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Ultimate Copywriting Secrets Pack + 2 Mystery BONUSES!

Get 16 HOT products on Copywriting, along with two Mystery BONUSES!

If you want to make money from copywriting, then this package is for you! Listed below are the 16 products you will get as part of the package:

Product 1. Copywriting Business Ecourse - with Private Label Rights:

Brand-New Private Label E-course Lets You Easily Teach Your Customers and Subscribers The Basics of Starting A Successful Copywriting Business!

The "Copywriting Business" Crash Course was specifically designed with beginners in mind, so even if you have never thought about starting your own copywriting business from your home you will be able to quickly understand how to employ simple techniques that will help you build your own successful business, improve your skills and steadily attract new clients to work with!

The best part is with the private label rights to this course not only will you be able to learn the ins and outs of how to start your own successful copywriting business, you will be able to pass that knowledge on to your subscribers. You will be providing them with quality information that will help them understand the basics of getting their business set up, improving their skills and attracting new clients.

The course is completely customizable. You will be able to add in your own contact information, product and service recommendations and links to your favorite affiliate programs. I am even including a ready to go to squeeze page confirmation page and sales page, so that you can get set up quickly and easily!

In this course you will be able to provide your subscribers with great information that they can actually use!

You will teach them:

* The ins and outs of starting a copywriting business from home along with some of the basic aspects of getting set up and attracting clients.

* Some simple tips and techniques that they can use to improve their copywriting skills on a regular basis.

* How to develop a professional looking portfolio for their copywriting services even if they are just getting started.

* Some of the basic steps they need to take to create a professional looking copywriting website that will help them attract potential clients.

* How to evaluate and set effective price points for their copywriting services.


What is Included in the "Copywriting Business" Crash Course?

With this course you will providing 5 quality lessons full of solid information you and your subscribers can start using to immediately impact your business right away! The "Copywriting Business" Crash Course package contains everything you need to start using and selling it right away, including:

* A copy of this sales page
* 1 ready to go download page
* 5 customizable lessons
* 1 ready to go squeeze page
* 1 ready to go thank you page
* A complete graphic package
* + the editable PSD graphics


Product 2. Masters Of Copywriting - with Private Label Rights:

About This "Lost" Masters Of Copywriting Course -

You may know me, you might not. But, I was a rare book dealer before becoming an Internet marketer.

Several years ago I found a complete course written by the masters of copywriting from the 1920s and 1930s with parts of the course written by the greatest copywriter of all time, Claude C. Hopkins, buried in a stack of books I removed from an old house!

I have not been able to find a single copy of this book online or offline in over 10 years. It was not until a few months ago that I realized I should re-publish this valuable work and share it with the marketing community. I apologize for the delay. I must have read it 7 or 8 times and it is better than most modern works on copywriting I have ever read including those by the most respected copywriters of today.

Other contributors to this course were H. Harry Thompson, Joseph Appel, Bruce Barton, J.K. Fraser, Ben Nash, Kenneth Goode and many other notables in the field of copywriting at the time.

Here is why this course is so valuable today: Being able to create copy that persuades people to do what you want them to do is the ultimate key to making money online or offline. YOU HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO WRITE COMPELLING WORDS THAT SELL... and that is what this course teaches... in plain language.

Completing this course is like having a "Ph.D. in copywriting" according to David Ogilvy.


Product 3. 10 Articles on Copywriting Services - with Private Label Rights:

10 Articles - 5,661 words!

This package contains the following articles:

How To Improve Your Copywriting Skills

How To Look For Copywriting Services

Creating A Freelance Copywriting Website

Fashion Copywriting Services

How To Become A Technical Copywriter

Work From Home As A Freelance Copywriter

The Price Of Copywriting Services

How to Start Your Own Copywriting Business From Home

How to Develop A Portfolio For Copywriting Services

Copywriting Services For Your Website

This product comes with PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS! License terms are as follows:

[YES] Can Be Sold
[YES] Can Be Packaged
[YES] Can Be Offered As a Bonus
[YES] Can Be Added As Web Content
[YES] Can Be Used For Product Creation
[YES] Can Be Added To a Paid Membership
[YES] Can Be Used As Autoresponder Series
[YES] Can Be Converted into Audio or Video Formats
[NO] CAN Be Given Away
[NO] CAN Be Added To a Free Membership


Product 4. Paint By Numbers Copywriting Course:

Are you tired of getting plenty of traffic, but few sales? Then this is for you!

Because The One Skill You Need To Make Money On-Line is Knowing What Words to Use! Use The Right Ones and You Can Make Lots of Cash Even with very Little Traffic!

You will learn

* How a decent hook in your headline will quadruple the number of people actually reading your sales letter.

* How using "Turbo Words" will create such an itch in the mind of your customer they won't be able to sleep until they have ordered your product.

* How a compelling sales letter will double or triple your bank balance.

* The powerful psychological buttons you need to press to make people order now and not "think it over".

* The truth about using time worn clichés in your copy.

and so much more!

Take a look at the depth of insider straight-to-the-point information you get from this full sized, 85 page course, arranged in 16 logical chapters!

And to make sure you miss nothing when you create your own money-sucking sales letters, you get an exclusive 14 point memory aid to put on your wall.


Product 5: Masterful Copywriting - with Private Label Rights:

12 pages - 3,762 Words!

Learn The Short-cuts To Online Success With Masterful Copywriting!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

Pillar one: How to make your copy sing

a) Map it out
b) Word pictures
c) Induce Pain
d) Lead individual to feel pleasure
e) Less Pitch-More information
f) Sell Secrets

Pillar two: Deadly sins of copywriting

a) Not stimulating enough
b) Confusion
c) Get personal
d) Hype- The double edged sword

Pillar three: Golden template for writing a salesletter

a) Headline
b) The grand opening
c) Grand introduction
d) Enough about yourself what about the customer
e) Safety
f) Super call to action
g) PS


Product 6: Step-By-Step Copywriting - with Private Label Rights:

16 pages - 3,432 Words!

Discover The System I Use In Order To Pull An At LEAST 1 Conversion!

I'm writing this to you while it's fresh in my mind and pumped actually totally psyched about this subject. Copywriting is something I've personally been working on perfecting ever since I made that initial decision to take a stab at making a dollar or two online. You see copywriting is the single most important skill you can ever learn in marketing. You either learn to write it, or pay someone else dearly to write it for you. Personally I'd rather keep that kind of money in my own pocket and just learn how to write it.

It doesn't matter how fantastic your product is if your salescopy sucks you're going to spend your time and money and send it down the s-benz.

You can actually have a shithouse product, but if your salescopy screams a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow Then it will sell.

I'm sure you've experienced this before You find yourself so engrossed in a sales page, you can't take your eyes off "what will be said next" This is what you're aiming for when you write your own copy!

Heck doesn't just apply to salespages Have you ever had an ad that comes on tv and you cannot change the channel? You feel compelled to watch every part of it You know you're being "sold to" but you just can't resist! You've got to watch every part of it!

In fact it just happened to me 5 minutes before I began writing this I'd just finished watching a movie and when I flicked to the tv there was one of those "guthy renker" style commercials on.

And you know what? I COULD NOT SWITCH THE CHANNELS! Anyways, lets get to it

In this report, I'm going to show you what system I use in order to pull at LEAST 1 conversion. Most of my conversions sit around 1.5 to 3.


Product 7: 6 High Quality Copywriting Products:

In This Package, You Get 6 High Quality Copywriting Products!

Product #1 - How to Write A Killer Headline In 10 Minutes Or Less:

I roll my eyes when people say they spend hours agonizing over a headline.

Unless you have $20,000 of ad money on the line, you don't need to fret that much. Actually, it's better to write 3-5 headlines, and then pick the best.

With the formula in this report, you'll be able to do just that.

Here's how it works.

Follow step one to come up with you "grabber". Then add in step two to put an emotional "locking point" with it. Finally, add the "hook" in step three.

Then just write it out 3-5 different ways, and you'll be left with a killer headline in less than ten minutes.

You'll also discover:

* Why you shouldn't use headline swipe files to help you come up with fresh headlines

* The truth about how the 80/20 rule applies to headline... and how to use this to write better headlines than ever before!

* The Secret Headline Writing Formula: B + ER + INC = Killer Headline

* How to find your biggest and worst benefits... and then turn them into "can't ignore" hooks

Plus TONS more!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Why You Shouldn't Listen to "Old School" Headline Writing Advice

2. 10 Minute Headline System Overview

3. How to Locate Your Biggest and Worst Benefit

4. How to Create a Compelling Emotional Response to Get People to Read Your Ad

5. How to Make it Impossible for Your Prospect to NOT Read Your Ad by Using Incongruency

Product #2 - How to Master Writing Bullet Points In One Sitting:

If you want to create copy that sells, you have to learn the art of writing bullet points.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to do it in one dedicated setting? Well, you can... if you have the right approach.

Here's what you want to do: first, make sure each sales letter contains 6 specific types of bullet points. Why? Well it guarantees that your bullet points are going to hit the biggest part of your readers.

Listen. Your bullet points must be so powerful that someone will buy your product just to get the answer to a single bullet point!

And that's why you want to use my special "hit all 6 types of buyer" approach. I have never seen this taught in any copywriting class before.

In this report, you'll also find out:

* The "Suck Method" -- how to suck out all the benefits of your product then twist them into bullet points

* The biggest mistake amateur copywriters make with their bullet points - that guarantees to depress response!

* The Magic Bullet Point Formula: HB + C + (1-7) = Great Bullet Points

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. The 6 Main Types of Bullet Points
-How To
-Incongruent juxtaposition
-Instant gratification
-Ease of Use

2. Bullet Point Writing System

Product #3 - How To Create Stories That Sell:

I want you to try this: spend 5 weeks studying some of the greatest ads of all time. Look for one thing in particular: the types of stories they use in those ads.

What you'll find is 95 of those ads follow three basic "story plots".

Even better: break the movement of those plots down into 5 steps. Then, whenever you have to write copy... decide which of the three plots best fits with your situation... and just follow the five steps.

That's what you get with this report. I've isolated the 3 most successful plots in advertising history, and then created a five step process that allows you to tap into these plots... even if you suck at telling stories.

Then, I show you how to take it even further with:

* The Secret Art of subplots and how to use them to keep your reader's attention through even the longest sales letters

* 2 Advanced "positioning tactics" you can use to send conversion through the roof (warning: only for serious marketers!)

* How to use power verbs to keep your stories exciting and impactful

* The Exact Amount of "Drama" to put into your stories

* How to work in your proof, benefits and scarcity naturally into your story so it doesn't even appear like you're trying to sell them something (The "sneak up on them" approach!)

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

3. The 3 Types of Story Plots That Almost Every Killer Sales Letter Follows

4. Effectively Using Sub Plots

5. 2 Advanced Story Telling Plots

6. Additional Techniques To Boost The Power Of Your Stories

7. Conclusion

Product #4 - 101 Power Transitions Guaranteed To Keep Your Prospects Reading Every Word Of Your Copy:

This was "stolen" from one of the greatest copywriter's of all time, Gary Halbert.

Funny thing is, Halbert never mentioned this technique in any of his own copywriting products or his newsletter. Only the keenest copywriters picked up on it through rigorous studies.

Everyone knows the importance of a headline and subheads. But not 1 copywriter in a thousand knows about a special "third type of headline".

Halbert knew about it, which was a major reason he was so successful.

I'm talking about this: The third headline relates to "transitions", which determines how your copy flows. If your copy doesn't use the proper transitions, then the reader gets bored very easily.

Now this is where is gets interesting - once you know certain time-tested transitions, it actually because easy to write copy that flows as smooth as silk.

Actually, with my 101 Power Transitions you can master this advanced technique without even practicing it. Just consult my list every 3-4 paragraphs, and enter the transition you like best.

Yes, it's that easy!

Product #5 - How to Create A Simple Squeeze Page That Converts At 25... And Do So In 9 MINUTES Or Less:

Here's a neat trick: isolate the three main "approaches" for getting the most signs ups for your squeeze page.

When it's time to create your next squeeze page, pick any of the three you think will work best.

What's next? Write your headline using the first report, and your bullet points with the second report... and you'll have a squeeze page in less than 9 minutes that is almost guaranteed to convert at least 1 in 4 visitors.

Even better: use this strategy to quickly test different niches with affiliate products... and then redirect them right through your affiliate link. You don't even need to create a free "bribe" to get started!

In this report you'll also discover:

* The 3 Elements your squeeze page must have if you want to meet with success

* How to immediately make money from almost every person who signs up for your list

* How to use the 80/20 rule to make squeeze pages that convert almost every time!

* A secret "3 out of 10" ratio most great marketers follow... but aren't even aware of! (Use this same ratio and profit from it)

And more!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Overview

2. Affiliate Landing Page Strategies

3. Step 1 - Locate the Niche

4. Step 2 - the Offer

5. Step 3 - Creating a Hot Landing Page

6. Step 4: Work the Backend

Product #6 - Copywriting POWER Words:

It's best to focus on those little easy things that bring in massive results. When it comes to writing copy with a "punch," power words are the solution.

You know what the biggest difference is between stale copy and exciting copy? It's mostly verbs. Boring copy uses weak and passive verbs. Engaging copy uses powerful action verbs.

He didn't talk to the crowd. he enchanted them. He wasn't filled with energy. He pulsated with energy.

See the difference?

In this report I've came up with the most powerful verbs and adjectives to use in your copywriting. Things such as:

* The 18 best phrases to describe "instant" benefits

* The 39 best phrases to describe "without effort" benefits

* The 10 best ways to describe "financial gain" benefits

* The 18 best words to use to position your product as inexpensive

* Over 216 other "power words" to use for terms such as lazy, increase, fail, empower, humiliate and so on.

* Why you should stay away from the word "learn" in your copy, and 17 other words to consider using instead

* Why you should avoid the word "pay" in your ad... and use one of these 15 phrases instead

* And over 41 phrases to use instead of the words sell, buy, teach and more!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Power Words

2. Words to Avoid

Here is A Summary of Everything You will Get in This Package:

Report#1: How to Write A Killer Headline In 10 Minutes Or Less

Report#2: How to Master Writing Bullet Points In One Sitting

Report#3: How To Create Stories That Sell

Report#4: 101 Power Transitions Guaranteed To Keep Your Prospects Reading Every Word Of Your Copy

Report#5: How to Create A Simple Squeeze Page That Converts At 25... And Do So In 9 MINUTES Or Less

Report#6: Copywriting POWER Words

BONUS: Small Business Reports Pack:

This package contains 6 reports as follows:

Report #1: 3 Deadly Mistakes Most Small Business Make:

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Introduction

2. Mistake #1: Going After New Customers

3. Mistake #2: Not Effectively Using Cross-sells, Up-sells or "Package" Selling

4. Mistake #3: Not Understanding the Lifetime Value of a Customer

Report #2: Center of Influence Marketing:

Report #3: How to Increase Your Profits by 20 in the Next 90 Days:

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Introduction

2. The Forgotten "Rule" Of An Obscure Italian Economist

Report #4: Referral Marketing for Small Business:

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Word of Mouth is the Cheapest, Yet Most Effective Marketing in the World

2. The Referral System, Step by Step

Report #5: How to Turn Twice as Many Prospects into Customers In 4 Weeks:

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. How to Tear Down Customer Resistance

2. The Selling Power of Testimonials

3. How to Become an Avid Testimonial Collector

4. How to Use Testimonials for Maximum Effect

5. The Anatomy of a Good Testimonial

Report #6: How to Make Your Yellow Page Ads 300 Times More Effective:

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Introduction

2. The Most Important Part of Your Ad


Product 8: Online Copywriting Pro Video Course - with Master Resell Rights:

Learn How To Crank Out Profit-Pulling Letters And See Your Conversion Rates Shoot Through The Roof Like A Rocket... Starting Today!

Become Your Own Instant Expert At Writing Master Pieces That Sell... And Convert Twice Or Triple As Many Customers!


"The Step-By-Step Videos To Becoming An Online Copywriting Pro"

Here is what you will learn in this copywriting video course:

Video #1: Introduction to Becoming an Online Copywriting Pro and Tools You'll Need (6 minutes and 48 seconds): In this video, you will learn the required skills you need to write high converting sales copy. You will also be shown free and low-cost tools that can get the job done.

Video #2: Identifying your Prospect (10 minutes and 21 seconds):

There are a few important questions that you must answer and begin to brainstorm before you write your sales letter - such as knowing who you are selling to, who your prospects are, how they think, what makes them take action etc.

That's exactly what you'll learn in this video. You'll also learn how to address your prospects in your sales letters and how to make your sales letter be exciting to read.

Video #3: Sales letter Format: Layout, Fonts, Width of Letter, Coloring (8 minutes and 10 seconds): Words sell. But the way you format and present your sales letter can dramatically affect your conversion rates. In this video, you'll learn how to create a compelling layout, how to use certain type of fonts to make your sales letter easily read, the ideal width of letter, and the coloring.

Video #4: Sales Letter Format: Long Letter vs. Short Letter - Which is Better? Using Links Correctly (7 minutes and 24 seconds): So here's the big debate: Long letter vs. short letter... which one converts better?

Some say it's the long sales letter and some say short sales letter Whatever your preference, it all boils down tests and conversions. Which actually converts better from people who have done tests? We've taken the expert case studies of actual sales letters to show you why a certain sales letter type will help you not only convert well, but have future backend conversions. You'll also learn how to use links correctly on your sales page.

Video #5: Writing Your Sales letter - Top Area: Headline, Sub-headline, Addressing the Prospect, Introduction (15 minutes and 14 seconds): The sales letter writing has been split up into three parts, for videos 5, 6, and 7. In this video, you'll learn about the top area, which is the first thing your prospect will see. There are different types of headlines, and you'll learn how to combine several of them to create attractive and exciting headlines that hits on your prospects true needs and wants! The sub headline helps add to the headline, and you'll learn how to do just that.

How should you address your prospect and start the introduction of your sales letter? Often, the introduction is the hard part, because you don't know how to start off with a bang. This video will show you methods that expert copywriters use to jump start your sales letter.


Product 9: NicheSponder Salesletter Creator Software - with Private Label Rights:

Discover How to Get a Profit-Pulling Sales Letter Written Quick and Fast with a Few Mouse Clicks! NO Copywriting Knowledge Required!

Finally, there is a software program that helps you create your very own professional, profit-pulling salespage through just 11 simple steps!

Here is how it works:

You answer a few simple questions in three major topic areas: "Lessons Learned," "Benefits" and "Finish, and then the program takes your short answers and crafts results-producing sales letters for whatever niche you are targeting.

Yes, you heard it right: NicheSponder Salesletter Creator can create sales letter for any and EVERY niche! What is more, you can even choose between an HTML and a plain text-based salesletter; we have provided easy-to-use templates for both formats!

Here are just some of the exceptional benefits of using NicheSponder Salesletter Creator:

1. Quickly create sales letters for any niche!

2. Create a flawless sales letter even if you are a complete novice. NicheSponder Salesletter Creator guides you through the entire letter creation process so your salespages contain everything they need to in order to compel prospects to buy your product or service - there is a secret formula that all great copywriters use and NicheSponder uses it, too!

3. Save thousands of dollars in writing and designing fees for each and every salesletter you produce!

4. Skyrocket your conversion rates through the roof

5. Format your salesletters with just a few clicks of mouse; you do not even need to have any HTML knowledge!



Product 10: Simple Salescopy Tool - with Private Label Rights:

IMAGINE Creating Cash-Generating, Kick-Butt Sales Copy - INSTANTLY, With a Few Simple Mouse Clicks!

Simple SalesCopy Tool can instantly generate high quality salesletters that will COMPEL people to take action and buy your product or service. It does NOT matter if you are an absolute notice, it does not matter if you do not know even a word of English, it does not matter if you do not even have a tad copywriting knowledge - with Simple SalesCopy Tool you would still be able to create profit- producing salesletters just like those big time gurus.

Here is how Simple SalesCopy Tool works:

This amazing program allows you to create captivating sales copy in just a few clicks of your mouse - you simply select the letter components you want to use and enter some basic information and the software program does the rest instantly creating order-pulling, cash-producing sales copy you can start using immediately!

The Simple SalesCopy Tool includes professionally produced:

* Headline copy
* Subheads
* Openings
* Bullets
* Guarantees
* Closes
* PS
* Similes
* Copy Connectors
* And

POWER WORDS that could convert even untargeted leads into targeted buyers!

All you need to do is just select the components you want to use, add some basic information and press a button to create the salescopy that will have your prospects lining up to give you their money in no time!

See how easy it is!

Simple SalesCopy Tool comes with FULL Source Code! Meaning that, apart from using this software for your personal use, you can do anything else you like with it. Sell it, change or modify it, or anything else!


Product 11: How To Write Killer Promotional Emails - with Private Label Rights:

Discover How YOU - Or Anyone - Can Chalk Out Your Very Own Profit-Pulling KILLER Promo Emails That Can Move Your Readers At Will!

Writing Promotion Emails Is One Of The BEST Skills You Can Ever Master The Competitive E-Commerce Market of Today... And You Will Do Well To Read This Letter URGENTLY Because In Just A Few Minutes, You Will Learn How You Can Turn Your Pen Or Keyboard Into A Wealth-Generating Weapon!

In This Manual, You Will Discover:

* The 4 main purposes and focuses you can use in your emails to move your readers at will!

* All of what you need to know before writing every profit-pulling email promos!

* The most dangerous 1-letter word you should refrain from using too many times - or your email will get killed instead!

* The one nifty tool every top notch email marketer must have - I will also show you how to get it FREE!

* 6 different types of powerful email promos you can write on any occasion!

* How to maximize your email open rate through the head of your email!

* The ingredients of a powerful subject line that gets your email open instead of getting deleted!

* How to make your email opening catchy and beef up the reading interest in your subscribers!

* The distinct razor-edge that will your keep email short-listed out of the many emails your subscribers receive in their Inbox!

* The success factor that hypnotizes your reader to take action... leading all the way up to your intention i.e. purchase your product, sign up for something, download a freebie, and more!

* How to enforce your email letters with powerful post-scripts at the end of your letters!

* BONUS! Receive sample email promos that work - you can use, edit, modify, study, or anyhow you like for your own use!

* And so much more!



Product 12: The Power of Creative Selling - with Private Label Rights:

67 pages - 67,116 Words!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:


- How my Hundred-Thousand-Dollar Dream Came True
-How an Idea Gave Me Faith
- How I Converted Faith into Results
-The Essentials of a Good Sales Plan
- A Lesson from the Actor
- A Sales Plan Gets Results


-The Need for Creative Selling
- How to Overcome Negative Thinking
- How Courage Gives You Power
- How to Make Your Effort Pay Off


- How to Attract the Prospect's Interest
- How to Use the Law of Attraction to Make Sales
- The Importance of Knowing Yourself
- The Three Sources of Sales
- Your Prospect Has Three Main Interests
- The Three Advantages Your Prospect Desires
- You Have to Give in Order to Get
- The Power of Creative Selling Lies in You
- How to Turn Your Creative Power into Cash


- A Good Sales Plan Can Create a Market
- Gain Your Prospect's Interest by Showing Interest in Him
- You Must Plant
- Ideas to Harvest Sales
- Get the Facts, Then Study Your Prospect
- How to Present Your Sales Plan
- The Importance of the Right Word in the Right Place
- How to Build Your Sales Plan Scientifically
- The Power of Thought Forces


- Anticipate Your Prospect's Questions
- The Five Scientific Reasons Why a Prospect Buys
- The Prospect Buys It Because He Needs It
- The Prospect Buys It Because He Can Use It
- The Prospect Buys It Because It Adds to His Wealth by Owning It
- The Prospect Buys It Because It Will Satisfy His Pride
- The Prospect Buys It Because It Will Satisfy His Caution
- How to Use These Motives to Make Sales


- How to Prove an Objection Is Groundless
- Don't Sell the Product, Sell Its Advantages
- How Creative Thinking Turns Objections into Sales
- An Objection Is Often a Reason for Buying in Disguise
- How to Get Around an Objection
- The Importance of Constructive Suggestions
- How Creative Selling Will Increase Your Sales


- Repetition Will Make Your Sales Plan a Part of You 56. The
- Importance of Conviction
- The Key to More Sales
- Perfecting Your Sales Plan Pays Off


- The Power of Faith
- The Two Kinds of Faith
- How to Discover Truth
- The Infinite Range of Thought
- How to Discover Your Spiritual Power
- Spiritual Power Can Change the World
- How to Realize Your Potentialities


- When to Contact Executives and Self-Employed Prospects
- When to Contact Professional Prospects
- When to Call on Other Employees
- How to Make a Good First Impression on the Prospect
- What's in a Name?-Plenty!
- How to Avoid Offending Prospects
- The Importance of Courtesy
- Pleasing the Prospect Pays Off

Take Stock of Yourself
- A Philosophy of Selling
- The Importance of Wisdom
- The Potentialities of Creative Selling
- Apply the Philosophy and Get Results
- Personal and Financial Profit Await You


Closing the Sale-the Final Step in Selling

-Review Your Sales Techniques
-When to Close the Sale
-Tested Closing Sentences
-How to Close Sales Effectively


-What Is the Law of Averages?
-How to Use the Law of Averages
-How the Law of Averages Works for You
-The Law of Averages Can Double Your Sales


-Keep a Complete Record of Your Sales Effort
-Make Periodical Reviews
-Turn Your Accumulated Effort into Cash
-Cash in on Your Investment


-You Can Change Your Character
-Analyze Your Present Habits
-Rely on Yourself
-Develop the Spirit of Optimism
-Keep Active
-Take It Easy
-How to Develop Your Powers of Expression
-How to Achieve Clarity in Your Speech
-Make the Power of Personality Work for You


-How to Make an Appointment
-Make the Telephone Your Junior Salesman
-How the Telephone Can Increase Your Sales
-How to Use the Telephone Effectively
-Selling by Appointment Will Increase Your Prestige
-Every Call is Money in Your Pocket


-The Importance of Your Vocabulary
-How to Use Keywords
-It Pays to Know Your Words
-How to Use Words Effectively
-How to Increase Your Word Power
-How Word Power Will Mean Money in Your Pocket


-How to Put Your Imagination to Work
-Train Your Imagination to Visualize
-Train Your Imagination to Think Up Something
-Train Your Imagination to Observe Children
-Train Your Imagination to Ask Questions
-Train Your Imagination to Gather Ideas
-How You Can "Get the Breaks"
-Make Your Imagination Your Junior Salesman for Life


-The Importance of Instincts
-How Intuition Can Help You
-Where Do Hunches Come From?
-How to Make Your Spare Time Work for You
-How Your Hunches Will Increase Your Sales


-How to Assure Physical Health
-Breathe in Plenty of Air
-Discipline Yourself to Masticate Your Food Thoroughly
-Drink Plenty of Water
-Take Walks in the Sunshine
-How to Have More Power
-Develop a Positive Attitude
-Co-ordinate Your Thoughts and Ideas in Harmony
-Be Inquisitive and Question Your Own Thoughts
-Peep Inward Now and Then
-Visualize with a Clear Conception
-How to Assure Spiritual Health


-Six Rules to Enhance Your Charm
-The Rule of Adaptation
-The Rule of Preparation
-The Rule of Interest
-The Rule of Praise
-The Rule of Tolerance
-The Rule of Natural Tendencies


-How a Good Letter Is Constructed
-How to Write Effective Business Letters
-How Letters Can Increase Your Sales


-Learn from the Sermon on the Mount
-A Positive Formula for Relaxation
-The Importance of Prayer
-How Relaxation Will Add to Your Selling Power
-Relax, and Watch Your Sales Climb


-The Economic Strength of America
- The Big Idea: More and More Things for More and More People
-The Future Is Bright



Product 13: The Copywriter's Blueprint - with Master Resell Rights:

Discover The Industry Trade Secrets To Creating High Converting Ad Copy While Making A Fortune As A High Paid Copywriting Expert!

Here are just a few of the many things you will learn:

* Discover how copywriters use a combination of "power words" pulled from their secret swipe file of proven resources, to guarantee the success of every sales page they create!

* Drive your sales through the roof with a simple, yet powerful structure that will reach out to desperate buyers and invoke response driven emotions that will set your visitors into a buying frenzy!

* What you NEED to avoid if you want to blow the lid off conversions! These are critical elements you need to know if you want to eliminate any chance of your marketing campaign being a failure!

* Learn about the "money spots" and how to ensure that you place your sales copy in such a way that your reader is STILL engaged and put into your "control cycle" even if they skim the page and fail to read the entire sales copy!

* Discover how you can make an outright fortune as an in-demand copywriter to the gurus, who will pay thousands of dollars for every single page you write, even if you are brand new to copy writing!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Copywriting Blueprint

2. Flexible Lifestyles

3. So How Can You Get Started?

4. What Is Copywriting?

5. Copywriting Business

6. The Mechanics Of Copywriting

7. The Elements Of Effective Sales Copy: The Sales Page

8. Attention And Interest

9. Desire

10. Action

11. The Home Business Copywriter

12. Marketing Your Services

13. Simple Methods Of Marketing Your Copywriting Business

14. Home Business Set Up

15. Conclusion: Final Words

BONUS: This product comes with MASTER RESELL RIGHTS! Here is the "extra" stuff you would get, along with the product:

a) A minisite, with graphics, salespage, and download page, to help you sell the product

b) An affiliate signup page!


Product 14: 20 Tips For Sales Success - with Private Label Rights:

10 pages - 2,839 Words!

Discover How to Get More NEW Sales!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Introduction

2. Make contact

3. Trial Close

4. Capture trust

5. Answer objections appropriately

6. Probe

7. KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

8. Expand Your Knowledge

9. Use "Best Practices"

10. Teach Others

11. Ride-Along - or "Co-selling"

12. Referrals

13. Lead Generation

14. Take Notes

15. Sell Outside Your Market

16. Play the Numbers Game

17. Embrace "NO"

18. Leave Work at Work

19. Listen

20. Be Helpful


Product 15: How to Write Emails That Sell Like Crazy - with Master Resell Rights:

Discover How You Can Write E-Mails that Sell Like Crazy!

Writing Effective E-mails is One of the BEST Skills You Can Master in Today's Competitive E-Commerce Market!

In This Manual, You Will Discover:

*The 4 focuses that will move your readers at will!

* How to put together killer campaigns that sell product!

* The 1-letter word you want to avoid

* The tool every marketer needs and how to get it FREE!

* Six Powerful promos you can use for any occasion!

* Subject lines that get mailed opened (not deleted)

* Openings that your readers will love!

* Razor-edge technique to keep you shortlisted

* Powerful post-scripts that move to action!

* BONUS! Receive samples you can edit and use!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Introducing Email Marketing

-Email Marketing Today
-Writing Powerful Emails

2. Before Getting Started on Your First Email

-The Single Most Important Purpose of Your Email
-What You Need to Know Before Writing Your Email
-Tools You Must Have
-Different Types of Promo Emails You Can Write

3. Writing Your Email Subject Line

-The Purpose of Your Subject Line
-What Makes an Attention-Grabbing Subject Line?
-Examples of Powerful Subject Lines that Work

4. Writing the Body of Your Letter

-Making Your Opening Email Catchy
-Writing the Body of Your Email Copy
-Important Tips on Getting Your Email Read
-Moving Your Reader to Take Action
-How to a Powerful Post Script

5. Closing

-Common Mistakes in Promo Emails
-Getting Your Email Read & Followed Through
-In Conclusion
-Recommended Resources


Product 16: Magical Words That Sell - with Master Resell Rights:

Instantly Get Your Hands On Winning Headlines And Words You Can Use In Your Copy or Advertising To Increase Sales!


"Magical Words That Sell"

This book shares multiple ways to use words and phrases in your sales. Here is what you will discover inside this guide:

* A complete guide filled with various types of winning words and phrases to help you sell more of your products.

* Lots of Headlines you can quickly swipe into your advertisements and sales copy.

* The different types of headlines you can use.

* How to properly use a call-to-action to get people to buy now

* How to use the AIDA (Attention Interest Desire Action) principle to construct your sales copy.

* How motivate people using words and phrases.

* How to use "psychological triggers".

* Powerful words you can use in any situation to influence and motivate others.

And much, much more!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:


-Controversial Headlines
-Informative Headlines
-Direct Headlines
-"How To" Headlines
-Question Headlines
-The Command Headline

-Phrases To Get Your Reader's Attention
-Phrases To Generate Reader Interest
-Winning Call To Action Phrases
--Subtle Calls To Action
--Motivational Calls To Action
--Direct Calls To Action
-Winning Phrases - General Use
--Blog Posts
--Forum Posting

-Words That Evoke Positive Emotions
-Words That Evoke Curiosity
-Words That Trigger Action (And Induce Sales)


BONUS: This product comes with MASTER RESELL RIGHTS! Here is the "extra" stuff you would get, along with the product:

a) A minisite, with graphics, salespage, and download page, to help you sell the product

b) A squeeze page template


Here is A Summary of Everything You will Get in This Package:

Product 1. Copywriting Business Ecourse - with Private Label Rights

Product 2. Masters Of Copywriting - with Private Label Rights

Product 3. 10 Articles on Copywriting Services - with Private Label Rights

Product 4. Paint By Numbers Copywriting Course

Product 5. Masterful Copywriting - with Private Label Rights

Product 6. Step-By-Step Copywriting - with Private Label Rights

Product 7. 6 High Quality Copywriting Products

Product 8. Online Copywriting Pro Video Course - with Master Resell Rights

Product 9. NicheSponder Salesletter Creator Software - with Private Label Rights

Product 10. Simple Salescopy Tool - with Private Label Rights

Product 11. How To Write Killer Promotional Emails - with Private Label Rights

Product 12. The Power of Creative Selling - with Private Label Rights

Product 13. The Copywriter's Blueprint - with Master Resell Rights

Product 14. 20 Tips For Sales Success - with Private Label Rights

Product 15. How to Write Emails That Sell Like Crazy - with Master Resell Rights

Product 16. Magical Words That Sell - with Master Resell Rights

To make the deal even sweeter for you, we are even including two announced bonuses with it! Only those who purchase this product from us would be able to get the bonuses at NO cost!

So what are you waiting for? Order today.

30-day money back guarantee!

In case you are not 100 percent satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund every penny! No questions asked!
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