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Ultimate Traffic Generation Secrets Pack1+2 Mystery BONUSES

Get 12 HOT products on Traffic Generation, along with two Mystery BONUSES!

If you want to know how to generate traffic for your website, then this package is for you! Listed below are the 12 products you will get as part of the package:

Product 1. Traffic Heist - with Master Resell Rights:

Follow A Step By Step Blueprint To Legally Steal, Swipe And Funnel As Much Targeted FREE Traffic As Your Server Can Handle!

(And how you can open the traffic dam to begin sending your first
surge of traffic in just 24 hours less.. guaranteed!)

Take a quick look at just SOME of what is revealed in this ebook:

* The ONLY traffic strategies that are worth pursuing and how to dominate every single one within 7 days or less WITHOUT spending a fortune in the process.. guaranteed!

* How you can set up the ultimate traffic funnel that "pre-screens" your traffic and makes sure that ONLY hungry buyers and targeted prospects are using up your bandwidth (and that THEY are the ones paying for your hosting every month!)

* How to cut your promotion time in HALF and yield THREE times the results! I will show you how to structure my own website launches so that you can instantly integrate traffic magnets into critical elements of your website, effortlessly. (even a complete newbie can do this)

* Exploit FREE blog plugins to suck in targeted traffic and generate fresh RSS subscribers without ever having to pay a dime in advertising or sponsorships!

* What you absolutely NEED to know about article marketing, SEO, social media and every other traffic tactic used by new marketers and why only a handful of these techniques are worth your time (and how to maximize their effectiveness).

* How to keep the traffic flooding in, long after you have launched your website! Do not let your website flat line after it is initial "push". I will show you exactly how to keep it coming in for years to come!



Product 2. Traffic Lottery Script - with Master Resell Rights:

Traffic Lottery Script is a Web 2.0 "play lottery and win traffic" script to promote your website. It is a FREE Service. Admin can earn by placing Ad network banners in top and bottom and selling VIP Memberships.

How it works?

It is as simple as lottery. You just need to submit the url of your web page and you get a chance to win the lottery.

What do I pay? And what do I win?

What you pay is to visit the winning web page of today. And what you win is all the traffic to your website for the day.

How many times can I submit my web page?

You are allowed to submit only one url per day. But Admin can customize it

Are all websites permitted?

No. Websites with pornography, obscene or defamatory content will be removed and banned permanently.

How often does the lottery draw take place?

The lottery draw takes place every night at server time 12:00 AM. But Admin can customize it

If I win today, what are my changes to win again tomorrow?

The winning web page is selected through a random algorithm. Every draw is independent of previous results.

Adsense is integrated with the script and installation is quick and easy (Readme included)

Requirements: PHP, MySql, Curl, (All freely downloadable and come with most hosting accounts - please contact your host for verifying/installing)


Product 3. Traffic SEO Blueprint Video Course - Guide to FREE Traffic:

In just minutes from now, you can be well on your way to uncovering the blueprints to putting your offer in front of more buying customers than ever before. Without Traffic No Online Business Can Succeed.

So What is Included In This Training?

Below I have included a list of everything you will get so you can start potentially seeing huge amounts of traffic to your website, and an increase in your income!

* Course 1 - 24 Hour Traffic Plan Revealed: I know you want to get traffic fast, so I will reveal right before your eyes in the first training each one of the steps I take to get a new website or any website traffic within 24 hours. Watch as I demonstrate this all for you so you can easily duplicate this step over and over.

* Course 2 - Extreme SEO Training: Learn how to do SEO like a seasoned professional with this in depth SEO training module.

* Course 3 - Ultimate Article Marketing Training: You will discover some ultimate new strategies for leveraging the power of article marketing for more traffic sales and leads. This training is over 1 hour going over the article marketing process.

* Course 4 - Press Release Marketing: Discover the ins and outs of using press releases to get massive traffic for your business, and learn how this method can send you traffic in less than 24 hours.

* Course 5 - Social Bookmarking and Web 2.0 Properties: Discover how to leverage social bookmarking and Web 2.0 properties for a serious influx of traffic.

* Course 6 - Video Marketing Methods: Learn why video marketing can seriously increase the amount of targeted traffic you get to your online business.

* Course 7 - Online Software Marketing: This strategy will blow your mind and open your eyes to new, creative ways to generate traffic and increase your search engine rankings.

* Course 8 - More Web 2.0 Properties: In this special course you will discover more Web 2.0 properties that you can leverage for more traffic and higher search engine rankings.

* Course 9 - Fortune 500 Link Building Strategies: Learn how to do backlinking so you can compete in the search engine rankings with even top Fortune 500 companies with little to no advertising budget at all.

* Course 10 - Profit From Your New Knowledge: During this powerful webinar series and coaching you are going to learn so much about traffic generation that you could literally take away everything you have learned and offer to do a service for local businesses. You can charge several hundred to a few thousand dollars for this work! We will show you how to turn our knowledge into your very own side business so you can capitalize on a hot trend!

You will also be granted the PDF workbooks that include the main points for fast and easy reference as you go through the training.

Soon, you will be learning how to use all of these websites and more to massively increase your online exposure!


Product 4. Web Marketers Traffic Guide - with Master Resell Rights:

Learn the Priceless "Behind Closed Doors" Traffic Generating Secrets That Can Increase Your Website Visitors By 25 percent, 55 percent, or More!

Here are 15 Things That You Will Learn From This Power-Packed Manual:

* 7 free basic traffic generation techniques that you can use to get started right away...do not let their "simplicity" make you think that they are not powerfully effective!

* The #1 absolutely best method for traffic generation you can learn and apply. Ignore this tactic and your web site will suffer! Page 54.

* Discover the biggest mistake most people make with traffic exchangesso you do not make the same mistake yourself!

* 6 ways to get people to come back to your web site often. Page 62.

* Thinking of writing an article? Use the special technique I reveal on page 52, and you will be able to write them quickly and easily!

* The # 1 reason why people visit your website and do not sign up for your free ezine or reportthe answer might shock you!

* The best free advertising space you can find on the Internetrevealed on page 21

* 9 off-line promotional ideas, you can use to generate a steady stream of traffic to your web sites... see page 57 to learn more

* Thinking of running a e-zine advertisement? Turn to page 42 and learn what is the cheapest method to use!

* 2 ways to know exactly where your traffic is coming fromthis easy to use tactic will help you stop spending money on traffic sources that are not "earning their keep"!

* Want to do a banner exchange? Learn how to do it correctly on page 29 of my manual

* Discover the #1 reason why people visit web pages and web sites... the answer is revealed on Page 61

* Thinking of doing pay per click? Discover which pay per click provider has the best anti-fraud measures in place within their network.

* How to easily create 100 percent new original content for your web site... I tell you how on page 51

* My Secret Rolodex -- the very best traffic building resources that anyone can use to grow their business. These resources are the very best that I have found on the Internet. This resource alone is practically priceless, and will save you countless hours of frustration and guesswork.



Product 5: Secrets To Web Traffic Overdrive - with Private Label Rights:

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. How to Generate Traffic Using Only Free Methods

2. Search Engine Optimization and Why You Got to Use It

3. How to Use A Tell-A-Friend Script To Drive Traffic Today

-Tell-A-Friend Script
-Tell-A-Friend Script's Availability

4. Top 5 Ways to Generate Low Cost Website Traffic

-Exchange Links
-Traffic Exchange
-Write and Submit Articles

5. Using Google Adwords to Drive Laser Targeted Traffic

-Using Money to Make Money
-Laser Targeting your Traffic

6. Viral Marketing

-Viral Marketing Overview
-Using Viral Marketing to your advantage

7. How to Monetize Your Traffic So You Get The Most Out Of It

--Making Money out of your Traffic
-Affiliate Programs

8. In Closing


Product 6: 4 Ebooks on Traffic Generation - with Master Resell Rights:

Get 4 High Quality Reports! All the reports come in .PDF format!

List of Reports You Will Get in This Package:

1. The Arbitrage Method - with Master Resell Rights:

Make Thousands using a secret method that gurus have kept from all internet marketers. This system is so easy to implement and works completely on Auto-pilot.

You will spend 10 minutes creating a blog or website and another 10 minutes to set up this automatic system that buys adverts for a very cheap price and sells adverts for a high price and you get to keep the profits!!

I will even show you the blog I am using to do this so you can completely COPY me if you want!!

I will help you set up your free money making system on any blog or website.

I will tell you what niches attract the most money

.... You can rinse and repeat for as many times you want and each time generating a new source of perpetual cash.

Forget about Search engine optimization, forget about Adwords, and forget about Adsense!

ARBITRAGE is the new method of making money.... Read the secret inside that the gurus are trying hard to stop me from disseminating to the public.

This method will change forever the way you make money online!!!

Imagine being able to set up a system in 10 minutes and keep earning a decent amount of money from this system forever. How many systems like this would you create? 10? 10000? Or maybe 100000000? You decide if you want to become simply rich, richer or impressively rich!!!!

2. From Zero To Stardom In 5 Days - with Master Resell Rights:

Do you dream of getting your website to the top positions on the search engines?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone showed you step by step how to do it? Including blueprints, the website address and where I got the links from.

I managed to get my website for a HIGHLY COMPETITIVE TERM to the top positions in Google and now I am receiving impressive amounts of traffic and making huge sums from it from advertising, advertisers are calling me daily to advertise on my website.

My webpage is only 5 pages in all and traffic flows in continually to it and it is all on autopilot because the search engines are doing all the hard work for me.

I will show you the secrets of how to get your webpage to be indexed by Google in less than 24 hours, get a couple of backlinks that will get your page up! And how to get the media to talk about your website and help you get your page HIGHER!!!

In the ebook, I will show you what the website is, how I am monetizing it and all the blueprints you need to replicate my method over and over again.

No one in the internet marketing business will show you the website that they are using to make impressive amounts of money with, but I am breaking the code of silence and I bring you for the very first time - The Method - to bring in TRAFFIC, we all know that you can have the best website of all, you can have the best content but if you have no traffic you will not make money.

So read the ebook that will change your life as an internet marketer and help you get traffic, replicate the method as many times as you want, get the results in less than a couple of days (as opposed to other systems that tell you to wait for months to get some good position on the search engines) and get TOP POSITIONS on ALL search engines, including Google, yahoo and msn NOW.

SUPER BONUS: when purchasing, you will receive a FREE lifetime update of this ebook when I update it.

3. Ebook Creation Secrets Exposed - with Master Resell Rights:

Read the Secrets of How YOU can make Thousands daily by promoting your own product (whether you create it or not!!)

Let's face it, one of today's best methods for making money on the internet is to sell some electronic product, and what better way than to make it BIG TIME by selling your own product and having an army of affiliates working for you

Read the secrets that so-called Gurus have been keeping from you all. This ebook will give you the tools and motivate you to start making thousands daily. I will show you how easily it is done and how YOU TOO can make BIG money

Amongst the secrets exposed you will read...

- How to create a mini website
- How to write your sales letter for maximum sales
- How to sell your product without owning a website!
- How to get affiliates
- How to find the right price
- How to research the best niche to use (includes real life examples)
- How to make Thousands daily
- and MUCH MORE!!!

This method will change forever the way you make money online!!!

4. Press Release Traffic Booster - with Master Resell Rights:

Here is what is covered by the report:

- Introduction

- Examples of my press releases that reached number one position in https://www.tradebit.com and how you too can do it again and again

- The Secret method I use to get to NUMBER 1 Position on https://www.tradebit.com in less than an HOUR!!= GUARANTEED

- How to choose the perfect headline to attract traffic.

- How to write an effective press release in half an hour.

- Choosing a press release distribution service (Free options) to achieve maximum success.

- The three key points you should keep in mind to effective press release writing.


Product 7: Non-Stop Viral Traffic Video Course - with Master Resell Rights:

Discover 21 Proven Ways To Obtain Viral Traffic.

Unleash The Massive Traffic Potential Of Sites Like YouTube and Facebook To Dramatically Increase Your Profits!

Here is what you will get as part of the video course:

Video 1 - Introduction to Viral Traffic

* Learn all about viral traffic and why it's so important to your marketing plan
* Understand why you need to harness the power of viral traffic to massively increase both your profits and your list memberships

Video 2 - Methods #1 and #2

* Learn how to use quality content to create viral traffic
* Discover the power of creating 'freebies' to draw in new visitors

Video 3 - Methods #3, #4, and #5

* Learn the importance of trust when building viral traffic
* Harness the power of YouTube to flood your site in traffic
* Create brandable products for some amazing viral traffic success

Video 4 - Methods #6 and #7

* Discover the power of blogging and how it can drive huge numbers to your site
* Use popular social sites to generate huge amounts of quality traffic

Video 5 - Methods #8, #9, and #10

* Unlock the RSS secrets used by power bloggers to generate great viral traffic
* Learn how to get other sites to promote your site - for free!
* Discover how controversy can be your friend

Video 6 - Methods #11, #12, and #13

* Learn how to run contests to get people coming back to you site again and again
* Find out how to use the power of trust to not only build a huge amount of traffic, but a huge amount of *quality* traffic

Video 7 - Methods #14 and #15

* Use games or tools that you create to spread your message in record time
* What product is easy to create and is growing in popularity across the internet? Find out in Method #15!

Video 8 - Methods #16-#21

* Unleash the power of community sites
* Discover the power of the offline goldmine!
* Bringing it all together - approaching viral traffic generation in a way that's right for you


BONUS#1 - 54 Page eBook Supplemental:

Fantastic as a reference tool, this 48 page eBook completely covers all of the material presented in the video course in an easy-to-read format. This is a great way to review the material as a whole, or to get some more detail on each of the 21 methods introduced in the video course.

BONUS #2 - MP3 Recordings of the Entire Course:

Want to listen to the entire course while driving to your job (ugh!), or while out for a jog? The entire course has been recorded in MP3 format for your convenience!


Product 8: Automated Viral Traffic Blogging System:

Are You Struggling And Fighting To Get Real, Consistent Traffic To Your Blog? Are You Looking For A Way To Automate Some Of The More Mundane Traffic Generation Methods?

If so, this special offer is just for you! Salient features of the Viral Traffic System (as discussed in the video course):

1. Set It Up Once & Forget It! No Tech Skills Required!

When I say 'set it up and forget it', I MEAN it! You simply setup this method one time and it will generate hands free traffic for you until you stop it! All it takes is about 2 hours to set it up and after that it is all completely hands free! Literally there are no major tech skills required to make this work for you.

2. True No Cost System

This autopilot traffic system won't cost you anything to setup as I show you step-by-step how to set this all up 100 for free! All you need for this to work is your own blog and even that can be installed for free! Once the system is setup every time you make a new blog post it will go to work for you and start generating traffic and backlinks to your blog post within hours after your post went live!

3. Make $200 to $300 Over & Over Again!

This system is not only powerful enough to increase your blogging income and help build your list for you from increased traffic, but you can even get paid $200 to $300 to set this service up for other people! You are going to be one of a few people with this highly specialized knowledge so after you learn the system you can start selling the setup of this system to other online business owners!

4. Instantly Increase the Value of Your Blogs!

On top of everything else this viral traffic system can even instantly increase the value of your blogs just by setting this up! Having this already setup will be a huge plus if you ever sell your blog down the road. Imagine building fresh blogs and putting this up on them and then flipping them for killer profits on sites like Flippa! Your listings will stand out from the crowd! This system gives you the edge you are seeking.

Here is a listing of the videos you will get in this package, along with the length of each video:

Video 1: Overview of System (4:31)

Video 2: The System (18:56)

Video 3: Wrapping Up (3:23)


BONUS#1: Extra Videos:

Here are your 3 bonus videos in a little more detail. This is all on top of the course on autopilot viral traffic above!

Bonus Video #1: Yahoo Site Explorer Backlinks System

As you know backlinks are super important to where websites rank in the search engines. I created a video that teaches people how to use the free Yahoo Site Explorer service to uncover hidden backlinks that can help propel a website high into the search engine rankings.

This course goes into detail on how you can use this free tool to see where your competitors are getting their backlinks from. This is vital for picking up links that sites in the top 10 of Google are also going after. This will help give you a clear plan of attack for ranking in the search engines!

Bonus Video #2: Aweber Wordpress Plugin Integration

This important video demonstrates step-by-step how to use the brand new Aweber Wordpress plugin so you can easily start list building from your blog. This plugin makes life easier for you as you list build from your blog.

Building a list is the important thing you can do online so this video will help you build a list with all of this blogging traffic!

Bonus Video #3: List Building From Giveaway Events

One of the easiest and fastest ways to generate a subscriber list from scratch is to participate in giveaway events. This video reveals the simple strategies for setting up your product into a giveaway so you can start your list building efforts.

This method works if you have a list or not, and will be a great video to sell to your customers or include as a bonus. This strategy still gets results and helps motivate people to further success.


Product 9: Blog Traffic Strategies:

Discover The Proven Formula For Building Insanely Profitable Blogs That Will Pump Out Cash Every Single Day, On Auto Pilot!

Exploit The Power Of Hands-Free Blogging To Generate An Absolute Fortune From Hungry Niche Markets, Effortlessly!

You will NEVER find an easier way to make money.

Becoming a pro blogger is not only profitable, but it is one of the most enjoyable industries to be a part of!

You can network with other bloggers, share traffic and resources, exploit affiliate programs, triple your income with paid sponsorships, offer advertising space on your website or just promote yourself and your brand.. the possibilities are truly unlimited, and once you know exactly how to set up and activate your blog cash strategy, you simply rinse and repeat it on every other website you ever create.

Learn the techniques once and use it time and time again to build your very own online blogging empire!


Product 10: Traffic Tidal Wave - with Private Label Rights:

Traffic Tidal Wave! 35 Pages, No Restriction PLR!

20 Of The Best Known Ways To Get Traffic Online!

Target Market/Demand: Active Internet Marketers and Online Business builders who are looking for ways to get more traffic to their websites!

Product Description: Discover 3 unique methods to drive constant traffic to your website and create a huge tidal wave of subscribers and customers within a very short period of time! Perfect for the busy Internet entrepreneur!

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Book In PDF Format, Raw Word (DOC) File And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

What Can You Do With The NO RESTRICTION Private Label Rights To This Product?

Well, you can do VIRTUALLY ANYTHING YOU WANT with it! Let me offer you some money-making ideas:

-You can use the product for personal use.

-You can put your name on the product as the author!

-You can edit the contents, change the E-Cover, re-title the product, and include your very own back-end affiliate links!

-You can break the E-Book contents down to articles for your viral article submissions, blogs or even e-zine!

-You can sell the product, individually or in a package at any price you wish! The profit potential is yours to decide!

-You can add the product into your (free/paid) membership site for your members to enjoy and increase the perceived value of your membership content!

-You can use the product as a bonus to another product you are selling!

-You can include this product into a paid package and sell at a higher price!

-You can sell the product through auction sites!

-You can offer the (Master) Resell Rights - to the product - and sell at a higher price!

-You can resell the Private Label Rights to the product at an even higher price!

-You can give the product away - with or without Private Label Rights - and use it as a lead collector to build your mailing list!

-You can change and publish the product offline!

-And so much more!


Product 11: 7 Secrets Seminar - How to Explode Your Traffic and Profits:

This Package 1 Hour of Tips and Tricks for Exploding Your Traffic and Profits - Starting NOW!

You will get:

* Audio 1 - Instant Video Generator System: Discover how to create an unlimited number of professional "MTV-Quality" online viral videos - near automatically...and without any software on your computer!

* Audio 2 - Web 2.0 "Blog Chameleon": Discover a very new and as yet unexploited method to create valuable "high-end" looking authority websites - just by using Wordpress and "this". No one will EVER guess you are using free blog software and this other FREE tool to create these professional looking sites!

* Audio 3 - Instant Authority Links: Discover five (plus) not-so-well-known authority sites that the search engines are REALLY starting to pay attention to ... sites where you can grab FREE targeted backlinks right away - and further build authority in your markets!

* Audio 4 - Viral Video Launch: Discover clever - possibly "gray-hat" techniques for getting videos I make and post online to go viral and get massive traffic FAST - how does 6,500 views in the first 24 hours sound?

* Audio 5 - My Keys To Google's Latest "Backdoor": Discover how I'm getting Google to spider and list my new sites - including all the pages - within 36-48 hours with this method. Need I say more?

* Audio 6 - Bloggers Networking Party Pass: Learn about a relatively new social site/traffic exchange to quickly and easily network with other people who run websites and blogs in my niches. This is one of the FASTEST and EASIEST ways to meet people to trade targeted links with in many popular and profitable niche markets!

* Audio 7 - My "Dirtiest" Press Release Secrets Yet: Discover how, within 48 hours, I had a PR7 link to my site directly from a targeted page on one of the world's top websites (Hint: It was the web edition of one of the USA's top newspapers) that brought in visitors and the search engines IMMEDIATELY!



Product 12: Myspace Promotion: Key In On This Traffic Explosion - with Private Label Rights:

8 pages - 2,144 Words!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. What Is Myspace?

2. Creating Your Myspace Account

3. Changing Your Myspace Theme

4. Editing Your Theme

5. Building Your Friends List

6. Accelerate Your Friend Requests

7. Other Ways To Generate Traffic Using Myspace

8. Auto Comments

9. Other Ways Of Friend Building

10. A Popular Friend Train Site

11. In Conclusion


Here is A Summary of Everything You will Get in This Package:

Product 1. Traffic Heist - with Master Resell Rights

Product 2. Traffic Lottery Script - with Master Resell Rights

Product 3. Traffic SEO Blueprint Video Course - Guide to FREE Traffic

Product 4. Web Marketers Traffic Guide - with Master Resell Rights

Product 5. Secrets To Web Traffic Overdrive - with Private Label Rights

Product 6. 4 Ebooks on Traffic Generation - with Master Resell Rights

Product 7. Non-Stop Viral Traffic Video Course - with Master Resell Rights

Product 8. Automated Viral Traffic Blogging System

Product 9. Blog Traffic Strategies

Product 10. Traffic Tidal Wave - with Private Label Rights

Product 11. 7 Secrets Seminar - How to Explode Your Traffic and Profits

Product 12. Myspace Promotion: Key In On This Traffic Explosion - with Private Label Rights

To make the deal even sweeter for you, we are even including two announced bonuses with it! Only those who purchase this product from us would be able to get the bonuses at NO cost!

So what are you waiting for? Order today.

30-day money back guarantee!

In case you are not 100 percent satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund every penny! No questions asked!
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