MP3 Tones - PoP Autonomy
From rock and roll DR Dolly-to the slow ballad Too Late this CD''s songs are melodic,wired and pleasingly diverse.
13 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, URBAN/R&B: Rhythm & Blues
TONES *Pop Autonomy*
Canadian music Artist "Tones" now has a second INDIE CD release. Tones is a singer song writer/musician who hails from Hawkestone, Ont. Canada. It’s the latest roost after 30 years in the central Queen st. district of Toronto. Wild on the streets since 16 Tones has played through the punk era * ARSON*, all the clubs and did a short stint as a founding member of BoysBrigade on Anthem/Capitol for 4 years. Toured with Stray Cats,Gang Of Four,Romantics and billed with Pretenders at the CNE Colliseum are some of the shows he’s proud to have done.
His new CD Pop Autonomy rocks with a distinct guitar edge. It has both mischievous rock energy, and warmth in the lyrics and vocal work.
Tones character is ingrained in Yeh Yeh Yeh a track that features the wang bar and jagged rhythm accompaniment on electric guitar. Signature Tones styling graces (especially) in this track.
Pop Autonomy the title meaning an open free spirit in creating pop music. The songs are born through real events and moments of experience including fantasy. They unfold with multiple instruments and melodic continuity. It has 60''s and 70''s elements and helps keep that melodic era on top.
About the tracks and words.
Tones equates the results to day to day inspirations.
Tones PoP Autonomy track by track at the link below:
About the artist?
Today more a writer....mischievous but true to the roots of pop.
Tones rocks but is not smothered by it.
Its clear there is love and respect emitting from his writing and it’s laced through out the music. Tones has a flair for rhythm, the wang bar, arpeggio''s and finger picking to accompany creative vocal work. “Most song writers will tell you it just comes out of the sky!
But it takes tons of work to record and produce the tracks to a finished state. There is no 3rd party here. Its from me to you. With a little love cause that’s the way I feel it. Your feedback is the only outside element. If there is none then its all me. I don’t like that so much, so https://www.tradebit.comns say something. Get out of the dull drums baby and take a poke at me.
I realize every one has an idea of what is great, maybe I’m not but I’ll keep working on producing something from me to you that will work for you one day.
Blues is great!! ---To all the requests for me to be like so and so, or play some blues? I don’t have the blues. So and so may be the one to go to for that?
I play my own kind of music”
Now with 24 tracks between 2 CD''s Tones is breaking ground with a relaxed style of writing and production.
Tones 1st RELEASE: "From The Shadows" 1/2006 pop music with a diverse style field. INDIE
Tones 2nd RELEASE: “PoP Autonomy” 6/2007 also INDIE.
Such is the way of the music BIZ for buyers and artists. It’s a healthy direct to the artist experience. I quite like it.
So jam a track you like or respect for what ever reason into your player. Write the artist and say why you like it. Get involved.....Tones welcomes you.
PoP AUTONOMY is Tones defined ......... W:AJ 6/2007