MP3 Degenerate Art Ensemble - Cuckoo Crow
Experimental, jazz, punk, classical, indie, rock, dance, butoh
8 MP3 Songs
JAZZ: Weird Jazz, ROCK: Punk
Degenerate Art Ensemble
A performance company that through hyper-experimental music and dance transforms traditional genres into multi-dimensional explosive and expressive works. This hard-edged, delicate and complex visual music and dance performance company has earned rave reviews throughout the US and Europe. A performance company that reflects our multi-faceted and multi-dimensional culture today.
DAE’s work ranges from full theatrical stage productions to intimate concerts, always invading all of the senses and the depths of the imagination.
Transformations Evolutions Collaborations Inventions
DAE is known to morph and transform – a dance company, punk/jazz band, a 45 piece orchestra - the group never losing its ability to electrify an audience and create experiences that bring audiences to new territories of perception. At its core DAE’s key artists are constantly in a state of invention and re-invention – always guided by a strong unified creative vision.
Music Dance Physical Theater Performance Art
Degenerate Art Ensemble harnesses the forces of visionary choreography and rich, complex, visceral composed and improvised music – creating music driven dance theater and intensely visual music performance.
Theaters Spaces Stages Festivals Galleries
All of DAE’s dance theater works, from small chamber versions, to full main-stage productions, are performed with rich live music – the musicians visually and theatrically integrated into the works. Many of DAE’s works are available in both chamber and main stage versions.