Sold by markjohnsononline on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,280,973 satisfied buyers
**HURAYYYY...FAST CASH METHOD is HERE** How to make Almost 100$ Per Hour from a PROVEN FORMULA used by THOUSANDS
Introducing **HURAYYYY...FAST CASH METHOD is HERE** How to make Almost 100$ Per Hour from a PROVEN FORMULA used by THOUSANDS DOWNLOAD
NOTE: All Reviews Are From Fellow Tradebit Viewers On My List. Thanx!
"I love Quickie Cash Method ... this is such an uplifting process. Great package!!"
- Gloria Salvetti
How I Earn $99 per Hour
Making People Cry
(In a Good Way, That Is...)
How I parlay everything into one big viral machine that spits out more and more customers automatically...
And the mistakes you've got to avoid to make this totally 100 hassle free easy-peasy money in the bank!
Thanks sooooooooo much for Motivating me to Action with your release of
Quick Cash Method.
I've never been inspired by so many ways that you can Bless other people,
Have Fun and at the same time Make Money with a package.
Going through this 61 page pdf was Quick and Easy to follow.
Even a Kid or Senior Citizen can do this.
Please NEVER take me off your list,
This method Can't be Saturated.
Thanks again Dawnmarie for All you do.
- Greg McLaurin Wow, DawnMarie!
I've never seen an offline service offering with so much viral
potential (aka FREE ADVERTISING).
People buy on emotion, and your service is chock full of it! I'm looking
forward to making a lot of money with this, and having fun while I'm at it.
- Tony Curtis
Recently I was challenged to try something I hadn't done before...
And I Was SHOCKED By The Results
Remember in grade school when you'd get up in front of the class and show something you brought from home, and tell about it?
This Past week I made $1386 playing show and tell.
Only I really didn't have to do much telling, just showing - and that only took a few minutes at my computer.
And more work is coming in in fact as I write this I've received 4 more orders at $99 apiece.
The work is stupid-simple.
Really, I can't call it work because it's so much fun. I take an order, spend 30 to 60 minutes doing simple work, and then I hand it off to an online service that does all of the technical stuff for me.
And I get paid in advance or when I'm done my choice.
This method is an untapped behemoth....
and something anyone can start tomorrow and make a
very nice full time income after a short time,
if they are willing to put in some work. highly recommended.
- Gary Gardner I've just finished reading your latest package and I just wanted to say that
this is such a simple idea BUT has MASSIVE potential for everyone, anywhere.
The idea can be used by anyone and does not rely on all the usual slow,
time-consuming tasks that most other marketing methods require.
Anyone can make money with this within days of starting.
Well done and thank you.
This offers a wonderful opportunity for anyone willing do a little work on
this. I have bought so many packages in the past that are too complex or
require a lot of 'faith' that the concept will work. Your packages are quite
different. You present the concept very clearly and comfortably. I'm
already buzzing with ideas over this.
Many thanks again and have a great weekend!
- PeterGF
Do You Want More Than $99 Per Hour?
You could easily charge twice what I'm charging my customers for this service, or more.
One person said she's seen a similar service sell for $600.
Personally, I'm having so much fun and making my clients so happy, I feel like I'm getting paid to play.
Once you've done this a few times, you'll find it takes you about 30 minutes of your time.
So if you charge $99, you could earn $198 an hour.
Charge $198, and you could earn $396 an hour.
Hi Dawn Marie.
What a refreshing change of pace your Quickie Cash Method is! Anyone
with a creative bone in their body would be inspired by what you've put
together here.
I agree with what you shared throughout it's pages -
this has got to be the most FUN way of picking
up an extra $1,000 there is! Plus, you never have to advertise or deal
with grumpy customers!
I can definitely recommend this package to anyone who likes to make money
and also cares about people. And the possibilities are endless. With all the
ideas you shared it's hard to imagine anyone ever getting bored with this
or running out of ideas. Great job!
Virgil Stanphill
Are You Qualified?
and I might yet give her the chance.
-Michael Pine
And as Tracy says, an 8 year old can do it...
Hi DawnMarie,
"I would say that anyone from the age of 8 or so on up
could do this."
If it is even possible, I loved this package even more than Offline Video Virgin,
and I loved Offline Video Virgin, so that says alot.
"I have bought many packages, but I can't think of many
I would rave about as much as DawnMarie's last two packages."
I love the style of writing: it is fluid and not riddled with grammar (sorry, but
as a teacher, it is a pet peeve. The tone is both friendly and conversational.
Further, the message is expressed so clearly that I feel would be easily
understood by most anybody.
"This package is extremely newbie friendly. I would sincerely
encourage anyone to jump on and buy this."
They won't be sorry. Now, why do I say that? I understand that details
rather than general accolades are helpful to prospective buyers.
Well, for one, it is a business in a box, so to say. In fact, I would say it was
a box with multiple possible businesses in it. After reading through the 61 page pdf,
my head is swimming with ideas. The package concentrates on one principle business,
but suggests other methods of monetizing that business, as well as off-shoots of
that business to make even more money.
This package covers everything from the rationale behind why this business model
will work like gangbusters (if that is even necessary as I think you'll see why it
will with little trouble), the resources to use to get the job done quickly and
beautifully (as well as relatively cheaply- the suggested resource costs between
$20 and $40 a month, if I am not mistaken), email scripts for communicating with
clients, the information to get from a client, suggestions for getting clients quickly
(no, cold calling is not one of them), product delivery and more.
What is more, it requires no real technical knowledge and very little start-up
cost. What little 'technical' tasks need to be done, DawnMarie covers in the
package by way of detailed instructions. I would say that anyone from the age
of 8 or so on up could do this. That is not an exaggeration. Kids these days
grew up with computers and take to them like a fish to water. As I said, it is
very newbie friendly. I also feel this is a business model anyone could, in a
practical sense, start right away. There is no long and involved set-up or huge
learning curve. "If you have a computer with internet
access, you pretty much have all that you need.
This is highly actionable."
Perhaps the best part of all is that this 'business' will be fun! And if you don't
want to do it yourself, you could very easily outsource the actual task, even
to your 10 year old niece, cousin, son, etc. I am not kidding.
"You will enjoy doing this, you will bring tremendous
joy to others and make money in the process."
The best comparison I can give is to liken it to being the flower delivery
guy/girl: people are almost always happy to see you and want the product
you are bringing. To me, that is the best of all worlds.
I fully intend to run with this idea. Once again, DawnMarie, I am
thrilled with my purchase. Thank you so much
(WF: Tracy411)
*Note: For the sake of full disclosure, I did receive a free copy of this
package for being on DawnMarie's list of past buyers and will be given a free
copy of her next package in exchange for my honest review. I also did
however review DawnMarie's previous package, Offline Video Virgin, in-depth
and was neither solicited to do so nor was I compensated for it after the
fact. I just really do love her products!
You Decide...
I'm a copywriter by trade, but you'll notice I'm not trying to persuade you so much as sharing with you what my customers have said about Quickie Cash Method.
Read the reviews and prove to yourself that Quickie Cash Method is a great way to make extra income from your computer.
As you can clearly see, your investment is stupid low.
So it's simply a question of would you like to earn $99 to $396 an hour by making people happy?
Better yet, who do you know... (father, mother, husband, wife, daughter, son, sister, brother, etc.) who needs an honest, enjoyable way to create some extra income this week?
Share your copy of Quickie Cash Method with them and watch their excitement as they realize they can do this.
DawnMarie's "Quickie Cash Method" shows people how to earn a great full time
or part time income simply by making people happy!
"After reading only 10 pages of this 61 page report I felt
like throwing all my other income streams away just to focus on this!!!"
The first half of this report explains everything you need to know to start this
new business offering, including almost effortless ways to get an unending stream
of customers, and the second half is a combination production guide and keyword
phrase research swipe list. This may sound too good to be true but it absolutely isn't.
Thanks to DawnMarie for such a brilliant package, you simply can't go wrong with this.
Best Wishes,
Christopher Rose "The Quickie Cash Method was a great, great read and inspired me with
so many ideas as I was going through it.
What a wonderful concept,something that most anyone
can do and have fun doing it while making an excellent income. Brilliant!"
Thanks again DawnMarie!
WF 'tripros'
Perhaps Dan sums it up best...
I just went through your quickie cash method, and I've got to say...
very impressive! This lays out a simple but brilliant strategy
to have a blast and touch lives while bringing in the money!
In addition, anybody could do this. This kills a huge percentage of the
roadblocks that i honestly believe keep a lot of people from success.
You'll understand when the 'ah-ha' hits you.
The beautiful thing here is the potential for someone who really takes the
ball and runs with it. This could get downright silly. DawnMarie's writing
style is easy and conversational, and going through her information is a
quick read that's more like drinking a cool glass of water than studying for
a test... it goes down easy and makes you say "ahhhh!"
In short, presented is a blueprint for a clever "why didn't I think of that"
service almost anyone would love. I could easily see how someone could
position themselves to sit back and have a blast... simply thrilling a long
line of virally generated customers who can't wait to go show their friends
and family what you've done for them... and where to find YOU.
Just remember, warriors... as always, discovering the ideas and techniques
is always exciting... but you really can begin to change life for you and your
loved ones when you "pick up this package and take action!"
Great job DawnMarie, thanks!
Dan Hollister
Can I Ask a Personal Question? do you feel when you go to bed at night?
Do you look back on the day with a big grin on your face, remembering how your customers thanked you over and over because you made them so happy?
Were they so thrilled, they told their best friends to hire you on the spot?
Or do you look back on another frustrating day of working too hard for too little pay?
Isn't it time you found something fun that PAYS you what you're worth?
I bought your "Offline Video Virgin" package and thought that was good. Then
I got your "Quickie Cash Method" - and it turns out to be even better!
It is extremely rare that I come across a product - package or not - that
really makes me feel that the method it explains is 100 doable and will
pay off in a way that makes it worthwhile. "Quickie Cash Method" does
that. And the real subtle point about it is that you don't even have to be
a marketer to use it. You can just do something nice for people and they
will pay you for it.
"It's rewarding both financially and emotionally.
Even the "work" itself is actually fun!" Maybe I shouldn't
say this, but my 12 year old daughter is better at it than I am.
And as the word spreads, new customers (or should I say friends?) are
going to come to you and ask you to do the same for them.
"Meaning, your product sells itself - literally."
I realize that sounds like hype, but it's not.
DawnMarie, the best thing about your products is that there are no
insurmountable stumbling blocks. The second best thing is that you
don't hype your products. You don't need to, because you deliver exactly
what you say and everything works just like you say. You don't tell any
lies or half truths.
Only good karma can come from this, for you as well as for your customers.
John Hill
What Would it Feel Like to Have Customers Who
Love Your Work so Much, They Share
It With Everyone They Know?
way of making warm and fuzzy money. I am quite
technically challenged most of the time, but as DawnMarie
says, you don't need any technical skills to create this product."
There is no guess work as to who will want this product, what they will
want it for or how to show it off. It is all spelled out for you in this guide.
In fact, those captivated by your creation will hand you everything you
need to make it possible.
Even if you choose not to use this product to make money, you will still
want to have it for your own special keepsake.
I am certain if you show this finished product to one person, they are
going to say... can you do that for me? PLEASE?
If you have friends or family members then this product is something
they are all going to fall in love with. There is a place for this in the
offline business world as well which is explained in the guide.
But they will knock on your door.
Its a product that is very near and dear to the heart for everyone
I am thrilled to have this product even if I decide to just keep it for myself.
Thanks DawnMarie for sharing
Kim Davis
Grab your copy of the
Feel Good Quick Cash Method
and you will discover...
How to get new clients simply by showing them a video - yes, it's that easy!
Why just about everyone wants you to make a least one of these videos - and some people will want SEVERAL
The shortcuts to making this even easier (if that's possible)
Why your customers will get you new customers, almost without trying (think built in VIRAL Marketing via social media)
How to get your first customers, even if you have zero list and zero contacts (yes, you can!)
Why the emotional factor makes this a dream business - imagine people BEGGING you to do this for them, pushing cash into your hand or demanding your Paypal address so they can pay you pronto!
And a whole lot more!
And as you've seen...
You don't need a website
You don't need fancy technical skills
You don't need to sell
You don't need copywriting
You don't need a list
You do need access to an online program that runs $20 to $40 per month.
But if this is too much, there is a free alternative.
And of course you need a computer. But that's about it.
You can charge $99 to $199 for this service or more, it's up to you.
It takes you 30 to 60 minutes to do your part, and then you press a button and everything is done for you from that point on. Literally.
You never have to leave home, never even have to leave your computer, and just about anyone anywhere with an Internet connection can do this.
And Yes, YOU can do this - and put money in your pocket this week if you choose to.
I got a complimentary copy (that I would have gladly paid for) of her new
package - Quickie Cash Method just for being a customer of her previous package
Offline Video Virgin.
Finally, a method that allows you to easily earn and be seen as a friend, not
as a marketer.
I can see anyone, even school boys doing that for a living.
Taking action is a required task...yeah, there's always a catch lol
"My rating is 9++, will be 10 when she writes in my
language (Italian). Nobody is perfect."
Vince Alonzi (WF member wincex)
"Dawn, this is a great little package. It is simple, very
thorough, newbie friendly, actionable------and has big
potential for anyone needing some fast cash."
It can also be scaled up into a little business. What is more---unlike
many tasks which we must do---this one is FUN (not to mention rewarding).
I actually loved this little package mainly because of the "happy factor" involved.
(Or as you mentioned---make them cry in a good way). It just seems like
too much fun.
I am absolutely going to try it this week---after I finish out a few other more
mundane IM projects. And I think I am going enjoy the creation process very
much---as much as my future customers are going to love their finished products!
Sandy Tobin No Time? You Can Outsource The Entire Thing!
You can be sure this won't make you Donald Trump rich, but at $99 or more per hour, you see how this can do very nice things for your bottom line.
And if you're too busy to use this method, you can always outsource the entire thing.
Imagine that another income stream for you obviously you would know what to do with the extra money ;-)
Dawn, after going through your Quickie Cash Method.....
I've got to say you've definitely outdone yourself!
It's basically a business in a box that can be almost totally outsourced.
I will definitely be using this starting TODAY and am totally having
my Virtual Assistant change course and do NOTHING but begin
learning the methods after reading this.
Thanks so much for yet another great package that will be bringing me
some residual income for a LONG time!!!
Jason Simpson Wow Dawn!
What a great idea, I've seen something similiar recently - but
"your report blows it out of water."
Just like your Offline Video Virgin, you cover everything one needs to
know from start to finish. You make it so easy to follow & implement.
There are alot of possibilities with this system. Very exciting. I keep
thinking how I could make a killing just around Christmas-time.
You're awesome and thanks for including tools & resources needed.
Thanks Dawn,
Be blessed,
Julie Frantz
The price is increasing
as you read this
You've read the reviews.
You've seen what others are saying.
And now it's your turn to take advantage of this opportunity.
Making money is easy when you're providing a service that people WANT.
That's the secret.
And this package delivers the best method yet for doing exactly that.
Give people what they want, get paid, and let them send you more and more business.
Frankly, I don't think it gets easier or more fun than this.
Click the link, and we'll see you on the other side!
P.S. Quickie Cash Method is Easy - you can get started making money as soon as TODAY.
Quickie Cash Method is Profitable - earn $99 an hour or MORE
Quickie Cash Method is Something People Will Thank You For
And Quickie Cash Method is Viral - meaning customers will naturally send you MORE customers.
If you've read the reviews, then obviously you know you've got to grab this now - especially while the price is still so tiny.
Thanks DawnMarie
I loved your Quickie Cash Method. Super idea!
Bryan VanOrd "This is a great concept to make some quick extra cash and
the good thing is you can do it without having any skill or
spending any money.
"The best part for me though, other than the basic concept, is
the "bonus" material. It virtually takes away any need for you
to even think about what to use to create the service and makes
it a quick look-copy-paste assembly line process."
Gordon Roberts This product promises a way to make $99 or more per hour making people
cry. No, you will not be offering therapy... well at least not in the classic
sense of the word. This package is a fresh take on making offline money by
helping people.
The ideas and techniques to do this are both actionable and easy and after
reading the course materials, you will be ready to get started on a nice
sideline business.
"For me, this package achieved just what it promised and is
a good value for anyone out there who is ready to take action
and make some money this week."
Kind Regards,
Rob Hernandez DawnMarie,
Simple yet brilliant method for generating quick income.
And, you're absolutely right - this can't really be classified as work.
"Earning money while making people smile
(or cry - in the good way) is priceless!"
Funtastic product - two thumbs up!
Fred Sena
P.S. I don't usually leave feedback (good or bad), but I have to admit - I'm impressed.
NOTE: This Package is offered at a very cheap rate here on Tradebit so the guarantee and refund conditions may not be as same as offered at other places However if there will be any fault with the product it will be solved as soon as possible .
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This file is sold by markjohnsononline, an independent seller on Tradebit.