let your partner know you love and appreciate them. (Pages 16-18)
* 8 steps to breathing life into your relationship. (Pages 19-20)
* The secret to enhancing your relationship by loving yourself first. (Page 20)
* 39 everyday tips for enhancing the love in your relationship. Choose even just one of these to start moving things in the right direction. (Pages 21-26)
* 6 ways to show more affection starting now. (Page 26)
* 11 random acts of affection to surprise your partner with starting tomorrow. (Pages 27-28)
* 92 simple acts and activities to say I love you. Pick a few each day and watch as your relationship starts to come to life. (Pages 28-33)
* 11 clever ways to keep the love alive during a long distance relationship. (Pages 33-34)
* The secret power of using a nickname for your loved one. After you read this, you won't want to be without one. (Page 35)
* 44 nicknames for him or her - choose the one that best suits their personality! (Pages 35-38)
* The secret to sending your partner on a romantic scavenger hunt. (Page 38)
* 6 easy steps to creating a "fancy-shmanzy" romantic dinner for two. (Pages 38-40)
* 11 stimulating ideas for date night! Choose one to liven up your week. (Pages 40-42)
* 24 summer-time activities to refresh your relationship. (Pages 43-44)
* How to write a poem for your partner even if writing isn't your best skill. (Page 45)
* 5 steps to writing and leaving the perfect love letter for your partner. (Page 45)
* 26 creative places to leave a love letter and surprise your partner. (Pages 46-47)
* 2 sample love letters you can use to base your message on. (Pages 48-50)
And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction
2. The Face of Romance - Week in the Life of a True Romantic
3. Little Things Mean a Lot
4. Primary Colors of Romance
5. The Romance and Science of Kissing
6. Romance Fundaments - Primary Flirting
7. A Special Gift of Roses and Their Meanings
8. Guide your Man to Take the Romantic Lead
9. Nurture Romantic Rituals
10. The Many Expressions of Love
11. New Hope for a Tired Relationship
12. Be More Affectionate
13. Show Random Acts of Affection
14. Simple Ways to Enhance your Love Life
15. Honor your Long-Distance Relationships
16. Create a Romantic Nickname
17. Creative Planning
-Fun and Games
18. Creative Date Night Ideas
19. Just for Summer
20. The Art of Writing a Love Letter
21. Place your Love Notes in Creative Places
22. Openly Express your Love
Product 2. 101 Steps to A Happy Relationship - with Master Resell Rights:
There are hundreds of things you can do to better your relationship. To help get you headed in the right direction, "101 Steps to A Happy Relationship" gives you 101 ways to build, strengthen, and enhance your relationship.
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction
2. Start Over
3. Schedule Time
4. The Power of Touch
5. Surprise
6. Needed Space
7. No Debates
8. Filler Talk
9. Re-establish Old Traditions
10. Predictability
11. Communicate
12. A Night of Passion
13. Dinner Party
14. Happy Birthday
15. Secret Getaway
16. Special Greeting
17. Just Because
18. Say it with Words
19. Cuddle Time
20. Breakfast in Bed
21. Make the Men Feel Good
22. Make the Women Feel Good
23. That Kiss
24. Be Kind to One Another
25. Special Hobby
26. Listen - Really Listen
27. Be a Kid
28. All Decked Out
29. Showing Love
30. Split the Responsibility
31. Love Means Having to Say You Are Sorry
32. Be Yourself
33. Maintain Your Health
34. Compliment - A Lot
35. Realistic Expectations
36. Leave the Baggage Behind
37. Do Not Repeat, Do Not Repeat, Do Not Repeat
38. Go on a Date
39. Memory Box
40. Keep the Kids Out of It
41. Listen to How You Talk
42. Making Love
43. Turn the Computer Off
44. Follow Tradition
45. Control Your Anger
46. Financial Woes
47. I Forgive You
48. Fighting No-No
49. Strong Family Ties
50. Mentoring
51. 12-Month Calendar
52. Something Handmade
53. Favorite Meal
54. Trip to the Pound
55. Day at the Movies
56. A Walk in the Park
57. Name a Star
58. Coupon Book
59. Dinner by the Fire
60. Scavenger Hunt
61. Photo Album
62. The Art of Gift Giving
63. Family History
64. A Day at the Spa
65. Charity
66. Thunderstorms
67. Take Pride in Yourself
68. No Jealousy Allowed
69. Keep in Touch
70. Host a Halloween Party
71. Special Music
72. New Adventures
73. Adopt a Family
74. Getting Married
75. Motivate Each Other
76. Embrace Change
77. Reap What You Sow
78. Board Games
79. No Interference
80. Adore your Mate
81. Follow Your Instincts
82. Be Creative
83. Make Eye Contact
84. Learn More about Your Mate
85. Change Routines
86. Dance
87. Sunrise/Sunset
88. Explorations
89. To Tell or Not to Tell
90. Respect Privacy
91. No Place for Abuse
92. Open Your Eyes
93. The Grass is NOT Greener!
94. Start a Journal
95. Be Flexible
96. Cut out the Excuses
97. Spirituality
98. Learn to be Successful
99. Work and Home Do Not Mingle
100. Encourage Friendships
101. Confidentiality
Product 3. A Man's Guide To Surviving A Divorce: How To Rebuild Your Life After Divorce - with Master Resell Rights:
There is no greater emotional pain that can be inflicted upon a man than the announcement by his wife that she wants a divorce.
If you are at this point in your life right now, it is of the utmost importance that you understand, that you can recover and that you will recover. And that this is in reality an opportunity for you to attain real and total happiness.
This guide is here to help you.
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction - A Few Things You Might Think About Doing
2. The Basic Steps To Recovering From A Divorce
3. How To Rebuild Your Life After A Divorce
4. How To Rebuild Your Self-Esteem After A Divorce
5. How To Regain Your Self-Confidence After A Divorce
6. How To Reorganize For Happiness After A Divorce
Product 4: Dating Resource Report - with Master Resell Rights:
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
Chapter 1: Flirting 101 - 10 Tips to Make
- Lock Eyes
- Smile
-Be a Vampire's Best Friend
-Preen Like A Peacock
-Lip Service
-Cross Your Legs (Women)
-Square Your Shoulders (Men)
-Let Your Feet Do The Talking
-Be a Mimic
-Focus, Focus, Focus
Chapter 2: Art Of Kissing Single Women On A First Date
Chapter 3: 5 Sex Tips On How To Make Love To Single Women And Become A Better Lover
Chapter 4: How To Overcome Your Shyness When Approaching Single Women In Nightclubs
Chapter 5: How To Get Over The Fear Of Dating
Chapter 6: Relationship Choices - Do We Have The Right Knowledge?
Product 5: Guide To Online Dating and Matchmaking - with Private Label Rights:
57 pages - 13,728 Words!
Are you ready to find a budding romance online?
Discover The Secrets of Finding Your "ONE and ONLY" with Online Dating Services!
"Guide to Online Dating and Matchmaking!"
Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:
* Learn why the days of judging people by appearance are over. (Page 2)
* Understand why sex takes a backseat to many other factors in a relationship. (Page 10)
* Discover how online dating is just a NEW approach to an OLD tradition. (Page 5)
* Find out what is appropriate for small talk and what is off limits. (Page 41)
* Realize that none of James Bonds relationships worked anyway... and how that applies to you and your relationships. (Page 15)
* Understand what you need to stay guarded about when you first get to know each other. (Page 42)
* Learn 4 ways to tell if someone is lying to you or not. (Page 43)
* Realize that searching for FRIENDS online can get you the best results. (Page 21)
* Understand why sex should be your LAST concern. (Page 22)
* Find out the four reasons why online dating is so popular. (Page 7)
* Learn the fundamental need of man and the most popular way to achieve it. (Page 9)
* Understand why the line, This is me whether you like it or not, can come from insecurity and how it affects your image. (Page 24)
* Understand why putting together a profile of yourself is serious business. (Page 25)
* Learn when the appropriate time to meet someone in person is and some tips for setting it up. (Page 45)
* Find out why lunch is better than dinner for a first date. (Page 46)
* Realize how people can get to know each other before even meeting... making the chances of success even greater! (Page 6)
* Realize why it's so important that a couple have the same intentions. (Page 9)
* Realize that online dating can save you money. (Page 13)
* Discover how to make sure you're on their mind AFTER the date. (Page 47)
* Understand why looks are only important in non-serious relationships. (Page 17)
* Understand why the first thing to do is NOT run straight for a singles chat room. (Page 15)
* Learn a new respect for the phrase, beauty is only skin deep. (Page 16)
* Understand that individual interests are not as diverse as human beings... and why that's a BIG plus for everyone. (Page 18)
* Learn what makes a good handle and which ones to avoid! ex. MEGASTUD! (Page 33)
* Learn why you should NOT be on your best behavior. (Page 20)
* Understand why it's best to plan before you start searching for a partner. (Page 14)
* Find out which personal characteristic is better left unshared between two people. (Page 18)
* Realize the potential downfalls when your description of yourself is too vague. (Page 31)
* Understand why you should be completely honest with potential partners. (Page 32)
* Learn to keep track of multiple prospects information without embarrassing yourself. (You: Hi Mary. Them: My names Sarah.) (Page 40)
* Learn how to look at yourself as a unique person - separate from the pack. (Page 34)
* Learn the value of knowing what you DISLIKE. (Page 19)
* Find out who should be paying for the first date. It's not who you might think. (Page 49)
* Learn how you should or should not behave in chat rooms to get your desired results. (Page 14)
* Discover what is Charming and what is not... this may surprise you. (Page 52)
* Learn how to handle yourself if you're dating more than one person! (Page 50)
* Learn to pay attention to a few special things when preparing for your first real-world date. (Page 50)
* Understand why no one is complete without a partner. (Page 11)
* Understand how and when to be modest... but more importantly, how and when NOT to be modest. (Page 27)
* Learn how to use words to make yourself stand out from the crowd. (Page 30)
* Learn what words will bore otherwise interested suitors. (Page 31)
* Learn what factors to consider when supplying your picture. (Page 26)
* Discover why keeping your options open is very important to you and any future relationships. (Page 55)
* Realize how similar online dating can be to offline dating. (Page 11)
* Find out what personality type you are and how to use that knowledge for your benefit. (Page 35)
* Find out if you should bring a gift to your first contact... and what to do if they do not. (Page 53)
* Learn the best ways to end a relationship online. (Page 56)
And there is MUCH more - guaranteed!
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Why You Need To Know More
2. Tastes Differ
3. What Makes Online Dating So Different?
4. The Magic Of The Internet
5. How Did Online Dating Become So Popular?
6. Be Clear About What You Want
7. Marriage Versus A Casual Relationship
8. Dating Comes From A Fundamental Need
9. Online Dating Is Here To Stay
10. Online Dating: How To Get The Most Out Of It
11. Step 1: Getting Started
-Where Do You Start?
-More Than Looks
-Common Interests
-What Interests You In A Person?
-Key Word Searches
-Likes Versus Dislikes
-Friends First
-Mr. Right And Ms. Wrong
12. Step 2: Making Yourself Look Like A Million Dollars
-The Dream Profile
-The Face In The Mirror
-The Modesty Pitfall
-The Braggart Pitfall
-The Hackneyed Pitfall
-The Boredom Pitfall
-The Vagueness Pitfall
-The Web Of Deceit
-Your Alter Ego
-Brevity Is Key
-You Are Unique
-The Animal Test
13. Step 3: Letting The Relationship Blossom
-Nicknames And Pet Names
-Helping Your Memory
-Small Talk
-Beware Of Instant Intimacy
-4 Ways To Tell If Someone Is Lying
14. Step 4: Meeting Face To Face
-The Rendezvous
-Leaving Your Mark Behind
-Clothes Maketh A Man (Or Woman)
-Footing The Bill
-Many Dates
-Offline Dating: How To Make That Great Impression
-The Secret Is Charm
15. Step 5: Once Bitten
16. Signing Off
Product 6: Guides To Surviving A Divorce: For Men and Women - with Master Resell Rights:
There is no greater emotional pain that can be inflicted on someone than the announcement by your partner that they want a divorce.
Even if both of you have "seen it coming" for some time, and the idea of it comes as no big surprise, the actual words still hit like a bomb exploding in head. It's really over!
If you're at this point in your life right now - help is at hand.
"Divorce - The Self Help Guide For Men" -
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction - A Few Things You Might Think About Doing
2. The Basic Steps To Recovering From A Divorce
3. How To Rebuild Your Life After A Divorce
4. How To Rebuild Your Self-Esteem After A Divorce
5. How To Regain Your Self-Confidence After A Divorce
6. How To Reorganize For Happiness After A Divorce
"Divorce - The Self Help Guide For Women" -
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction - A Few Things You Might Think About Doing
2. The Basic Steps To Recovering From A Divorce
3. How To Rebuild Your Life After A Divorce
4. How To Rebuild Your Self-Esteem After A Divorce
5. How To Regain Your Self-Confidence After A Divorce
6. How To Reorganize For Happiness After A Divorce
These guides will help you regain your self confidence, and be the kind of person you want to be - to set your sights on becoming and attaining all your ambitions - and to do what's really necessary to fulfill your dreams.
You will also learn how to take stock of your present situation; lay out a "game plan" for what kind of life you want; and start moving in a positive direction even if you have to force yourself and it will give you back the ability to make new friends and enjoy yourself.
Product 7: Healthy Dating and Relationship Tips - with Master Resell Rights:
Ever have a little difficulty with dates - finding them, keeping them and communicating with them? Or how about relationships in general - how to tell if you're in a good one or bad one? Or maybe you know someone else who struggles with these issues?
Inside this guide, you will:
- Find information about the basics of "love" and relationships between people, in laymen's term.
- Learn the Basic Techniques of Relationship Building
- Uncover information about Body Language and learn to read it!
- Learn how to build bridges and handle conflict with others.
- Take a look at how to be a little more cordial.
- Learn about the ABCs of Healthy, Happy Relationships.
- Improve your support system with our resources. Online and off combine help for 24/7.
- Print out our Relationship Tips to keep handy and use as a checklist.
- Improve your communications with our NETIQUETTE tips.
- Print out our Conflict Management steps to use during your next fight.
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction To Relationships
2. Back to Basics: Body Language Briefing
3. ABC's of Healthy, Happy Relationships
4. ABC's of Unhealthy, Sad Relationships
5. Dating & Relationship Resources
6. Dating & Relationship Tips
7. Online Dating
8. Lowdown on Long Lasting Love
9. Self-Help Guide
10. Addendum: Generic Budget Worksheet
Product 8: How to Find Your Match - with Private Label Rights:
55 pages - 11,966 Words!
Discover The Secrets To Finding, Meeting And Connecting With Others Through Online Means - Dating, Relationships, Even Marriage - and SO MUCH MORE!
Here is just SOME of the proven matchmaking tips you'll find inside:
* 3 Internet tools that have taken the place of drowned out barroom conversations which almost never win a date. (Page 5)
* How online matchmaking sites have made YOU the decision maker. (Page 6)
* The 4 keys to "anonymous dating," or looking over your options without the embarrassment. (Pages 8-9)
* The 19 largest matchmaking websites on the Internet. (They're so big, it'd be nearly impossible NOT to find someone.) (Pages 10-13)
* The 9 step system every successful online match follows. (Pages 13-14)
* 5 tips for optimizing your chances for success at matchmaking and online dating. (Pages 14-15)
* 5 main methods for meeting a partner online. (Page 15)
* How to protect yourself from con artists, thieves and other scum. (Page 18)
* Any easy way to protect yourself from spammers and spyware. (Page 19)
* 42 links and resources for Internet dating and narrowed down dating services (like for Greeks, Christians and locals). (Pages 20-28)
* Here's how to find out which dating sites REALLY are having the most success with matchmaking. (Pages 28-29)
* 13 Do's and Don'ts of online dating. (Pages 29-30)
* The top 6 matchmaking websites, period. (This is where you're the most likely to have success.) (Pages 30-31)
* 3 common worries most ALL people experience when first trying out online matchmaking. (Page 31)
* 10 reasons why online matchmaking and dating is for real - and here to stay. (Pages 32-33)
* A simple, 5-step system for identifying, finding, and keeping a match made online. (Pages 33-34)
* 6 tips for avoiding liars, crazies and anyone you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. (Pages 34-35)
* 4 ways to keep online dating safe. (Page 36)
* 15 steps to launching a successful matchmaking search that works for almost everyone. (Pages 37-43)
* How long should you wait before you meet your online match face-to-face? See how thousands of other online daters have voted on that topic and many more. (Pages 44-47)
* 11 reasons to "question" what your match is telling you. (Pages 47-48)
And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!
"How to Find Your Match"
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction and Foreword
2. What is match-making and online dating?
3. Definitions and different types/formats of match-making and online dating
4. Who chooses match-making, online dating and why do people opt for it?
5. Where to look for match-making, online dating and what you are most likely to find there - Links and Resources
6. DOs and DO NOTs for match-making and online dating
7. How to go about launching your own match-making and online dating campaign or search
8. Success-stories, Testimonials, FAQ's
9. CAUTION, BEWARE AND ALERTS for match-making and online dating
10. Conclusion
11. Additional Online Sources
Product 9: How To Seduce Women: GUARANTEED - with Private Label Rights:
54 pages - 10,103 Words!
Discover Simple Tricks THAT WORK GANGBUSTERS For Picking Up Chicks And Keeping Them!
"How To Seduce Women - GUARANTEED!"
Here is just SOME of the important info you'll find inside:
* What women want. Know this and they WILL WANT YOU! (Page 5)
* How to Present Yourself as the KEY to her DESIRES. (Pages 5-6)
* 5 Things she is thinking when you approach her. (Pages 6-7)
* One trait that a woman will never overlook. Every man can have it. (Pages 9-10)
* Four Steps to overcome paralyzing fear. (Pages 10-11)
* Preparations to approaching the women of YOUR DREAMS. (Pages 11-12)
* How to appear SUPER-CONFIDENT - It is different than bragging. (Pages 12-13)
* Opportunities to practice. Steps to Practice to Perfection (page 15)
* Why Women Will Definitely Want to Date YOU! (Page 15)
* The Myth about Beautiful Woman. You Can Easily Approach Them.(pages 15-16)
* Secrets to dating multiple women. (Page 16)
* Location? Atmosphere? Find Out the Best for YOU. (Page 17)
* Common Obstacles to Work Through (page 18)
* Make it FUN and Easy. Enjoy yourself to success. (Page 19)
* How to take the lead in the Dating Game. She'll admire you for it. (Page 20)
* Making Your Appearance Count. Grooming points that impress women. (Page 20)
* 5 Steps to Flirting Your way to Her Telephone Number. (Pages 24-32)
* How to avoid the "just a FRIEND" trap! (Page 29)
* Why and how you should touch her right away. (Page 31)
* Common Blunders that turn women off instantly. (Page 32)
* How and when to call her. Should you leave a message? (Pages 40)
* Smoothly get from flirting, to her number, to an actual date. (Pages 35-40)
* How to meet a women Online. (Page 43)
* From Flirting Online to Meeting in Person. (Pages 44-46)
* Get Girls by Being Yourself (page 49)
And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction
2. Chapter 1: Men Don't Get Women: The Real Problem Lies Here
-What You Have To Learn
3. Chapter 2: A Lack Of Confidence Got You Down?
-Do You Have Enough Confidence?
-Strategies For Confidence
4. Chapter 3: The Ability To Flirt: It Will Define Your Success
-Learning To Flirt: Steps To Success
-Step 1: Learn About The Girl
-Step 2: Take It Easy
-Step 3: Flirt With Her
-Step 4: The All Important Touch
-Step 5: Know The No's
-When Time Is Short
5. Chapter 4: Getting From Flirting To Asking Her Out
-Tips To Get The Conversation Rolling
-Leave On A High Note With Her Number
6. Chapter 5: Get A Woman Online
-Where And How
-Flirting Online
-Moving On
7. Conclusion
Product 10: Man's Guide To Success With Women - with Master Resell Rights:
You are about to learn exactly what women find absolutely irresistible in a man and what you can easily do to stay on the mind of virtually every girl you meet!
"Man's Guide To Success With Women"
Here is just a small taste of what you are about to discover:
* Why online dating is one of the easiest ways to meet beautiful women if you are shy and afraid of face to face rejection (more and more women are choosing the safe environment of online dating sites as a way to meet men).
* The qualities every woman no matter the race or age looks for and find absolutely irresistible in men. These qualities are not something you're born with, in fact they are extremely easy to get!
* The absolute most important rules of attraction. If you don't understand this, you are never going to be successful with women, no matter what you look like or how much money you have.
* How to easily get rid of your fear of approaching and meeting women! This is something a lot of us guys have a problem with, and yet it is so easy to overcome.
* How to become a first date professional. You'll need to learn this if you are planning on using this guide properly...because you will be going on a lot of first dates!
* Everything you need to know about using online dating sites the right way! From the first contact all the way to getting her to want to meet up with you.
* A guaranteed way to get her begging you for a second date. You won't believe how powerful yet simple this technique is!
* How To Honestly Date Multiple Women At The Same Time With No One Getting Hurt In The Process (if you are looking to have fun but at the same time don't want to hurt anyone this is something you absolutely must know).
* Why most women would rather have a "bad boy" instead of a nice caring guy that's always there for her. And how you can be that "bad boy" without actually being bad.
* Why catering to her every need from the moment you meet her will absolutely kill your chances of being anything more than her "talking friend".
* Why compliments will not always get you past the pickup line, and how to really get a woman's attention when approaching her.
* Why what you think women want and what you have always been told women want (even by other women) is one of the biggest reasons most men's chances of sweeping a beautiful woman of her feet are next to nothing.
* The 7 or so things women are really looking for when they meet a man. This is exactly what 95 of men out there are missing when they are trying to pick up girls.
* The 14 essential rules you should always follow when dating. Follow these rules and your troubles with women are sure to disappear.
* List of the hottest online dating websites that will help you get a date every day of the week!
* The complete guide to having a successful first date. Including where to go, how long to stay, what to talk about and how to behave.
* The 4 things you should never talk about or even mention on a first date (bring this stuff up and you'll ruin everything!).
* Easy ways to tell if a woman is truly interested in you or just being nice.
* Easy ways to defeat your shyness and fear of approaching women that actually work!
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Why Internet Dating Is Great!
2. Understanding What Women Are Attracted To
3. The Qualities Women Find Attractive In Men
4. Dating Rules You Must Follow!
5. Finding An Online Dating Site That's Right For You
6. The Art Of Seductive Text
7. Communication That Gets "Results"
8. First Date!
9. Controlling The Relationship
10. Date Different Women
11. Defeating Your Shyness
12. Is She Interested In ME?
13. How To Beat Shyness
14. Conclusion
BONUS #1: First Date Ideas: Not sure what to do on your first date? This little e-book will give you all the ideas you need!
BONUS #2: Keeping Up With What's Cool: Stay in touch with what's cool and hip! Including music, clothing and more!
Chapters Covered in This Bonus Report are as Follows:
1. Clothing
2. Websites
3. Music
4. One More Thing I Want To Touch On
Product 11: Men's Quick Start Guide to Dating Women - with Private Label Rights:
68 pages - 23,880 Words!
Discover How YOU Can Transform Yourself Into An Irresistible Chick Magnet - And Gain The Ability To Date Any HOT Women At Will!
"Men's Quick Start Guide to Dating Women - Get the Woman You've Always Wanted, Even if You Haven't Dated Before!"
In this report, you will discover:
* How you can pick up any tantalizing hot women at will!
* Why good looks, wealth and big time career DOESN'T necessarily equate to being surrounded by chicks! (Hint: the ugly guys whom you see at the shopping mall are hanging out with hot girls - and you're going to find out what they know that you don't!)
* The one secret you must unlock if you want to be able to pick up the woman of your dreams!
* How to make your next date a success - whether it's your first time in the dating scene or have failed miserably in the past!
* What it takes to transform yourself into a super irresistible chick magnet!
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
- Introduction
- What do You Want?
-Waiting to Meet Ms. Perfect
- How to be Romantic
- Mind Your Appearance!
- Women Love Confident Men
- What do Women Really, Really Want
- Where to Meet Women to Date
- Which Women to Date
-Where to Go on Your First Date Together
- What to Talk on a Date
- The 5 Deadly Dating Mistakes
- Who Pays for What?
- The EI Factor
- How to Flirt Effectively
- How to Know Your Date is Flirting with You, Too
- Understand What Women Really Want in a Man
- Confidence is Vital
- Know What You are Looking For
- Don't Judge a Book, or a Woman, by the Cover
- Attitude Counts
- Women Want to Feel Special
- Be Sensitive without Losing Your Manhood
- Set the Mood, Don't Wait for it to Come Along
- Listen More, Talk Less
- Find Out as Much as You Can
- Same Situation, Different Perspective
- In Closing
-Reality Check
-Recommended Resources
Product 12: Online Dating Guide For Men - with Master Resell Rights:
Dating Is Not Always A Fair Game - Find Out EXACTLY What Women REALLY Want!
Give Me 15 Minutes And I'll Show You How To Have Scores Of The Exact Type Of Women You Like To Date - Within Hours - With the Power of Online Dating!
"Online Dating Guide For Men"
Here's a taste of what you'll discover:
* Why women no matter of age, sex or race look for the exact same type of qualities in men they date - In this chapter I explain the unwritten law of attraction. If you don't understand this, you are never going to be successful with women, no matter what you look like or how much money you have.
* How to get rid of your fear of approaching and meeting hot women - You can be as cool as a cucumber when you're chatting to these women online, but if you don't bring your A game to the table on the first date, it's all over red rover. But don't worry, after reading this chapter, you will never worry about being a jittery mess again, scouts honor.
* How to get women literally obsessing over your online profile and jumping to contact you first - The worst thing you can do to hinder your online dating chances is to write a "me too" type profile like every other guy online. Women (yes, even the less attractive women) are literally hounded by men on these sites and are sick of the same old boring profiles. I even give you online dating profile examples you can steal as your own!
* Learn how to write email follow-ups that get women's attention and you on a first date - The worst mistake you can make is giving up too much info too quickly and not asking for a date straight away. If you do this, you will end up becoming best friends with these women and not potential mates.
* How to get a woman's phone number fast using instant chat services like MSN - Online dating is a step by step process and if this step is not working for you, you will never get a date. If you can't get a woman's phone number, quickly and confidently, you're dead in the water and some other guy will take the girl away from you again.
* You will learn the complete step by step process I use to this day to get more dates in a week then any guy I know - The most successful guys I know use a 9 step guide when it comes to online dating and that's what I show you in this book in detail. NOTHING is left out at all! From step 1 "Learning the laws of attraction", to step 9, "How to date multiple women".
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. How To Use This Guide
-What This Guide Is About And Who It's For
2. Chapter 1 - Why Internet Dating?
-My Story
3. Chapter 2 - Step 1: Understanding The Law Of Attraction!
-What Qualities Do Women Find Attractive In Men?
-Hard And Fasting Dating Rules You Must Follow At All Times - The Right Attitude To Have Towards Women, Dating And Life!
-Personal Life
It's Alright To Have Faults And Be Yourself - You Have My Permission To Make Mistakes
4. Chapter 3 - Step 2: Find 3 Online Dating Sites To Put Your Online Profile On
5. Chapter 4 - Step 3: How To Write A Killer Online Profile With Samples!
-Bad Guy Profile
-Nice Guy Profile
-A Profile For The Older Gent Or Men Who Want To Attract Younger Women
6. Chapter 5 - Step 4: Learn To Write Effective Email Follow-ups
-Example Subject Headings
7. Chapter 6 - Step 5: Learn How To Use Instant Messaging With Success
8. Chapter 7 - Step 6: Learn How To Use The Phone With Success
9. Chapter 8 - Step 7: Meet Up For The First Time And Be Confident!
10. Chapter 9 - Step 8: Control The Pace Of The Relationship
11. Chapter 10 - Step 9: Date Multiple Women
12. Bonus Article 1: How To Beat Shyness
13. Bonus Article 2: How To Walk With Confidence
Product 13: Shy Guy's Guide To Success With Women - with Master Resell Rights:
One of the biggest (if not THE biggest) reasons a lot of men have trouble with approaching and picking up women they like is because they are way too nervous to look a girl in the eye, let alone approach her and tell her the way they feel.
And that is exactly where the "Shy Guy's Guide To Success With Women" comes in. This great guide does NOT teach what every other seduction guide teaches; instead it focuses on the truly important information - exactly how to defeat anxiety and nervousness when approaching women.
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction
-Simple Facts About Women
2. What Are You Telling To Yourself?
3. Building Your Confidence
4. Conversations And Body Language
-Common Questions you could ask
-Now for some not so Common Questions you could ask
5. Proper Breathing
6. Importance Of Exercise
7. Keeping The Negativity Out
-Diversion Tactics you could use
8. Conclusion
BONUS: Signs Of Attraction!
Chapters Covered in This Bonus Report are as Follows:
1. Introduction
2. Eye Contact
3. Her Posture
4. Playing with and touching of hair
5. Hands in pocket
6. Rubbing hands together
Product 14: The Player's Guide To Picking-Up Women - with Master Resell Rights:
Stop Chasing After Women, and Let the Women Chase You!
Learn Proven, Secret Techniques That Will Make Ladies Fall in Love With You Every Single Time!
"The Player's Guide To Picking-Up Women"
Here is just a small taste of what you are about to discover:
* The incredible psychological techniques proven through scientific research on how to make any woman fall madly in love for you
* The amazing secret to getting over shyness around women
* Stunning psychological discovery that reveals what all women want
* You'll immediately become so seductive that women will actually feel themselves falling for you!
* A Seduction System that takes you from saying hello to a new woman to sharing orgasms in bed
* The absolute most important rules of attraction.
* How to become a first date professional. You'll need to learn this if you are planning on using this guide properly
* Things women are really looking for when they meet a man.
* Why online dating is one of the easiest ways to meet beautiful women
Plus, so much more!
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. The #1 Secret to Attracting Women
2. Do Ladies Find YOU Attractive?
3. Practicing Your Inner Charm
4. Set the Bait and Let Her Come to YOU
5. Don't Just Sit There - Call Her Up!
6. The First Encounter, The First Date
7. 20 Golden Dating Rules
8. Getting To Know The Person In Front Of You!
9. It's Now or Never
10. The Power of Patience
11. Leadership within the Relationship
12. Dating Different Women
13. Getting into Internet Dating Scene
14. Which Dating Site to Choose From
15. How to Make an Attractive Online Profile
BONUS: Dating Handbook - Want Original and Traditional Date Ideas? This hand books gives you quality dating information you need!
Chapters Covered in This Bonus Report are as Follows:
1. Dinner At Your Place
2. Amusement Parks
3. Camping
4. Dinner Theatre
5. Go-Carts
6. Horse Races Or Dog Races
7. Ice Skating
8. Jet Skis
9. Kite Flying
10. Kite Flying
11. Moonlight Strolls
Here is A Summary of Everything You will Get in This Package:
Product 1. 101 Great Ideas for Enhancing Your Love Life - with Private Label Rights
Product 2. 101 Steps to A Happy Relationship - with Master Resell Rights
Product 3. A Man's Guide To Surviving A Divorce: How To Rebuild Your Life After Divorce - with Master Resell Rights
Product 4. Dating Resource Report - with Master Resell Rights
Product 5. Guide To Online Dating and Matchmaking - with Private Label Rights
Product 6. Guides To Surviving A Divorce: For Men and Women - with Master Resell Rights
Product 7. Healthy Dating and Relationship Tips - with Master Resell Rights
Product 8. How to Find Your Match - with Private Label Rights
Product 9. How To Seduce Women: GUARANTEED - with Private Label Rights
Product 10. Man's Guide To Success With Women - with Master Resell Rights
Product 11. Men's Quick Start Guide to Dating Women - with Private Label Rights
Product 12. Online Dating Guide For Men - with Master Resell Rights
Product 13. Shy Guy's Guide To Success With Women - with Master Resell Rights
Product 14. The Player's Guide To Picking-Up Women - with Master Resell Rights
To make the deal even sweeter for you, we are even including two announced bonuses with it! Only those who purchase this product from us would be able to get the bonuses at NO cost!
So what are you waiting for? Order today.
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