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Introducing How to CREATE High QUALITY ARTICLES in Minutes DOWNLOAD
Plagued By Writer's Block? Can't Come Up With Ideas? Struggling With Getting Started?

Give Me 3 Minutes And You'll Be Stuck No More!
Create ALL The ORIGINAL, High Quality Articles
You Want, Quickly And Easily, And Finally Attract
Streams Of Visitors To Your Website

Discover a Groundbreaking Alternative to Ghostwriters
and PLR and Liberate Your Inner Writer

Dear Frustrated Writer,

You know you need content for your websites.

You also need articles to submit to directories to drive traffic to your products or services.

You want to have articles all over the place to establish yourself as the expert you are.

Heck, you even need articles to combine into reports and products, plus material to use for podcasts, PowerPoints, webinars, and that membership site you've been wanting to start.

Articles are essential for marketing your business

It's true; articles are essential for marketing your business, whether you publish them straight or turn them into products or videos. Unfortunately, articles involve writing, and writing is just not your thing.

Or maybe it is, but you've hit a wall and can't come up with an idea to save your life. And you sure don't have the time to sit around desperately trying to think of something, anything.

Writing an article can take you hours, days, or sometimes weeks of procrastination and stressing over just how to get started.

First, you have to come up with ideas.

Then, you need to get the article started.

And even when you have an idea AND a first sentence or two, you may still wonder what to write next.

That blank screen staring at you isn't helping.

Don't you wish there were an easier way?
You want original content,
- but you don't want to pay a ghostwriter's fees
- you don't want to have to do all that rewriting of PLR
- you don't want an article spinner, or software, or scraped content

There's only one way: Write it yourself easily with your BIG Easy Head Start...

Imagine something that can help you break
right through your writer's block, stimulate
your creative juices and guide you through
writing original articles in record time!

Yes, there IS such a thing at last! Introducing...

Easy Article Starters!

Easy Article Starters are literally the answer to your prayers! Just pick one and start writing.

Easy Article Starters give you the overall idea, a way to get into the article, and the beginnings of several paragraphs.

Your basic outline is all done for you. In fact, it's a lot more than an outline - often it's half an article! You just need to rephrase things a bit and fill in the details. They're perfect at waking up your own creativity and giving you confidence.

The best thing? The articles you end up writing (in record time) are YOURS to do with what you want!

In just minutes, Easy Article Starters turn you from
a blocked wannabe to a whiz bang article writer!

Want to see an example?

Do You Really Need An Internet Marketing Coach?

Intro - Getting help and direction from a coach
can mean a faster path to success. But before you
go jumping on the "I need a coach" bandwagon,
first ask yourself if you need one and if you even
qualify for one.

Body - Be truthful with yourself: [Expand on each
of these and/or add more]

1. Are you able to follow instructions?
2. Are you willing to take action?
3. Will you do things outside your comfort zone?
4. Are you making any money yet? And can
afford to pay for coaching?
5. Do you have the time to do what your coach
tells you to do?
6. Can you commit 100 to this?

Conclusion - Coaching is a sure-fire way to get
ahead with your business, but it's not for everyone
at every stage. Be honest with yourself and
determine if now is a good time.

Here's another with easy ideas on what to do with it...

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. This is a fantastic idea. All of the suggestions are written so very well. I could easily write articles on all of these. In fact, even though I don't have an "outlet" for these right now, I am going to write them just for practice."

Carol Smith
https://www.tradebit.com "Easy Article Starters is the perfect tool to help me create unique content faster and easier. Now I don't have to struggle to find things to write about AND it will save me a TON of time. Thanks for creating a great product Peggy!"

Lisa Stoops
https://www.tradebit.com "Peggy,
I read these over several times and imagined what I would do with each one. I really feel like they gave me the kick start I need to begin the blog post or article and stay on track. The conclusion part is a nice touch in that with the end in mind it kinda keeps the thoughts reigned in giving some boundaries and focus. Good stuff!

So yeah, I think they are just shy of brilliant for helping someone like me who is just getting started."

Brad Miller "Wow! These are totally on target!

As you undoubtedly know, I LOVE using well-written PLR (what you always provide) mainly because it's so easy to change-up and make my own. But having these article starters...well that just takes my ability to create my own articles to a whole new level.

Choosing a subject to write about isn't a problem for me. After all, I'm an Internet marketer and there is no shortage of topics to write about. But, I've always had a hard time deciding on the details, like a title, for example.

These starters eliminate that problem. Having some examples makes it a whole lot easier to come up with more of my own too. In addition, they provide even more ideas for articles that I may not have otherwise considered.

I've always had a hard time organizing my thoughts and narrowing my focus. These starters take care of that as well. They give you ideas for your sub-topics, which, in turn, make you stay focused.

To sum it all up, these article starters make it really easy to "fill in the blanks" and create an original article. They are worth their weight in gold!

Thanks, Peggy!"

Poppie Kouremetis
https://www.tradebit.com "I could definitely take your article starters and write good articles based on them. I particularly appreciate that your suggestions are educational on their own... like the three "not so common" sites to use for traffic after posting."

Kate "As I read through the blogging article starters, I found myself doing two things; mentally starting to flush the different sections out into drafts and then thinking about other ideas for articles."


So what's the investment?

Consider how much you'd pay just for ghostwritten articles...

25 articles written by a ghostwriter, they'd cost you anywhere from $125 (if you go with bottom of the barrel $5 article writers) to $500 for the average good writer in the $20/article range.

But you won't pay nearly that much for Easy Article Starters, and they're good for many more than just 25 articles...

NOTE: This Package is offered at a very cheap rate here on Tradebit so the guarantee and refund conditions may not be as same as offered at other places However if there will be any fault with the product it will be solved as soon as possible .
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This file is sold by markjohnsononline, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 3 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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July 24, 2023 by A Reviewer (United States)
“Great service and product”
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July 24, 2023 by Randy R. (UTAH, United States)
“Easy download with no issues”
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July 24, 2023 by Faviola (United States)
“Well so far good let's see if you guys can deliver”

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