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*NEW* Sales Copy That Sells With The Power of Sales Triggers | Sales Copy That Sells With The Power of Sales Triggers

You Can Turn Words Into CASH! ...

Discover the Easiest, Most Powerful
Direct Way to Start Modeling Your Own
HOT Order Producing Sales Copy NOW!…
... it's almost like having a license to
print money on demand!

I'll show you what's inside killer sales letters that
pull-in huge orders. Now you can reproduce it easily
without all the difficult learning curves and jargon…

And… be warned…You won't find this in ANY other books!

Master in a just a week or two what takes others years…
"This is a work of genius! I heard about this book right before it was completed and begged to be included in it. Why? Because I wanted to know all these secret 'buying triggers' too! This is brilliant!"

#1 Best-Selling Author - "Spiritual Marketing"

Dr. Joe Vitale

"What Michael has done is systematically and comprehensively reviewed and exposed what makes people 'click' to buy."

Co-Author "Mind Motivators"
Yanik Silver

From the desk of: Michael Nicholas

May 16, 2007

Let me ask you this ...

What do you feel is the single most important thing to your online success? ...

Would your answer be any of the following ...

* affiliate programs
* publishing your own ebooks
* writing your own articles
* having a string of mini sites
* owning a big email list
* pulling-in tons of web traffic

If your top choice was any of these, you would be dead wrong ...


Because without the following all-important ingredient which is missing from that list ...
you just couldn't generate much success ... And it's been proven time and time again...

If you think about it, everything on that golden list uses some form of pre-selling that leads to copy designed to convert something at some point in the chain...

What is the missing ingredient?

Order Producing Sales Copy ...

And it's hands down the # 1 top communication skill you need. This is an acquired skill necessary to write your newsletter copy, pre-selling copy and order-pulling sales letter copy that converts your prospects into anxious buyers!

And being able to crank out killer sales copy is like:

> Muscle to a power lifter

> Fuel to a thrusting Rocket

> Wind to a fire

> Propellers to a speed boat

> Mag wheels to a raceway

> Cylinders to an engine

> Air lift to a set of wings

You get the picture - and without it, you just can't move or get off the ground...

Every type of marketer - affiliates and all need to harness the power of sale copy writing...

It's no wonder so many marketers want to give up early in the game... They just don't realize that sales copy writing IS the ticket to their success!

See through your customers eyes to know exactly what hot buttons move them and
you will make sales...

But it can be as hard as selling a cup of hot chocolate on the beach at 99 degrees or easy as selling heating blankets to Eskimos at 50 below!...

Which sales approach would you rather be using?... The choice is obvious!

And this is why Order Button Triggers is the obvious choice...

It shows you how to narrow-in on getting more orders for your products like no other course on the internet...

Wait till you see what's waiting for you in Order Button Triggers... It's a method that can easily transform less than stellar sales copy into emotional-filled minefields that build-up the inner-buying motivators fast...

It's not hype copy... it's more like sales copy on steriods!

Now you'll be able to create the excitement to turn your visitors into paying customers just by simply duplicating how to use sales triggers the way the pros do...

My system easily shows you how to motivate under the radar like no other system teaches...

It's what you can't easily see in sales copy that MAKES PEOPLE BUY!

And if you want to learn how it's done - you've come to the right place!

Clearly sales copy is the lifeblood of online marketing and it drives sales to each item on that bullet list above!

It's true!

You are only one good sales letter away from creating YOUR online success!... and one step closer when you start using the power of
Order Button Triggers!...

Yes! Just one good sales letter can easily bring you from failing in YOUR online business to succeeding! ...

That's how powerful good order producing sales copy can be. It holds the real secret to getting YOUR visitors to reach for their credit cards and BUY NOW! ...

But you may be thinking ... " I don't need to write my own copy " ...

Well ... then I better mention why you SHOULD start writing your own copy ...

You see ... no matter where your prospects click-over from (a newsletter, a website, an article, or an ezine ad) they have to end up at a sales letter to make the buy!

And the thing most people failing at internet marketing have in common is that they don't write their own sales copy...

They just use the same canned sales messages that everyone else is using and get lost in the traffic and noise on the web...

So what does this tell you?...

Right! YOU have to be injected in the chain at some point if they are going to become
YOUR buying customers...

So... a key importance here is YOU ...

YOU need to bring something to the table to make people want to buy from you...

And the reality is... people can buy the same product from several other sources...

So what makes the difference in where they end up buying?

Sales copy that comes from YOU is what can make the absolute difference because
bandwagon sales pages & email offers get lost in the traffic jam these days... and have lost all or most of their selling power... You must be unique in ALL of your offers!

If you do affiliate sales ... can you write super enticing email copy or a pre-selling landing page that gets results?...


( You WILL with Order Button Triggers )

If you are doing sales letter mini sites, can you create the kind of sizzling sales copy that is known to pull-in huge orders?


( You WILL with Order Button Triggers )

Click here to see what other top marketers are saying about Order Button Triggers

These are much needed skills critical to online success! Every guru you have ever bought from has these all-important skills under their belt ...

How much would this be worth to your success to master this all-important skill and get it under YOUR belt once and for all?...

Get on board with the Order Button Triggers now - even if you have all but given up on trying to write your own sales copy... you'll be surprised to see how you can turn it around with these breakthrough techniques!

Just listen to this! ...

YOU do not have to be a born copywriter to turn words into cash!

There is an easier way to create the sizzle in your sales offers without having to be a born copywriter! ...And now you can learn to write like one with, Order Button Triggers!

Order Button Triggers is an incredible new sales letter creation system that's so easy and effective at getting you to put down order producing sales copy to paper... that it will blow your mind! That's digital paper or real paper - however you need to use it - this works!

You'll learn the hot button triggers that make your customers buy! ...
It takes you right to the jugular vein of getting more orders for what you sell!...

What this is not:

- Sales Letter Templates

- Sales Letter Generating Software

But if you like using sales letter generator software...

No problem.

Just load it up with over 100 sales triggers you'll find in Order Button Triggers and watch your sales copy roar!...

In fact, they really work well if you know which sales triggers to load into them...

Remember, the most effective sales letters appeal to real human emotions ... And with the sales triggers techniques I want to show you... you can target them perfectly! ...

The triggers you'll have access to in Order Button Triggers reach-in and grab the hot buttons of buying behaviors ...

Once you start getting a steady flow of orders for YOUR Internet products, things change!

* You can easily pay your bills
* You can work whenever you want
* You can make your living online
* You can leave the rat race
* You can have more free time
* You can book a cruise tomorrow
* You can turn YOUR life around

Order Button Triggers will kick start you into writing high level sales copy that you won't believe you could ever write! You'll be writing the kind of sales copy that only
six figure marketers are using to build their businesses...

Gain access to proven sales copy formulas making them adaptable to YOUR own sales offers! So ... if you haven't been able to write killer sales offers up to this point ... or were afraid to try ... that's all about to change ...

Now you will have an easy way to break sales writing barriers like never before ...

The tactics of Order Button Triggers are not your standard sales copy writing lessons that you may have already given-up on ... No, this is quite different than anything you have tried before ...

You'll be using this like a secret weapon to:

Pull-in more orders from your website
Pull-in more from your Google ads
Pull-in more orders from your email list
Pull-in more orders from your affiliate products
Pull-in more orders from your reprint products
Pull-in more orders from any advertising
Pull-in more orders from own products

Click here to see what other top marketers are saying about Order Button Triggers

Writing sales copy is the most valuable asset that you need to make a living online ...

In just a little time, this system can easily show you how to formulate words that are known to sell ...

YOUR success on the internet depends solely on the way you communicate your
offers …

What you do need to know is how convert tire kickers into active buyers!
You'll see how the pros do it - then it becomes a learned skill that you can take along on all of your internet marketing journeys too!

Standard sales copy courses show you the basic components of sales copy...
But none of them show you what Order Button Triggers does! ...

Here are just some of the order producing things you will learn about ...

Targeting Your Customers Most Powerful Buying Emotions

The 3 Steps to Discovering Buying Triggers In Sales Copy

Accelerate Your Customers Buying Interest

Accelerate Your Affiliate Sales

Identify Hot Spots in the Sales Copy & Recreate It On Demand

Implement Hidden Selling Tactics Into YOUR Offers

Unlock Real Buying Impulses Using Embedded Triggers

Influence Buying Decisions easier than ever

Boost Your Product's Selling Power

Model Top Selling Sales Letters In A Totally New & Unique Way

FACT: The most surefire way to produce top selling web copy that pulls-in massive orders is to use what is already working! Realize this … the hard work has already been done by the worlds greatest sales copy writers …

But how do these sales copy secrets become accessible to you and what is in Order Button Triggers the course?

You'll have my unique Trigger Association System (TAS) working for you like a secret weapon.

Once you try it, you'll never look at a sales letter quite the same again....

Clearly put ... TAS reveals a stealth sales copy analysis system and there is nothing else like it... (See TAS starting on page 41)

You also get these killer expert interviews...

Not only do you get a totally unique system to adapt top selling sales letters with a way to spin them into your own gold ... you will also hear from several top internet marketing experts on how they pull-in massive orders online!

Now all you have to do is take their underlying blueprint and use it in YOUR own offers!
Starting on page 60, we analyze 19 solid pages of copy in a new way that you've never seen...

Imagine if you could X-ray a sales letter and clearly see what's underneath - like all the hot spots that trigger the buying emotions ???

Now you'll have an equivalent to that in your hands!...

Order Button Triggers includes top selling sales letters where you'll see how order producing sales writers use trigger points effectively in sales copy. It's all under the radar ... but once you see how it's done ... soon you'll be doing it too!

This can put you leaps and bounds ahead of your competition! Anyone selling online (or planning to) will want to know about this ... I am talking about something that is hidden in every top selling sales letter ... Simply put ... it's what makes people buy!

And ... Order Button Triggers puts the focus on that one thing ...

Now you can pinpoint the motivation in buyers and tap into it!

Once you know these powerful trigger commands of what makes people buy, you can immediately apply it to what you sell! ...

Sound good?

Picture this: You open up your email and you have orders waiting! ...

Think that's impossible? ... It's Not! ...

Once you see orders coming into your email box, the possibility of escaping the rat race becomes very real! ...

And if you've already seen orders coming in ... you know exactly what I mean ... But here's how to really crank up the volume! ...

What Order Button Triggers will show you works everyday on the internet like a charm ... and it's proven to pull-in massive orders!

Why is this so important? ...

Because if you aren't using it ... you could be losing thousands of dollars in orders! ...

REMEMBER THIS: All top sales offers have 'sales copy commands' embedded in them. What you'll learn is how to use them in proven ways, like the pros do -under the radar...

These are potent psychological commands ... And if you want to boost orders for your online products ... you simply must have this working for you ...

It holds a vital key to the inside motivations that make people whip out their credit card to buy products online!

And it can just as easily be YOUR products people are buying if you know how this works ...

Now I want to show you how to use these same hidden sales trigger commands. Soon you too will be able touch all of the hot buttons of buying behaviors ...

These are REAL sales strategies that pull-in massive orders everyday on the internet ... Now let it work for you!

So ... if you take this into YOUR own hands ... how much better will YOU do ... how many more orders could YOU pull-in ... how much more of a success would YOU become?

Note: This is not get rich quick ...There is no such thing. And if anyone promises it to
you ... run the other way.

What Order Button Triggers offers is realistic. It's a valuable method that can turn your offers into profits when you model how the pros are doing it. Because this is sales letter modeling like you've never seen ...

Use this and it will be almost impossible for you to write bland offers. You will discover exactly what trigger points in top selling sales copy can suck in huge
orders …

You'll be writing your own sales offers - but not alone ... The way I show you, you'll be borrowing the proven success formulas from the pros. They know how it's done and have proven it time and time again ... Now YOU will too!

Keep this in mind ... inside of all buyers is a psychological trigger. It's what makes them buy. To access it, all you have to know is which sales triggers spark the buying behaviors.

Let me show you how it works so now you too can have full-access like the pros! ...

And powerful it is! ...

If you offered me a choice between one million visitors
or a 1% increase in my conversion rate I would choose
the latter every time - because that will bring me
CONTINUOUS profit. Any tip that will produce the
slightest increase will be worth implementing.

And with Michael's unique and highly readable book I
found so many tips that I seriously need to rewrite all
my sales copy.

These range from his scientific analysis of over 100
ways that text can be used to persuade a customer to
purchase to REAL examples used by successful marketing experts. Their suggestions about how and where to place order links alone make fascinating and profitable reading.

Great book - quite unique.
The interviews were very very good.

Harvey Segal

I cracked the code and broke it down in little tiny pieces that you can easily digest. Once you put this sales trigger formula in front of your customers ... you open the floodgates to start cranking-in orders.

Order Button Triggers unveils a vault-load of sales triggers that can easily put your customers in the buying mood anytime ...

What makes someone buy?

Nicholas will show you. Follow his lead and he will take you to that rare and virtually uninhabited place where only a select few have arrived…that place where dreaming about success online becomes a reality.

You hold in your hands a roadmap that systematically reveals how to get visitors to click on the order button at your site.

What makes someone buy?

You will know after you read this book.

Regards, Jimmy D. Brown


Here's a way you can SKY ROCKET your orders! ...

Not only do I provide you with a drilled-down SIMPLE analysis of how to tap into the power of any sales letter ... but I also grilled top Internet marketers on how they get huge online orders, and boy do they unload the goods!

Just like their top selling sales letters prove - the experts know how to get customers to whip out their credit cards and "buy " online time and time again. Wouldn't you like to know how to do this too?

Let me push open the vault door for you ...

Would You Let 11 Top Internet Experts Show You ...

The secrets of how they pull in massive online orders? …

How to master the "Buy It Now" psychology to explode your orders handed down directly from the pros? ...

How Sales Copy Triggers motivate people to whip out their credit cards and buy products on the Internet? ...

If so ... please read on ...

This is 2 ebook courses in 1 ... a double payload of information unrivaled by anything like it - anywhere!

Featuring a superior cast of 11 Top Internet experts that Trigger Massive Orders Online!

(In Alphabetical Order)

Joel Christopher
Jim Edwards
Frank Garon
Chuck McCullough
Jonathan Mizel
Jason Potash
Neil Shearing
Yanik Silver
Jeff Smith
Joe Vitale
Damon G. Zahariades

Their formulas are already working selling thousands of products online now!

Let them show you how they do it!

I'll give you a brand new toolbox filled with sales trigger techniques all laid out so you can put it to use right away, simply & effectively! ...

Order Button Triggers is good stuff, and if you read it you're bound to increase your conversion rate for sales of your own product and affiliate products you're promoting.

We're not just talking writing sales letters
here, this book is going to help you put together emails that sell, ads that work better, web pages that lead to sales, ezines, the whole works.

You'll simply be able to write something that makes people buy... and that's why we're all in this marketing business, isn't it?

Personally I now know a lot more than before I read it.

Read this and you could too.

AND you could make someone buy :)

Phil Wiley


With Order Button Triggers ...
You won't have to lose any more time by
trial and error

(You can start pulling in orders Now!)
You won't have to spend years to become an expert

(You just follow these proven expert formulas)

You won't have to give up on Internet marketing

(You have a new chance to trigger YOUR success!)

You'll see a difference in YOUR sales copy ... and it will be dramatic!

This is not the web's latest fad or a new theoretical idea that will fade out next month ... This is trade secret information handed down from the experts and is not something you'll find on just any Internet street corner ... This is highly specialized information ...

You'll unlock the mind-vault and tap into what drives people to buy!

HOW TO TRIGGER ORDERS ... where you'll learn ...

Check MarkHow to turn YOUR website into a Credit Card Order Machine!

Check MarkHow to put your customers in the "Buy It Now" mood!

How to use over 100 sales Triggers to explode your orders !

Formulas on where to place your order button links in your sales page!

How to spark the hot buttons of buyer behavior to get more orders!

Which call-to-action phrases get the most order clicks!

The power of the P. S. and how to use it to crank up orders!

How to embed "Emotional Mind Bait" into all of your offers!

and much much more ...

Why even think of putting your product out there without the power of these marketing secrets behind you?

To sell online without this kind of information would be equivalent to dumping tons of extra orders down the cyber drain. But, you don't have to risk that … because ...
I have hand-picked 11 super qualified Internet marketers that speak from experience and they are experts on this subject.

What they'll reveal to you is 11 totally unique, highly specific approaches on how to create the " buy it now" mood in your customers ...

These experts pull in massive orders and you'll hear how they do it ... up close and personal ... We're talking, Tried, True & Tested "Order Producing Formulas" ... right at your fingertips!.

This expert panel held nothing back in their interviews ... Using their experience they lay it all out for YOU clearly!

This is 2 books in 1 ... It's 198 pages of solid knowledge - one part interviews and the other part an easy to follow course packaged together into 1 powerful ebook!

This is the Internet's freshest material on how to get orders for your products ...
It contains a totally NEW approach that YOU haven't seen before ... Nothing is rehashed from other ebooks ...

Now combine these powerful interviews along with my study course and we've bottled the psychology on how to get orders online, right here! And ... it's all integrated into
one well-rounded ebook ...

Click here if you haven't seen what other top marketers are saying about Order Button Triggers

There is more than 30 years of collective Internet Marketing experience contained inside Order Button Triggers!

You will gain valuable selling knowledge from these experts included in my panel ...
If you sell or plan to sell products online ...YOU need this vital information! And ... with over 30 years of collective Internet experience behind you ... all you need to do is tap into it and see for yourself.

Anyone interested in marketing on the Internet can jump leaps and bounds ahead having access to this top level information!

Think about it ... I ask the experts specific questions on how they generate orders for their products ... and YOU get to have access to what in essence is a combination to unlock a vault of orders for YOUR products ! ...

Plus, you get my Trigger Association System TM

This is a totally new sales letter analysis system that you've never seen anywhere!

You'll only find it here in ... Order Button Triggers!

It's my secret weapon that I have personally developed to analyze successful sales letters. Even the experts love this one ... and so will you ...

Sound Powerful?... IT IS!

Never again will you think about "TRIGGERS" quite the same ... Because we take things down a whole different lane of the Internet highway! And that's No Hype ...

So, how much do you think it would cost to consult with the top experts in Order Button Triggers?

On the extreme low-end of consulting time with this level of experts it would be somewhere in the range of $150 per hour per expert. Now keep in mind some of these experts charge much more than that ... Therefore, your value of inside marketing advice would cost in the neighborhood of $2000 on the rock-bottom to hire these 11 experts to gain access to this same information ...

This is equivalent to info you would hear at a top level seminar. But here you get access for pennies on the dollar!

I was told I could easily ask 3 figures for this level of product ...

And while I was tempted to set the price much higher ... I have agreed to discount it at an unadvertised low price if you act Right Now! ...

This price will be increased very soon again and when it does ... the price goes up to 3 figures...

So be sure to get it at the lower price Right NOW while this offer lasts!

Here's the buzz on Order Button Triggers ...

"Anyone who reads 'Order Button Triggers' will surely learn
how turn more of their visitors into paying customers...
and that IS the ultimate objective". Rosalind Gardner

Can you imagine how much more your copy will be able 'reel
in' your prospects and convert them from browsers into
buyers? " Jo Han Mok

"This thing looks AWESOME!!! It is packed, packed, packed"
Frank Garon

"Now EVERYONE will know the secrets to turning casual
visitors into eager buyers" Jeff Smith

"I strongly believe 90% of all copywriters will derive GREAT
value from your T.A.S" Bogdan Ravaru

"There is so much great knowledge between those digital covers,
I'd be an idiot not to memorize every point!" Chuck McCullough

"For anyone struggling to get visitors to order on their web
sites, this ebook is a positive must" Steve Shaw

"The first 90 pages define and analyze all 'triggers' and offer pure unique
information - what I call 'fountain-knowledge' " John Delavera

"If learning by doing is great, this analysis is awesome.
Terrific value at any price! Highly recommended!" Arun Agrawal

"I can use those triggers to improve my emails
and ads as well. I'm quite sure your Order Button Triggers
will increase my bottom line by leaps and bounds" Detlev Reimer

Don't you feel it's time that you also started using this same
hot order producing information?

Why be without it when you could start generating massive orders for YOUR products! ...

It's fully Guaranteed... There is NO Risk on your part !

Just download it today and see for yourself!

Secure Ordering
You'll pay only $197 today!...

Secure Online Ordering 24 hours per day ...

In just the next 10 minutes or less ...you can be downloading
your own PDF copy of Order Button Triggers and start on your way to
Triggering Your Own Success!

100% GUARANTEED 90 Days No Questions Asked

I am so confident that once you discover the power of Order Button Triggers, you will put it to work in all of your marketing ...

100% Money-Back Guarantee! - Full 8 Weeks Unconditional Refund Policy

Order Button Triggers comes in a PDF ebook format and is PC or Mac friendly.

You'll be directed to our download site for instant access!

Remember ... You get the full interviews of trade secrets featuring:

Joel Christopher
Jim Edwards
Frank Garon
Chuck McCullough
Jonathan Mizel
Jason Potash
Neil Shearing
Yanik Silver
Jeff Smith
Joe Vitale
Damon G. Zahariades

Their formulas are already working selling thousands of products on the web now!

Let the Experts show you how they do it!

You'll also receive my secret weapon, Trigger Association System TM

This is about YOUR Internet Success and getting on other side of the sale ...
' the selling side' where your customers

Here's how to download Your PDF copy instantly ...

It's just $88.5... but worth WAY much more to your Success!
It's fully Guaranteed!
Secure Online Ordering 24 hours per day ...

In just the next 10 minutes or less ... you can be downloading your copy of
Order Button Triggers and start on your way to Triggering Your Own Success!

Order Button Triggers comes in a PDF ebook format and is PC or
Mac friendly.

You'll be directed to our download site for instant access!

You'll be using these proven techniques for years to come because what these experts reveal here will not fade-away anytime soon!

This is real experience talking and without experience like this behind you, your offer can easily fail and drift off into oblivion. It happens every day on the Internet ... But don't let this happen to your offers ... I am so confident that you'll be using the techniques, tips and strategies in Order Button Triggers ... because if you want to sell anything on the Internet, it comes down to one thing and one thing only ... how many orders your products pull in.
Wishing you the best at Internet success ...


Michael Nicholas

P.S. Isn't it time YOU discover the real motivational elements that drive people to click the order button and buy products now on the Internet? Why not learn how to turn YOUR products into HOT SELLERS with this easy selling profit system! Start increasing orders for your products with Order Button Triggers today! You'll be guided by 11 top marketing experts using their order-producing formulas that are proven to work. This is top-level trade secret information at YOUR fingertips.

P.P.S. Once you have access to this super profitable information ... what's to stop you from using these same proven techniques to start getting more orders for YOUR products?... Now you can get started right-away! Plus, you also get my complete Trigger Association System that reveals my secret weapon which identifies powerful triggers and how smart marketers use them. Now you'll have a way to unlock the blueprint of any top selling successful sales letter and borrow from it's high power selling strategies
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