MP3 Pando Babies/ Felix Pando - Loving Babies
Pando Babies nourishes babies with musical harmonies that engage their listening ability and enhance their intellectual development.
13 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music, KIDS/FAMILY: Lullabies
This Series has a foundation in two important areas. First, in humans, the ear is the first sensory organ to develop, and it is fully functional four and a half months before a baby is born. Second, the classical music is focused on formal styles and demands focused attention from the listener. If both facts are analyzed, there will be no doubt that this music is suitable for babies.
The formal and complex construction of classical music is important in the development of a baby’s brain. Its elements—tones, harmonies, and melodies—are beneficial to them, because babies will hear not only the beauty in this music, they will also be nourished through the ears, their brain, and their imagination.
Pando has produced music for babies for almost 20 years. In Pando Babies, he uses instruments such as viola, violin, music box, and flute with the appropriate frequencies for a baby‘s delicate hearing, and at the same time helps to enhance and support the network of neurons, which is the starting point for their future learning processes.
Pando Babies nourishes babies with musical harmonies that engage their listening ability and enhance their intellectual development.