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Acquire An Honest Attorney - Quality PLR Download

Acquire An Honest Attorney - Quality PLR Download
Have you ever thought of the fact that you may need an attorney in the future for a business situation?

What would you do if someone sued you and you had absolutely no idea what to do next?

If you've ever had one of these questions race through your head along with visions of losing everything you've worked for, this letter will help you gain "peace of mind"...

Take Back Your Business & Asset Security And Protect Yourself From A Business Disaster!

From: Your Name Here
Date:  Friday, September 28, 2012

Dear Friend,

This letter is going to go over an often neglected and always underestimated tool that you need to have in your business no matter how big or small.

Did you know that business disasters happen every day to good people just like me and you?

This doesn't make us a bad person but what happens when a legal issue comes into play is usually a pretty sad and gut wrenching experience.

More often that not, business disasters result in the business owner losing everything!  I'm not just talking about the business and all their inventory.

I'm talking about their home, cars and even the money directly out of any retirement, savings or investment accounts that they may have had.

In many situations people are left with less than nothing.

How can something like this happen?

The business owner didn't have any legal advise or anyone looking out for them and their interests!  And even if they do get legal representation at the last minute, the attorney is usually not a very good one and just the slickest advertiser that got their attention.

I'm here to tell you that this doesn't need to happen to you!  You can find a legal advisor that will protect you 24 hours a day and you don't need to pay him until you use his services!  Even if you never use him, you still have him there ready to pounce like a pit-bull.

A good Internet business attorney is your ticket to helping you protect the money and the time you've already put in to your business now and in the future!


Everything You Need To Know About Business Attorneys Is Contained In My New Guide!

What exactly should you be looking for in an attorney?

There are many characteristics you should be searching for when choosing an attorney 

You are about to learn the most important information you could possibly get your hands on when beginning a business!  "Acquire An Honest Attorney" shows you step by step exactly how to find these incredibly important facts you must know, when talking to prospective attorneys and how to make those facts work for you in the form of a competent, professional attorney that will do a great job for you.

Are you ready to learn exactly how to protect YOUR money & your business?

Then you're ready for "Acquire An Honest Attorney!"

Signup now to get our 5 day e-course that includes the most important facts and details you must know about using attorneys effectively and profitably!

* Your name and email address will not be sold, shared or disclosed to anyone. We promise to respect your privacy *

Acquire An Honest Attorney Contains The Step By Step Guidance That Will Protect Your Business!

Inside this amazing book you will find a complete collection of information you need to find and retain a great attorney, such as:

Understanding what a good attorney does...

Selecting the best one for your business...

The most common mistake people make when selecting attorneys and how to avoid it...

Exactly what an attorney can do for your business...

The most important steps to avoid in working with an attorney...

This is just a sampling of the critical information NOBODY ELSE CAN PROVIDE!

Only "Acquire An Honest Attorney" contains EVERYTHING you need to get started, choose the right attorney, and run your business effectively!

Other guides might promise to teach you about using attorneys, but they simply cannot deliver on that promise in the same way that "Acquire An Honest Attorney" has been tested and proven to deliver. In other words, their promises are misleading and empty. 

Do you want to know the real truth?

Do you want to learn the how, why, and what about attorneys and what they can do for you?

I can't believe how much I learned from just the first couple of chapters in this book! And after reading through the rest of "Acquire An Honest Attorney" I learned everything else I needed to get an attorney that would really help my business!

This book is a "must have" for anyone who hopes to protect their assets. Thank you for writing such a FANTASTIC book - it is worth many times what I paid for it!

Roger Bartlett - Minneapolis, MN
  Can An Attorney Really Help Me?  And Can This Guide Really Show Me Every Thing I Need To Know?

The answer is Absolutely, Positively, Completely, YES!

Before you do anything, though, there is one very important thing you MUST understand:

This is NOT a substitute for real legal advice from an attorney.

There is no one that is qualified to give legal advice besides an attorney.  That's why you need one.

The truth is that with the right information and the right guidance you can make THE RIGHT CHOICE using this book to find and retain an excellent attorney for your business.

Are you ready to achieve success?

Are you ready to protect your business?

Then I'm ready to show you step by step exactly how to get there. It's easy, it's interesting, and it's a lot of fun to see just how much an attorney can help you.

Let's not waste another moment - get started protecting your money right away!

What Valuable Secrets Are Contained In Acquire An Honest Attorney?

Just take a look at the actual Table Of Contents from this amazing book..


Chapter 1 Why a Lawyer?

Why Does My Business Need a Lawyer?

They Know the Drill

They Are Professionals

They Take Care of the Paper Work

They Keep Good Records

They Can Help You Avoid Trouble

They Can Help You Hire Others

They Are Available for Consultation

Theyre Up On Financial Matters, Too

Chapter 2 What Type of Lawyer Do I Need?

    Business Lawyers

Business Litigators

Transactional Lawyers

Go For A Firm

    Environmental Lawyers

    Intellectual Property Lawyers

    Labor and Employment Lawyers

    The Types of Services You May Need

Chapter 3 Where To Look For An Attorney

    Go To Those You Know

    Hit The Web

    Contact Your State Bar Association

    Legal Assistance Services

    Good Old-Fashioned Print Directories

Chapter 4 What To Look For In An Attorney

    Are You Comfortable?

    Are Your Opinions Respected?

    Do They Know What You Need?

    Are They Flexible?

    Have You Looked Around Enough?

    Do You Know What They Will Be Doing?

    Are They Open With Information?

    Do They Get Back To You Quickly?

    Are Their Fees Reasonable?

Chapter 5 Interviewing Potential Attorneys

    Questions To Ask When You Meet

Do You Have Any References?

How Long Have You Been Practicing?

What Are Your Areas of Specialization?

Do You Have Specific Experience Related To What I Need?

Have You Ever Found Yourself Subject to Disciplinary Action?

How Long Will This Case Take?

What Sorts of Fees Will I Incur?

How Often Will I Be Billed?

Will I Be Charged For Phone Calls?

How Often Will You Keep In Touch?

    Avoiding Bad Lawyers



Chapter 6 Developing A Working Relationship

    Be An Effective Communicator

Be Courteous

Be Prompt

Be Specific.

    Evaluating The Work Youre Buying

Their Willingness To Talk To You

Presentation of Work Completed

Request Copies of All Paperwork

Their Ability to Follow Through

How They Notify You of The Timeline

How They Notify You of Your Options

How They Bill You 22

    What To Do When It Doesnt Work Out

Chapter 7 Its Time To See A Specialist

    When Do I Need A Specialist For My Business?

    Why Are Specialists Beneficial?

They Understand Your Situation

They Have Focus

They Have Knowledge

Chapter 8 Doing Your Own Footwork

    Benefits of Getting Involved

One-On-One Legal Training

Gain A Better Understanding of Your Business

Save Money

    How You Can Become Involved

Write Your Own Contracts

Research Your Legal Decisions

Maintain Control

    When To Back Off

Chapter 9 Saving Money On An Attorney

    Determining Attorneys Fees

    Types of Attorney Fees

The Hourly Rate

The Flat Fee

The Contingency Fee


    How Can I Save Money?

Dont Be Afraid To Negotiate

Find An Expert

Take On Some of the Work

Hire Them As A Coach

Be Completely Honest

Make Use of Your Time

Keep In Contact

Pay Close Attention To Your Bill

Chapter 10 Information Resources

    What Are Attorney Information Resources?

    Why Should I Use These Resources?

    Where Do I Find Attorney Resources?

    Using Acquire An Honest Attorney's simple concepts has dramatically changed the size and profitability of my business. Without an attorney, I would still be a small business owner with no protection.

    If anybody out there wants to go from so-so to so incredibly successful, this is absolutely the right book to have. Nothing else I have ever bought has so completely and totally delivered on the promises it makes.

    Robert Britton, Sheridan, Wyoming

    Here's just some of what you're going to learn...

    • Why You Need An Attorney - Using real life examples, we'll show you the value of having an attorney on board.
    • The Relationship - The relationship you have with your attorney is crucial.  If you can't work with the person you select, you'll only be hurting yourself.
    • Select The Right Provider - With those things in mind, what kind of attorney would work with you and your business?
    • The All-Important First Impression - The initial meeting with your prospective attorney is the most important!
    • The E-Course - This is a tested and proven strategy for building a relationship with your attorney.
    • The Importance Of Extra Value - What should your lawyer be doing for you?  What should you be expecting?

    I'm sure you can see the huge benefits to having a good attorney and using him to help with the legal aspects of your business.  Are you ready to take the easy steps necessary to make the choice to protect your assets??

    Acquire An Honest Attorney is jam packed full of the kind of priceless information you have only wished you knew to start protecting yourself now!

    Everything you need to know is in this incredible book, laid out for you in a logical, easy to follow series of steps so you simply cannot fail.

    Don't you deserve to be protected?

    Don't you deserve to live the life of a successful business owner?

    Of course you do!

    Click Here To Order Now

    You probably expect that Acquire An Honest Attorney is enormously expensive....but this is one area where I'm happy to say we don't even come close to fulfilling your expectations....

    As you probably know by now, I always strive to provide extreme value in every offer that I put together and this time is no different.

    While this course could easily be structured as a $2000 weekend seminar, I'm not going to go that route.

    In fact, if you are decisive and take action today you are going to get the entire Lawyer Up system for the incredibly cheap price of just $27.

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    To top it all off, I'll even include the following bonuses at absolutely no charge for taking action today:

    Take Action, And Get Started Now!

    Not Tomorrow, Start Today!

    You are minutes away from being able to have the attorney you need. Our guide will reveal the secrets that dramatically boost your business' safety.

    Don't you owe it to yourself to try Acquire An Honest Attorney today?

    Your Satisfaction Is Absolutely Guaranteed!

    My Personal Guarantee To You..

    Listen, if you don't agree that this it the most valuable resource for finding an attorney that you've ever used, simply email me and I'll issue you a 100 refund on the spot..  No hard feelings and no questions asked.

    In fact, I'll extend this guarantee for an entire 12 months after you get everything!

    That's right, 365 days to use and profit from these incredible secrets and information, if you do not feel "Acquire An Honest Attorney" has fulfilled your expectations, then I insist you ask for (and receive) an immediate refund.

    And if you decide to opt for a refund I still want you to keep the 3 bonuses as my free gift just for giving this a shot.

    There is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on your part. The burden to deliver is entirely on me.

    If you don't like my guide for any reason, any reason whatsoever such as you can't find an attorney, or the decision isn't making you the kind of money for you that you thought it would, or if its just plain not tall enough for you- then a refund is yours-

    I am that sure- that when you see how powerful a money maker this guide is, you will not even think of wanting a refund!

    You Really Cant Afford Not To Invest In
    Acquire An Honest Attorney

    It's easy to get started right away. Just click the order link below.

    Click here to order right now for only $27.00 (even if its 3:00 in the morning). 

    LAST MINUTE BONUS: Order now and I will toss in a high quality audio version of this book as spoken by a professional voice over artist which you may resell to your customers!

    You will also be getting a 4 part audio set with a professional recording of Acquire An Honest Attorney!

    Here's a  sample of  Acquire An Honest Attorney audio course:


    Yes Your Name Here, I Just Have To Have This Incredible Package! Count Me In Right Now!

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    Your Name Here

    P.S. You will be so glad you can finally stop trying to protect your assets on your own. Don't spend weeks trying to "figure it out," let Acquire An Honest Attorney show you the way!

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    Disclaimer: This information is not legal advise and it is NOT a substitute for real legal advice from an attorney. This is only a guide to help you find an attorney. No legal advice is given.

    Income Disclaimer: Any income examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that you or anyone else will achieve the same results just by using our products. Every individual's success including your own will always be determined by his or her desire, dedication, background, effort and motivation to work. There is no guarantee you will duplicate any results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital, and just by buying this product you understand that you may or may not make any money. 

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    File Size 54 megabytes
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