Sold by resell-trade on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,280,517 satisfied buyers
Tips Guides 10 Pack (PLR)
Package Summary
Are you looking for some great giveaway reports to that include squeeze pages for each report? Each report contains 100 mini-tips on a specific subject (listed below) that you can distribute as guides , posts, or even ebooks.
This multi-purpose report series may be just what youre looking for. These top guides can be used in a variety of ways, including...
* Give away these reports to help build your email subscribers list
* Break down each report to use a daily tips for use on your website or blog.
* Create a newsletter to include the tips inside of.
* Use the tips for posting in forums and message boards to help promote back linking to your website for better search engine rankings.
* Use them as tweets on Twitter.
* Use them as wall posts for your Facebook page.
* and much more.
The included report topics are...
* 100 Beauty Tips
* 100 Bodybuilding Tips
* 100 Dating Tips
* 100 Golf Tips
* 100 Health Tips
* 100 Interview Tips
* 100 Make Up Tips
* 100 Money Saving Tips
* 100 Photography Tips
* 100 Weight Loss Tips
Reseller Tools
* Includes Sales Page - No
* Includes Download Page - No
* Other Included Pages - Squeeze Page (for each report)
* Notable Reseller Extras - PSD Cover Graphics (source)
Distribution Rights
* Resale Rights - Yes
* Master Resale Rights - Yes
* Private Label Rights - Yes
* Giveaway Rights - Yes
* Offered as a Bonus - Yes
* Full Product Copyrights - Yes
* Full Graphic Copyrights - No
* May Modify Product - Yes
* Packaged with Other Products - Yes
* Added to Paid Membership Websites - Yes
* Added to Free Membership Websites - Yes
* May Publish Offline - Yes
* May Sell on Auction Websites - Yes
File Data
This file is sold by resell-trade, an independent seller on Tradebit.