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Exercise Without Effort was developed by a team of Internet Marketers who understand the nuances of Internet Marketing. They have each been involved in some of the internet's biggest pay days and you should feel comfortable using the using the affiliate tools that they've created. They've made a lot of people a lot of money and once you start promoting Exercise Without Effort, you'll see why.

Exercise Without Effort was developed with an eye towards its users. It was created for people who have a keen interest in exercising without too much effort. Buyers are looking specifically for products that will help them to make to lose weight or to become fit. Rest assured that these resources provide that.

You can market this product with confidence, knowing that Exercise Without Effort will allow you to instantly tap into a very large and receptive buying audience.

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Exercise Without Effort

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Send These Emails Out To Your List

Emails are the most effective way of reaching the masses, send these emails out to anyone who you think might be interested in The Exercise Without Effort.

Emailer 1

Suggested Subject Read this if you hate to exercise...
E-mail Message:

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. That is pretty much a given fact that few people would debate.

The problem is that most books that you read about exercise are focused on doing stuff that is - let me be totally honest here - hard work.

And the problem here is, that whilst we all probably realize that we could be fitter than we are at the moment, if you are anything like me, then the idea of all that hard work to get just a tiny bit fitter really puts you off, right?

That's why I love a new book that I have just been reading, 'Exercise without effort', although I don't mind admitting that, at first, I thought that the title made the book seem slightly crazy. After all, almost by definition, exercise means working your body, and that equates to effort was the only way I could look at it...until I started reading, that is.

See, I had never really considered all of the different ways that you can take exercise each and every day, almost without thinking about it. In fact, that's not quite correct either. There are lots of things that I can almost guarantee that you are already doing every day that represent a good exercise workout, and you do not even know that you are doing them.

What this book has done is to show me all of the things that I am already dong every day that are naturally burning off the calories without me having to join the gym, take up marathon running or training for the heptathalon.

None of it is difficult or complicated either. In fact, the best part of most of the exercises that I have been reading about in 'Exercise without effort' is that most of the time, you are not going to know that you are exercising at all and so the idea of doing any kind of 'workout' becomes totally irrelevant.

On the other hand, you will definitely be surprised just how much energy you can burn off, how many calories you can get rid of without even knowing that you are doing so.

Nothing that is highlighted in 'Exercise without effort' costs anything either, because there is no need to invest in any special equipment or enroll in an expensive gymnasium or fitness club either. And, because the focus is on taking exercise in a reasonably relaxed and laid back manner, there is little danger of injuring or straining yourself with any of the exercises that are highlighted in then book. That makes everything that you read of pretty much perfect for people of all ages and conditions too.

Even if you are one of those people that think that they don't have time for exercise, then you need to think again. Noting here is going to take more than a few minutes every day.

You really cannot use time as your excuse for not getting that little bit fitter every day using the workout regimens highlighted in 'Exercise without effort'. In fact, with this book to help you, there can be no excuse at all, because you will never have seen exercise made as easy as this in your life before, guaranteed.


Good Luck!


Emailer 2

Suggested Subject Wanna Beat The Body At Its Own Game?
E-mail Message: Dear {!firstname_fix},

There is no doubt that, over then past twenty years or so, the humble PC has revolutionized the way that modern man works and lives And, it is a reasonable bet that, were our great grandfathers and their fathers alive to see how we live and work today, they would hardly be able to believe what they see.

One thing they would probably notice, however, is how little exercise we do nowadays when compared to what they did. That is, unfortunately, one of the downsides of our ability to live and work the way that we do.

Of course, some people do exercise regularly, and stay fitter and healthier as a result but for many of us, we just don't seem able to find the time or the inspiration to adopt a rigorous exercise program. I know, because I fit into that category or 'reluctant exercisers' fairly and squarely.

That is why reading 'Exercise without effort' has been such an eye opener for me, because I hade never before appreciated how easy to is to incorporate exercise into my daily routine without knocking myself out to do so.

In fact, I sat and read the book straight through the other night, because it made me realize how my 'don't have the time' argument was, in fact, nothing more than a pathetic excuse.

When you read how other people manage to incorporate seemingly mundane, everyday tasks into their lives and get themselves fitter than they have been for years as direct result, you'll understand what I mean too.

There are many other things that I know will appeal to you about 'Exercise without effort'.

There is no need for special equipment or 'sports gear', so you do not have to take out a second mortgage to get started. There are no hocus-pocus tricks or mysterious workout regimens either - in fact, read the book today and you can get started tomorrow with little or no preparation, it really is a simple as that.

Nothing in the book requires special training either. You do not need to be practising for the Boston marathon to start applying what you read right now, and, given that most of the exercises highlighted are relatively low impact, there is something here for people of any age or condition.

In fact, truth be told, some of the things that the book highlights, you are very possibly already doing every now and then, without even thinking of them as exercise at all.

So, all you need is to start doing what you already do a little more regularly, and you are well on your way to burning off those additional calories and getting noticeably fitter as a direct result.

As a person who knows all too well that I should sometimes move from sitting in front of my computer to do a little more exercise, I had genuinely never realized just how easy doing that could be.

For that reason 'Exercise without effort' has been a revelation for me, I don't mind admitting.

If you are anything like me (and you are, because you are reading this) I wouldn't mind betting that you feel the same, so grab you copy of 'Exercise without effort' today, and start becoming a fitter, healthier you right now.

So, what is holding you back? Grab your copy now. https://www.tradebit.com

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Signature files are also very popular to use when posting to a forum. Most forums don't allow advertisements in the body of a post, so using a signature ad is a way around that rule.

You should insert one of these signatures to the bottoms of all of your outgoing emails. Just go to your email preferences, copy and paste one of these signatures to your emails and watch your sales skyrocket!

2 Line Signature The New Way To Exercise Without Effort https://www.tradebit.com
3 Line Signature I Hate Exercising Click Here If You Do Too https://www.tradebit.com
3 Line Signature (b) Stop Putting Effort Into Exercise Ask Me How I Do It Without https://www.tradebit.com
4 Line Signature Become Fit And Lost Weight Take advantage of this proven formula. Fully guaranteed to create success. https://www.tradebit.com

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Known as 'Bum Marketing', article submission is one of the most effective ways to maintain regular levels of traffic.

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We've provided you with both an HTML version which is useful to insert directly onto your website as well as a cut-n-paste plain text version for posting in other locations.

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Article #1 Article Title

Exercise Without Effort

Article Content

Like most people, you probably know that there are clear, tangible benefits to be gained from taking regular exercise, but, ideally, you would like to take that exercise without effort.

Exercise enables you to burn of the excess calories and thereby either lose weight or prevent extra bulk being added to your body in the first place. It makes you a fitter person as well, and that generally means that your life style will improve - you will have more energy to enjoy everything that you do - and live longer as a result.

The problem for most of us, however, is that (we claim) we do not have the time to take regular exercise, and for many folks, the inspiration or real desire to start exercising is just not there either.

When these people undoubtedly know that exercise is good for them, why should that be? Is it, perhaps, that taking up exercise seems to be far too much like hard work, and don't we do enough of that already?

This all hit home to me the other evening whilst I was reading an excellent new book 'Exercise without effort' that I recently managed to grab a copy of.

The first thing that struck me about the book was the title, which, being honest sounded a little absurd! After all, how can you 'exercise without effort' when effort is work?

However, after reading the book, my viewpoint has changed, and I'm pretty sure that yours would too.

By this I mean that those of us who are not exercise enthusiasts tend to view it as something that is outside our normal daily routine, whereas what the book does is highlight how exercise can (and should) be incorporated into that routine.

In other words, you do not need to go to the gymnasium or fitness club in order to get exercise. It is not necessary to go for a five mile run every morning, nor do you have to spend a small fortune on special training equipment or 'gear'.

'Exercise without effort' focuses on how exercise can be incorporated into you every day routine and how easy it is to do that.

Even if you work stuck behind a desk all day, every day, that is no excuse either, because there are simple, straightforward exercises that you can do even in the office environment that will get you fitter and more healthy in just a matter of days.

Now, before you get the comical image of someone in a singlet and shots prancing around the office doing their calisthenics, trust me, it is nothing like that. In fact, no-one else need even know that you are doing your exercises every day, although I wouldn't mind betting that, once they do and they see how much better you are looking, they'll be clamoring to join you.

Most of the ideas for exercise in the book are low-impact too, meaning that many are just about perfect for everyone, no matter what your physical condition is, or how old you are.

All in all, 'Exercise without effort' is a book that I would recommend to anyone that knows that they should be exercising more, but does not want to make a huge amount of effort to do so.

Getting fitter without killing yourself whilst doing so sounds just about ideal to me, so' Exercise without effort' gets a big thumbs up.

Plain Text Version:

Article Title Exercise Without Effort Article Content Like most people, you probably know that there are clear, tangible benefits to be gained from taking regular exercise, but, ideally, you would like to take that exercise without effort. Exercise enables you to burn of the excess calories and thereby either lose weight or prevent extra bulk being added to your body in the first place. It makes you a fitter person as well, and that generally means that your life style will improve - you will have more energy to enjoy everything that you do - and live longer as a result. The problem for most of us, however, is that (we claim) we do not have the time to take regular exercise, and for many folks, the inspiration or real desire to start exercising is just not there either. When these people undoubtedly know that exercise is good for them, why should that be? Is it, perhaps, that taking up exercise seems to be far too much like hard work, and don't we do enough of that already? This all hit home to me the other evening whilst I was reading an excellent new book 'Exercise without effort' that I recently managed to grab a copy of. The first thing that struck me about the book was the title, which, being honest sounded a little absurd! After all, how can you 'exercise without effort' when effort is work? However, after reading the book, my viewpoint has changed, and I'm pretty sure that yours would too. By this I mean that those of us who are not exercise enthusiasts tend to view it as something that is outside our normal daily routine, whereas what the book does is highlight how exercise can (and should) be incorporated into that routine. In other words, you do not need to go to the gymnasium or fitness club in order to get exercise. It is not necessary to go for a five mile run every morning, nor do you have to spend a small fortune on special training equipment or 'gear'. 'Exercise without effort' focuses on how exercise can be incorporated into you every day routine and how easy it is to do that. Even if you work stuck behind a desk all day, every day, that is no excuse either, because there are simple, straightforward exercises that you can do even in the office environment that will get you fitter and more healthy in just a matter of days. Now, before you get the comical image of someone in a singlet and shots prancing around the office doing their calisthenics, trust me, it is nothing like that. In fact, no-one else need even know that you are doing your exercises every day, although I wouldn't mind betting that, once they do and they see how much better you are looking, they'll be clamoring to join you. Most of the ideas for exercise in the book are low-impact too, meaning that many are just about perfect for everyone, no matter what your physical condition is, or how old you are. All in all, 'Exercise without effort' is a book that I would recommend to anyone that knows that they should be exercising more, but does not want to make a huge amount of effort to do so. Getting fitter without killing yourself whilst doing so sounds just about ideal to me, so' Exercise without effort' gets a big thumbs up.

HTML Version

Like most people, you probably know that there are clear, tangible benefits to be gained from taking regular exercise, but, ideally, you would like to take that exercise without effort.

Exercise enables you to burn of the excess calories and thereby either lose weight or prevent extra bulk being added to your body in the first place. It makes you a fitter person as well, and that generally means that your life style will improve - you will have more energy to enjoy everything that you do - and live longer as a result.

The problem for most of us, however, is that (we claim) we do not have the time to take regular exercise, and for many folks, the inspiration or real desire to start exercising is just not there either.

When these people undoubtedly know that exercise is good for them, why should that be? Is it, perhaps, that taking up exercise seems to be far too much like hard work, and don't we do enough of that already?

This all hit home to me the other evening whilst I was reading an excellent new book 'Exercise without effort' that I recently managed to grab a copy of.

The first thing that struck me about the book was the title, which, being honest sounded a little absurd! After all, how can you 'exercise without effort' when effort is work?

However, after reading the book, my viewpoint has changed, and I'm pretty sure that yours would too.

By this I mean that those of us who are not exercise enthusiasts tend to view it as something that is outside our normal daily routine, whereas what the book does is highlight how exercise can (and should) be incorporated into that routine.

In other words, you do not need to go to the gymnasium or fitness club in order to get exercise. It is not necessary to go for a five mile run every morning, nor do you have to spend a small fortune on special training equipment or 'gear'.

'Exercise without effort' focuses on how exercise can be incorporated into you every day routine and how easy it is to do that.

Even if you work stuck behind a desk all day, every day, that is no excuse either, because there are simple, straightforward exercises that you can do even in the office environment that will get you fitter and more healthy in just a matter of days.

Now, before you get the comical image of someone in a singlet and shots prancing around the office doing their calisthenics, trust me, it is nothing like that. In fact, no-one else need even know that you are doing your exercises every day, although I wouldn't mind betting that, once they do and they see how much better you are looking, they'll be clamoring to join you.

Most of the ideas for exercise in the book are low-impact too, meaning that many are just about perfect for everyone, no matter what your physical condition is, or how old you are.

All in all, 'Exercise without effort' is a book that I would recommend to anyone that knows that they should be exercising more, but does not want to make a huge amount of effort to do so.

Getting fitter without killing yourself whilst doing so sounds just about ideal to me, so' Exercise without effort' gets a big thumbs up.

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In it's basic form, a Blog is an online journal, but over the course of the past few years, the popularity of blogs have exploded and blogs are now used as marketing and promotional tools as well.

Blogs allow just about anyone to publish articles and information that is accessible across the internet.

Due to their particular systems, Blogs can enhance the likelihood of search engine algorithms picking them up and making them easily indexed and search.

Although this may sound complicated, a deeper understanding of how they work is NOT required to enjoy their benefits.

Blogs are personable and individualized. They are meant to be written as thoughts and reflections and not as newspaper articles or school essays. Most blogs are even written in story form.

I've provided a Blog Post that you can post everywhere you possibly can. Unlike everything I've posted for you so far, I encourage you to personalize this blog post. It'll make it much more effective.

Article Title

Getting Around The Digestive System

Article Content

No-one enjoys being out of condition or overweight, do they? It is a given that every person wants to look their best, no matter who they are or where they come from, right?

And yet, so many people are out of shape and overweight, but they don't seem to want to do anything about it. In fact, with chronic obesity becoming such a massive (pun intended) problem in so many Western countries, the situation is only ever going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why this should be? People know they can be in better shape, carry less weight around with them, be both fitter and healthier and even live longer if they decide to shape up. Yet they do so little about it, and almost voluntarily seem to hasten their own demise.

After reading 'Exercise without effort', I think I know the answer.

People want to exercise - or, at least, they know that they should do so - but they don't want to work in order to do so.

They don't want to join a gymnasium and have some sylph like fitness instructor haranguing them for being so out of condition. They don't want to run three miles before dawn every morning, or spend a kings ransom on fitness equipment that will, in all likelihood, only ever get used the one time.

They want to exercise, but they want to do it the easy way, the way that is the least painful and costs as little as possible as well.

That is exactly what 'Exercise without effort' is all about, how you can incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine with a minimum of both effort and life style change. In fact, what struck me most whilst I was reading through the book was just how little change most people would have to make in order to start exercising, because so many of the routines outlined in the book are things that you are most probably already doing.

All you need to do is to start doing them a little more regularly and with a little more enthusiasm and you will already be doing pretty much all that you need to do to be exercising, almost without knowing it.

Another thing that appealed to me is that all of the tasks that are defined as representing exercises are things that I can easily relate to. There are no tricky workout routines, or complex programs of mysterious Eastern training regimens that make little or no sense.

Everything that 'Exercise without effort' highlights as being exercises clearly and obviously are so when you think about it (but you will not have done so before).

Also, as in most cases the book emphasizes how many calories you will burn off for every exercise 'session' that you undertake, it seems pretty obvious to me that you could base a balanced weight loss and fitness gain program on nothing more than what you read about here.

Basically, I am no more a 'super-athlete' than the next man or woman, and as lazy as anyone I know when it comes to taking exercise. However, I don't mind admitting that, after reading 'Exercise without effort', I have started applying some of the ideas every day and they do seem to be working.

So, if you are looking to get fitter or lose some weight, I would definitely recommend that you take a look at 'Exercise without effort'.

Exercise will never seem so difficult again!

Plain Text Version:

Article Title Getting Around The Digestive System Article Content No-one enjoys being out of condition or overweight, do they? It is a given that every person wants to look their best, no matter who they are or where they come from, right? And yet, so many people are out of shape and overweight, but they don't seem to want to do anything about it. In fact, with chronic obesity becoming such a massive (pun intended) problem in so many Western countries, the situation is only ever going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Have you ever stopped to wonder why this should be? People know they can be in better shape, carry less weight around with them, be both fitter and healthier and even live longer if they decide to shape up. Yet they do so little about it, and almost voluntarily seem to hasten their own demise. After reading 'Exercise without effort', I think I know the answer. People want to exercise - or, at least, they know that they should do so - but they don't want to work in order to do so. They don't want to join a gymnasium and have some sylph like fitness instructor haranguing them for being so out of condition. They don't want to run three miles before dawn every morning, or spend a kings ransom on fitness equipment that will, in all likelihood, only ever get used the one time. They want to exercise, but they want to do it the easy way, the way that is the least painful and costs as little as possible as well. That is exactly what 'Exercise without effort' is all about, how you can incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine with a minimum of both effort and life style change. In fact, what struck me most whilst I was reading through the book was just how little change most people would have to make in order to start exercising, because so many of the routines outlined in the book are things that you are most probably already doing. All you need to do is to start doing them a little more regularly and with a little more enthusiasm and you will already be doing pretty much all that you need to do to be exercising, almost without knowing it. Another thing that appealed to me is that all of the tasks that are defined as representing exercises are things that I can easily relate to. There are no tricky workout routines, or complex programs of mysterious Eastern training regimens that make little or no sense. Everything that 'Exercise without effort' highlights as being exercises clearly and obviously are so when you think about it (but you will not have done so before). Also, as in most cases the book emphasizes how many calories you will burn off for every exercise 'session' that you undertake, it seems pretty obvious to me that you could base a balanced weight loss and fitness gain program on nothing more than what you read about here. Basically, I am no more a 'super-athlete' than the next man or woman, and as lazy as anyone I know when it comes to taking exercise. However, I don't mind admitting that, after reading 'Exercise without effort', I have started applying some of the ideas every day and they do seem to be working. So, if you are looking to get fitter or lose some weight, I would definitely recommend that you take a look at 'Exercise without effort'. Exercise will never seem so difficult again!

HTML Version

No-one enjoys being out of condition or overweight, do they? It is a given that every person wants to look their best, no matter who they are or where they come from, right?

And yet, so many people are out of shape and overweight, but they don't seem to want to do anything about it. In fact, with chronic obesity becoming such a massive (pun intended) problem in so many Western countries, the situation is only ever going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why this should be? People know they can be in better shape, carry less weight around with them, be both fitter and healthier and even live longer if they decide to shape up. Yet they do so little about it, and almost voluntarily seem to hasten their own demise.

After reading 'Exercise without effort', I think I know the answer.

People want to exercise - or, at least, they know that they should do so - but they don't want to work in order to do so.

They don't want to join a gymnasium and have some sylph like fitness instructor haranguing them for being so out of condition. They don't want to run three miles before dawn every morning, or spend a kings ransom on fitness equipment that will, in all likelihood, only ever get used the one time.

They want to exercise, but they want to do it the easy way, the way that is the least painful and costs as little as possible as well.

That is exactly what 'Exercise without effort' is all about, how you can incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine with a minimum of both effort and life style change. In fact, what struck me most whilst I was reading through the book was just how little change most people would have to make in order to start exercising, because so many of the routines outlined in the book are things that you are most probably already doing.

All you need to do is to start doing them a little more regularly and with a little more enthusiasm and you will already be doing pretty much all that you need to do to be exercising, almost without knowing it.

Another thing that appealed to me is that all of the tasks that are defined as representing exercises are things that I can easily relate to. There are no tricky workout routines, or complex programs of mysterious Eastern training regimens that make little or no sense.

Everything that 'Exercise without effort' highlights as being exercises clearly and obviously are so when you think about it (but you will not have done so before).

Also, as in most cases the book emphasizes how many calories you will burn off for every exercise 'session' that you undertake, it seems pretty obvious to me that you could base a balanced weight loss and fitness gain program on nothing more than what you read about here.

Basically, I am no more a 'super-athlete' than the next man or woman, and as lazy as anyone I know when it comes to taking exercise. However, I don't mind admitting that, after reading 'Exercise without effort', I have started applying some of the ideas every day and they do seem to be working.

So, if you are looking to get fitter or lose some weight, I would definitely recommend that you take a look at 'Exercise without effort'.

Exercise will never seem so difficult again!

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