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MP3 The 12 Bajores - Lithuanian Campfire Songs

These Lithuanian folk songs have handed down the legends and stories throughout the ages and are still sung with much gusto at the many Lithuanian bonfires held each year around the world.

22 MP3 Songs
FOLK: Traditional Folk, WORLD: Eastern European

These Lithuanian folk songs have handed down the legends and stories throughout the ages and are still sung with much gusto at the many Lithuanian bonfires held each year around the world. They discuss new loves, lost loves, war, motherhood, grand-motherhood, loyalty, honesty, and friendship all with frequent reference to the beautiful land of Lithuania. These songs were recorded by a group of old-time Lithuanian baronesses sitting around an actual campfire. Some verses of these songs, specifically “Stoviu As Parimus” which makes us misty-eyed every time we sing it, were rewritten by our members for modern times, although the content most likely transcends the ages. If you like these songs, or know people who would like them, please tell your friends about this album.

For those of you who know these songs, this album certainly brings back the memories, the friends, and the songs. Sing along anytime – when friends are over, while driving, when with family. These songs will bring a group together anytime, anywhere!!! Sit back, close your eyes, and imagine yourself sitting around a large crackling bonfire happily singing with your friends surrounding you.

The Twelve Bajores decided to sing these songs because we truly love the fine art of singing, laughing, and enjoying oneself. Lithuanians have a unique habit of singing whenever two or more of them get together. Well, OK some of us even sing aloud when we are alone. We have a lot of fun doing this, and we hope that we can spread that fun to you as well. Singing these songs is truly a great past-time! If you like these songs, please download them. We hope that you have as much fun with these songs as we do! Enjoy!!

(Green Fields)

Pievos zalios, lygumeles
(Green fields, flatlands)
Baltas baltas kranto smelis
(White white is the beach sand)
Teka tyliai Nemunelis i marias
(Quietly moves Nemunas into the sea)
O-lia o-lia mes keliaujam
(O-lia o-lia we are traveling)
O-lia o-lia iskylaujam
(O-lia o-lia we are hiking)
O-lia o-lia stovyklaujam
(O-lia o-lia we are camping)
Su daina...
(With song...)

Zvejas zuvi meskerioja
(The fisherman is fishing)
Lauzas dega ir liepsnoja
(The bonfire is burning and flickering)
Katiliukas kunkuliuoja
(The tea kettle is rattling)
Bus sriuba.
(There will be soup)

Nors labai skani zuviene
(Even though the fish was delicious)
Baigias musu vakariene
(Our dinner is ending)
Palapine sesiasiene
(The tent is six-sided)
Kviecia mus
(It invites us)

Jau naktuze nusileido
(Now the evening has fallen)
Ant rasoto zemes veido
(On the ground’s dewey face)
Lauzas kirbirksteles svaido
(The fire is losing its flame)
Vis letyn
(It gets lower)

Description of Song: This song is about the good times to be had when one can enjoy themselves. Hiking, camping, scenery, fishing, cooking, singing, and bonfires all contribute to being in a good mood.

(The bird flies)

Atskrend Sakalelis (The bird flies)
Per zalia girele (Over the green pasture)
Atmuse sparnelius (Broke his wings)
I sausa eglele (In the dry pine tree)

Paziurek mergele (Look, girl)
I sausa eglele (At the dry pine)
Kai prades zaliuoti (When it begins to green)
Tai tu busi mano (Then you will be mine)

Sausoji eglele (The dry pine)
Zaliuoti pradejo (Started to green)
Kurgi tas bernelis (Where is that boy)
Kurs mane mylejo? (The one that loved me?)

Ar uz juru mariu? (Is he overseas?)
Ar uz vandeneliu? (Is he past the waters?)
Ar kitas mergeles (Or other girls)
Myleti pradejo? (Did he start to love?)

Nei uz juru mariu (Not overseas)
Nei uz vandeneliu (Not past the waters)
Tik kitas mergeles (Only other girls)
Myleti pradejo. (Did he start to love.)

Description of Song: A boy tells his girlfriend that they will still be in love next spring when they see each other again. The girl shows up and wonders did her love have to overseas, or did he start to love other girls? She finally decides that he is now in love with someone else. Some say this song is about an unexpected pregnancy.

(I Loved a Girl)

Mylejau mergele pusantru meteliu
(I loved a girl, one and a half years)
Turejau pamesti del zmoniu kalbeliu...
(I had to leave because of gossip)

Bam bam taryra bam bam
(Bam bam taryra bam bam)
Taryra bam bam, taryra bam bam bam
(Taryra bam bam, taryra bam bam bam)
Ir buzz buzz tevelis buzz buzz
(And buzz buzz father buzz buzz)
Tevelis buzz buzz mociute neuztars.
(Father buzz buzz grandmother will not say.)

Verciau akmeneli pries kalneli nesti
(I turn the stone, to roll it up the hill)
Negu merguzele mylejus pamesti...
(I lost my love...)

Einu per kiemeli ziuriu pro langeli
(I walk through the yard, look through the window)
Mano merguzele raso man laiskeli...
(My girl is writing me a letter...)

Man laiskeli raso per laiskeli praso
(Writing me a letter, she pleads)
Ateik, bernuzeli, siandien vakareli...
(Come, young man, this evening)

Description of Song: This song describes the feelings of an older man when he falls in love with a younger woman, much to the disappointment of society. The ending is unexpected and delightful in that the younger woman wants to meet him that evening.

(The Sun Was Rising)

Saulute tekejo (The sun was rising)
Lapeliai mirgejo (The leaves were glistening)
O du broliai broluzeliai (And two brothers)
Zirgeli balnojo. (Were riding a horse)

Zirgeli balnojo (Were riding a horse)
Su zirgu kalbejo (They were talking to the horse)
Vai, zirgeli, juodbereli (O, horsey, black one)
Josim pas mergele. (We will ride to the woman’s house)

Per laukeli jojau (Through the field I rode)
Laukelis dundejo (The ground thundered)
Kai uzkludziau akmenelis (When I struck the rock)
Ugnele zerejo. (The fire started)

O stai ir prijojau (And so I rode towards)
Uosveles dvareli (Mother-in-law’s hut)
Nauji vartai usrakinti (The new gates are locked)
Variniais rakteliais. (With iron keys)

Description of Song: This is a nursery song that Lithuanian children sing in school. The lyrics describe the ride of two brothers on horseback riding to visit a young lady only to find that her mother had not only changed the front gate lock, but the entire gate is new.

(Spin the Wheel)

Suk suk rateli (Spin the wheel)
Suk i viena puse (Spin in one direction)
Pasakyk mergele (Tell me, girl)
Ar tu mano busi. (Will you be mine?)

Nesuksiu ratelio (I will not spin the wheel)
Nei i viena puse (Not in one direction)
Nemanyk berneli (Don’t think so, boy)
Kad as tavo busiu. (That I will be yours)

Ne savo zirgelio (Not your own horse)
Pas mane atjojai (Did you ride to visit me)
Ne save ziedeli (Not your own ring)
Man padovanojai. (Did you give me)

Brolelio zirgeliu (On your brother’s horse)
Pas mane atjojai (Did you ride to visit me)
Seseles ziedeli (Your sister’s ring)
Man padovanojai. (Did you give me)

Description of Song: This is a nursery song that Lithuanian children sing in school. They stand in a circle holding hands. This circle represents the spinning wheel of yesteryear. The children then start walking in one direction thus “spinning the wheel”. As the children get used to walking, they start to walk faster and faster and end up running until the song ends.

(Don’t Ride, Wait)

Dar nejok, dar sustok (Don’t Ride, Wait)
Dar menulis teka (The moon is still rising)
As girdejau, as girdejau (I heard, I heard)
Ka tevelis sneka (What father is saying)

Zada mane, zada mane (Promises me, promises me)
Uz naslelio leisti (To marry me to the orphan)
As to senio nemylesiu (I will not love that old man)
Uz jo netekesiu (I will not marry him)

Per tris dienas per tis naktis (During three days and three nights)
Dumuose laikysiu (I will keep him in smoke)
O ketvirta, o ketvirta (And the fourth, and the fourth)
Sarmu pagirdysiu (I will give him stench)

Dar nejok, dar sustok (Don’t Ride, Wait)
Dar saulute teka. (The sun is still rising)
As girdejau, as girdejau (I heard, I heard)
Ka mociute sneka (What grandmother is saying)

Zada mane, zada mane (Promises me, promises me)
Uz bernelio leisti (To marry me to the young man)
As berneli tai mylesiu (I will love that young man)
Uz jo tai tekesiu (I will marry him)

Per tris dienas, per tris naktis (During three days and three nights)
Pataluos laikysiu (I will keep him in down)
O ketvirta, o ketvirta (And the fourth, and the fourth)
Vynu pagirdysiu. (I will give him wine)

Description of Song: This song is about the thoughts of a woman who is about to be given away for marriage. She is promised by her father to an old man which she states that she will mistreat him. On the other hand, her grandmother promises her to a young man which she states she will love him and marry him.

(We Will Return)

Grisim grisim ten kur teka (We will return where lie the rivers)
Nemunelis ir Neris (Nemunas and Neris)
Kur pavasari ant tako (During spring, on the path)
Obelu ziedeliai kris. (Apple blossoms fall)

Kur gegute uzkukavo (Where the birds sing)
Mums per soda skrisdama, (Flying through our orchard)
Kur lopsely uzliuliavo (In the crib lulled)
Mus pirmais sapnais mama. (our first dreams by mother)

Kur svajones musu zydi (Where our dreams flower)
Musu soduose zaliuos. (In our green orchards)
Grisim, grisim nepaklyde (We will return the right way)
Svetimu krastu keliuos. (Using foreign paths)

Description of Song: This song is about longing for the homeland. It describes the love and beauty of a long abandoned home complete with birds singing, mother’s lullabies and flowering orchards. They swear they will return, no matter what the consequences.

(The sun set)

Nusileido sauluzele
(The sun set)
Susimasciusi rimta
(Serious and at ease)
Musu jaunos sirduzeles
(Our young hearts)
Dziaugiasi visa gamta
(Are happy with nature)

Rai rai rai, rita rai rai
Rita rai rai, opapa
Tra lia lia lia lia

Lauzas dega aiskiai sviechia
(The bonfire burns, glowing clearly)
Kyla kibirkstys aukstai
(The ashes fly high)
Dziugauti visus mus kviecia
(It’s asking us to have fun)
Mes dainuojame linksmai
(We happily sing)

Rai rai rai...

Ir lakstute prisidejo
(And the nightingale sings along)
Aidas skleidziasi placiai
(Echoes are everywhere)
Sutartines klausos geles
(Flowers listen)
Klausos pievos ir miskai.
(The grasses and woods listen as well)

Rai rai rai...

Description of Song: This song describes the end of the day after the sun sets. Everyone is happy singing songs, watching the bonfire, hearing the birds join in the singing.

(Happiness is Spreading Throughout The Woods)

Linksmumas eina per girias
(Happiness is spreading throughout the woods)
Pauksteliai kelia vestuves
(The birds are throwing a wedding)

Ir tra lia lia
Ir tra lia lia

Jaunasis buvo pats gaidys
(The groom was the rooster)
Turtingas ir grazus naslys...
(Wealthy and beautiful young man)

O gerve buvo nekvaila
(Chicken was not stupid)
Sutiko buti jo zmona...
(She agreed to be his wife)

O kalakutas isdidus
(Turkey was proud of himself)
Rikiavo pamergiu pulkus...
(Strutting in front of the bridesmaids)

Raudonais batais pats garnys
(Stork had red shoes on)
Sutiko buti pabrolys...
(He agreed to be a groomsman)

O pempe, ta su kuodeliu,
(The hen, with the pot)
Kraiteli veze pamazu...
(Slowly carried the bowl)

Zvirbleliai, tie truksmadariai
(The sparrows, the noisemakers)
Pyraga rijo kaip rykliai...
(They swallowed the cake like sharks)

Description of Song: Summer brings out the wildlife in the woods, and they have their own social relationships and agenda.

(Seaside, seaside)

Palankej, palankej
(Seaside, seaside)
Saulute tekejo
(The sun was rising)
Ten jauna mergele
(A young girl)
Linelius ravejo
(Was collecting linen)

Tra lia lia lia lia lia
Tra lia lia lia lia lia

Atjojo bernelis
(A boy rode up on horseback)
Per lygius laukelius
(From the flat fields)
Kalbino mergele
(He talked to the girl)
Meiliaisiais zodeliais...
(With loving words)

Padek Diev’, mergele
(God help you, girl)
Linelius raveti
(To collect the linen)
Tai dekui, berneli
(Thank you, boy)
O kur jodineji?
(And where are you off to?)

Pas tave teveli
(At your father’s)
As valgiau ir geriau,
(I ate and drank)
Man tavo tevelis
(To me your father)
Tave pazadejo
(Has promised you)

Ka valgei, ka gerei
(What you ate and drank)
Reikes uzmoketi
(You will have to pay for)
As jauna mergele,
(I am a young girl)
Nenoriu teketi...
(I don’t want to marry)

Description of Song: This song is about a young girl attending to her chores and a young man shows up to tell her that her father has promised her to him. She tells him she is too young to be married.

(I planted a flower)

Pasisejau zalia ruta
(I planted a flower)
Bus mergele man, man
(The girl will be mine, mine)
Dar dar, bernuzeli
(Wait, wait, young man)
Dar ne tavo valioj.
(I am not yet yours)

Ir isdygo zalia ruta
(And the flower sprouted)
Bus mergele man, man...
(The girl will be mine, mine)

Ir uzaugo zalia ruta...
(And the flower grew)

Ir prazydo zalia ruta...
(And the flower blossomed)

Ir nuskyniau zalia ruta...
(And I picked the flower)

Nusipyniau zalia ruta....
(I wove a headband)

Ir sumainem aukso ziedus
(And we exchanged gold rings)
Bus mergele man, man
(The girl will be mine, mine)
Jau jau, bernuzeli,
(Now, now, young man)
Dabar tavo valioj.
(Now I am yours)

Description of Song: This song is about a boy wooing a girl. First he says that he planted a flower for her. She declines. He then says the plant has sprouted. She declines. He says the flower has grown. She declines. He says the flower has blossomed. She declines. He says he harvested the flower. She declines. He says he wove a headband. She declines. They give each other gold rings. She accepts his offer of marriage.

(Grey roads thunder)

Pilki keleliai dulka, pilki keliai
(Grey roads thunder, grey roads)
Prie ju berzeliu pulkas, zali berzai.
(Maple trees stand at attention, green maples)
O kaip ash pasiilgau, mociut, taves,
(O how I miss you, grandmother)
Kur tas kelelis ilgas mane nuves?
(Where will this long road take me?)

Kai rausta putineliai, tai putinai
(When the sea foams form)
Tai laukia motinele, seniai seniai ...
(So waits a mother, for a long time)

Skubekit, vieskeleliai, laukais toli,
(Hurry, roads, far fields)
Slamekit motinelei, berzai zali...
(Tell mother, green maples..)

Description of Song: These song lyrics is a longing for a better, long-gone time. It discusses loneliness and eagerness to get home.

(Where the beaches are awash with amber)

Kur gintarais nusetas mariu krantas
(Where the beaches are awash with amber)
Ten, kur banguoja Nemunas vaga,
(Where Nemunas is creating waves)
Tenai kiekviens lietuviskai supranta
(There everyone speaks Lithuanian)
Ten musu zeme brangi Lietuva
(There is our dear Lithuania)

Tenai mergaites dar suktini shoka
(There the girls still dance suktini)
Smagu berniukams jas namo lydet
(Happy boys walk them home)
Visam pasaulyj niekas taip nemoka
(No one in the entire world does it that way)
Kaip lietuvaites, dhiaugtis ir mylet.
(Like the Lithuanian girls are happy and love)

Brolelis renka pamaryj gintara,
(Brother gathers amber near the sea)
Sesute seja rutas lelijas,
(Sister plants flowers, lilies)
Tevelis musu gimta zeme aria,
(Father is farming our homeland)
Motule audzia drobes linines.
(Mother weaves linen clothes)

O koks grazus tas musu mielas krastas
(How beautiful is our beloved nation)
Nerasiu laimes as saly kitoj.
(I will not find such luck elsewhere)
Tegul svetur upeliai auksu teka,
(Let the foreign rivers run with gold )
O man nebus geriau kaip Lietuvoj.
(It will not be better than in Lithuania)

Description of Song: These song lyrics tell of an unforgotten homeland far far away.

(Sour Sour)

Macnus macnus mariu vandenelis
(Sour sour is the sea water)
Dar macnesnis Klaipedos vynelis
(Even more sour is Klaipedos’ wine)
Geriau geriau pameciau galvele
(I drank I drank till I lost my head)
Kaip keleliu vienas parkeliausiu
(How will I get home?)

Imk, mergele, uz baltu rankeliu
(Young woman, take my white hands)
Veski mane margojon kletelen
(Take me to the shed)
Uzkukavo sode gegutele
(A bird sang)
Ir pravirko jaunoji mergele.
(And the young woman cried)

Surus surus mariu vandenelis
(Salty salty is the sea water)
Dar suresnes mano asareles
(Even more salty are my tears)
Geriau geriau pameciau galvele
(I drank I drank till I lost my head)
Kaip keleliu vienas parkeliausiu.
(How will I get home?)

Description of Song: This song is about drinking much too much. It has a sharp tone to it as the drunk is complaining about his miserable life and does not know what to do.

(I Remember A Home)

O atsimenu nameli, ta gimtinu savo
(I remember a home, where I was born)
Kur mociute prie ratelio supdama liuliavo.
(Where grandma lulled me to sleep)
Ir dainele, ta lopsine, ta daina motules
(And that song, that lullaby, grandma’s song)
Ir siandiena man ausyse skamba ciucia liulia.
(And today it rings in my ears, ciucia liulia)

Ciucia liulia, mazuteli, auk, greiciau uzauki.
(Ciucia liulia, small one, grow, faster grow)
Ir tevyne, ir Dievulis taves jauno laukia
(And your nation, and God, are waiting for you young)
Kai isklystu i pasauli platu, begalini
(When you will leave for the neverending world)
Teviskeles atminimai man laimuze mini.
(Memories of my homeland remind of my love.)

Kai i saule pasiziuru, vakaro saulute,
(When I look at the sun, the evening sun)
Ji man primena, kaip gyva, mylima motule
(She reminds me, of my late beloved mother)
Ir kasdien regiu ta kaima, ta nameli savo,
(And everyday I remember that town, my home)
Kur gyvenimo palaima man lopsi liuliavo.
(Where we happily lived, lulling me to sleep)

Description of Song: This song is about longing for the childhood years in the old country. A home is described as having a doting grandmother telling her young grandson of the dangers in this world that are in store for him.

(White White)

Baltas baltas kaip vysnios virsune
(White, white like a cherry’s top)
Zydro veido, kaip zydras dangus,
(Clear faced, like the clear sky)
Kaip vele kaip vele nemarune
(Unthinking unknowing)
Per pasauli keliauja zmogus.
(Through world travels a person)

Krito ziedas kaip naktys kaip dienos
(A blossom feel like the nights like the days)
Kaip gyvenimas visas nukris
(Like life will all fall down)
O jis vienas jis vienas jis viena
(And he’s alone he’s alone he’s alone)
Praraston praeitin nebegris.
(He will never get back what he lost)

Mirta tautos, vergai, viespatijos,
(Cultures die, slaves, religions)
Imperatoriai mirsta seni,
(Emperors die from old age)
Mirsta ziedas balciausios lelijos
(And so dies the blossom of the whitest lily)
Tik tu vienas per amzius eini.
(And only you walk through the ages)

Description of Song: Loneliness is brought to light with the story of a traveler that constantly travels, never to return to his homeland. This idea is further elaborated in the last verse that describes existentialism on a grand scale throughout the world, and through the ages.

(Far away, far away)

Toli Toli (Far away, far away)
Tevu zeme brangi (Our motherland is dear)
Melsva jura miskai (Beautiful sea and woods)
Ir zalieji laukai (And the green fields)

Grazi grazi (Beautiful beautiful)
Nematyta salis (An unseen land)
Vardas jos – Lietuva (Her name is - Lithuania)
Skamba man kaip daina (It sounds like a song)

Toli toli (Far away, far away)
Musu zeme brangi (Our land is dear)
Tartum saule ausroj (As the dawn sun)
Tu sirdy ja regi. (You love her so)

Description of Song: This song is about a homeland that one has never seen.

(Homeland, homeland)

Teviskele, teviskele
(Homeland, homeland)
Man brangi tartum sirdis.
(You are dear to my heart)
Tu, svajoniu mano gele
(You are the flower of my dreams)
Ir sapnu sviesi salis.
(And the light of my dreams)

Tavo upes sidabrines,
(Your rivers are silver)
Tavo zvaigzdes gintarines.
(Your stars are amber)
Man giliai giliai krutinej
(Deep within my chest)
Atminimai susipyne.
(My memories blend)

Issvajota, issapnuota
(Thought of, dreamed of)
Teviskele, teviskele
(Homeland, homeland)
Tu svajoniu mano gele
(You are the flower of my dreams)
Ir sapnu sviesi salis.
(And the light of my dreams)

Description of Song: These song lyrics tell of an unforgotten homeland far far away.

(When The Violin Cries)

Kai verkiantis smuikas (When the violin cries)
Tau gros sutemoje (It will play when it gets dark)
Ir liesis zodeliu aidai (And near will be the echoes of words)
Ir tu nezinojai (And you never knew)
Ir tu nezinosi (And you will never know)
Ko verkia motule sena (Why the old lady is crying)

Zaliuojanciam kaime (In the green town)
Uzaugo trys sunus (Grew three sons)
Trys sunus tvirti azuolai (Three sons as strong as oak)
Isejo i kova (They left for war)
Jie gint mus nuo priesu (To defend us from enemies)
Aukojos tevynei narsiai (They gave everything for their country)

Viens zuvo Radvilisky (One dies in Radviliskis)
Antras Sirvintuos (The second in Sirvintuos)
O trecias pilkam pajury (And the third in the grey sea)
Veltui lauks motule (And still the mother is waiting)
Prie klevo varteliu (Near the maple gates)
Trys sunus negris niekados. (Three sons who will never return.)

Description of Song: A violin is playing and an old lady is crying. She bore three strong sons that went off to fight the war. All three sons died and the old lady still stands at the gates waiting for their return.

(Quiet Tones of the Harmonica)

Tylus armonikos tonai
(Quiet tones of the harmonice)
Primena tavo akis
(Remind me of your eyes)
Primena tavo blakstienas
(Remind of your lashes)
Tylias ir juodas naktis.
(Quiet and black nights)

Buvo pavasaris sicia
(There was a spring here)
Alyvos zydejo baltai
(The flowers were white)
Prazydo mus meile netycia
(Our love accidentally went away)
Prazydo visai nekaltai.
(It went away innocently)

Bet sodas vis nyko ir balo
(But the orchard went bare and white)
Lakstingala suoke nakty
(The nightingale left during the night)
Tos dienos auksines apsalo
(Those golden days grew tarnished)
Tyliajam dainu sukury.
(In the quiet caldron of song)

Taciau as prisimenu viska
(And so I remember it all)
Isvydus sia puokste geliu
(As I hold this batch of flowers)
Ta vasara slenka akyse
(That summer lives before my eyes)
Bet jos sugrazint negaliu.
(But I cannot bring her back)

Description of Song: Lost love and lost good times are thought about in this melancholy song.

(I Stand Leaning)

Stoviu as parimus, prie rutu darzelio
(I stand leaning, near the flower garden)
Kai paspaudes ranka, tyliai isejai
(When you squeezed my hand, you quietly left)
Asarom sidabro, renkas juros marios
(Tears of silver, gather in seas)
Kas o kas o kas gi, nerami sirdis.
(What o what is happening, my heart aches)

Per naktis galvoju, kaip gerai draugavom
(Throughout the night I think, how we were great friends)
Per tas pievas begam, sirdys yr’ siltos
(Through those fields we run, our hearts are warm)
O saulute sviecia, ir medeliai klauso
(And the sun shines, and the trees listen)
Taip i mane ziuri, as tave myliu.
(You look at me that way, I love you)

Per dienas sapnoju, per visus darbelius,
(Throughout the day I dream, during my chores)
Kai mes susitiksim, meile bus sviesi
(When we meet, love will shine)
Akys garbanotos, sypsenos laisvesnes,
(Eyes glistening, smiles are free)
Ir apsikabinsim, negaliu sulaukt.
(And we will hug, I can’t wait.)

Per tas pievas vaikstau, zalios ir rasotos,
(Through those fields I’m walking, green and dewy)
Kur tu meile esi? verkiu daug skausmu
(When are you my love? I cry much pain)
Ir i dangu ziuru, mano du klausimai
(I look towards the sky, my two questions)
Kur o kur tu esi? Kas man pasakys?
(Where or where are you? Who will tell me?)

(Night is falling)

Ateina Naktis (Night is falling)
Saule jau nuslinko (The sun has slipped away)
Nuo kalnu, nuo misku (From the hills, from the woods)
Nuo lauku (From the fields)
Saldziu sapnu – uzmikim (Sweet dreams, let’s go to sleep)
Diev’s yr’ chia. (God is here)

Description of Song: This song is usually sung at the end of a bonfire when everyone is standing up and form a circle around the bonfire by holding crossed hands. The younger crowd believes that the older generation sings this song in order to try to lull all of the campers to sleep. Those that don’t want to go to sleep usually chime in for another round of this song.

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