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Google Plus Manifesto

Google Plus Manifesto

What is Google Doing Now??!! Prepare Yourself TODAY! Starting at $1
January 10, 2012 Google changed the search game foreverThis timely report will give you all the information you need Right Now!

"Is there anyone out there who still wants to say that being on Google+ doesn't matter? Anyone? Because when being on Google+ means that you potentially can have your Google+ page leap to the top in those sidebar results, Google+ matters. It matters more than ever before."

-Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land

Who Needs this Information?

Niche Marketers
Offline Service Providers
Physical Product Marketers
Affiliate Marketers
Product Creators
Membership/Continuity Marketers
Email/List Builders

Basically, ANYONE who relies on Google for traffic must get their hands on this Brand New report delivering up-to-the-minute vital information!

I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

Google has just changed the way people will find and connect with our content. Called "Search Plus Your World," Google has practically mandated that businesses, brands, and content marketers of all shapes and sizes utilize Google+ to connect and communicate with your audience.

And since this news broke a few days ago, I've been frantically compiling a report that marketers can use to take Instant Action Now.

What You'll Learn:
--> The types of sites and content Google wants from us
--> What exactly is "Search Plus Your World"
--> What this Game-Changer means to your business
--> How to get your Google+ profile up and running in minutes
--> How to create your Google+ brand pages
--> Tactics for getting new Followers
--> Dozens of free resources to make the most of this exciting change
--> A Whole Lot More!

You're probably thinking this is going to pinch you in the wallet. But I believe this content is so critical to all marketers that I'm pricing this essential report in total NO BRAINER land.

Listen, I have a reputation of over-delivering in a very big way. It's how I roll. I've bought too many products myself (for a whole lot more) that made promises and delivered on none. That ain't me.

I want you to LOVE my products! I want to keep receiving emails and testimonials that tell me how much value I'm bringing to people's lives. Why? Because it motivates me to keep going! It makes me work even smarter (not harder) with each new solution I bring to the table!

Are you with me?

Don't Be Clueless to the Game-Changing Moves Google is Making!
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