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*NEW* Software Secrets Exposed | Would You Like to Make $1000 A Month Selling Your Own Software?

"Would You Like to Make $1000 A Month Selling Your Own Software?"

Dear Internet Friend,

It's insane. The nerds have won!

Bill Gates, America's ultimate and richest geek — has a "net worth" of well over forty billion dollars. (To give you some perspective — compared to what the average person earns, Bill Gates could purchase a $300,000 Lamborghini Diablo for about $.31!)

Three of the five richest people in the United States have one thing in common — they built their massive wealth —
— By Creating Software!

Hundreds of software millionaires have built their software empires by following the same pattern over-and-over:

* They develop a hot idea for software...
* ...transform these ideas into best-selling software and then...
* ...rake in dump truck loads of cash by offering it to millions!

But you're asking — what does that have to do with me?

If you've ever dreamed about building a business that can stand the test of time, that can deliver consistent massive profits, that doesn't take a genius to create and maintain — you can now get your hands on the ultimate step-by-step guide to the secrets of the software business! (I'll tell you more about its secrets in a second!)

Your dream can now be a reality!

You see — these companies want you to think that developing software is too hard or too expensive. They want you to believe that software development is only for the elite — the super-smart or the super-powerful.

But you know what —
— "That's a Load of Bull!"

Look — I'm no stranger to the software business.

I've been developing software for the last decade. I've created dozens of powerful software applications — some over a hundred thousand lines of code in length.

If there is one thing I know — it's software!

But — you know what I finally figured out?

The secret to creating massive software profits boils down to three simple steps:

* Get a Killer Software Idea. Companies spend millions of dollars engineering "processes" to generate software ideas. What a joke! All you need is a system that consistently delivers hundreds of software ideas to your doorstep — day after day.
* Building the Software using a Time-Tested Proven Blueprint. You've seen it — software that just plain sucks. It sucks because someone forgot to use a time-tested proven system for designing their software. They get lazy and guess what? You pay for it. All you need is a system that gives you the step-by-step blueprint that delivers great software everytime.
* Making the Software Available. Every year, software companies like Microsoft, IBM and Sun spend millions of dollars promoting and marketing their software. What? Are they crazy? (Yes.) All you need is a system that delivers proven strategies — to generate massive low-cost and free exposure to your software and techniques that get people to buy — right now.

That's it!

Three steps stand between you today — and a software empire that could have your name on it tomorrow! (Imagine THAT for a second! Exciting, huh?)

The magic is that the formula doesn't require you to be a software programmer. In fact — I hope you've never seen a line of code!

Nope! Not one!

Let me boil it down... In the next 30-minutes you could have, in your own two hands, a step-by-step formula for churning software ideas into software gold.

I am determined to provide a guide that can show anyone can create, build and sell software — and, in doing so, expose the secrets that mega-software corporations keep under lock-and-key.

Microsoft, IBM, Sun and other software companies think that they could guard the secrets to their software success — but they are "dead wrong".

What you need to replicate Microsoft or any other software company — is simply — a system.
How could you take on these massive giants?

With a step-by-step system that allows anyone, regardless of their level of technical skill — to be able to generate hot software ideas, turn the ideas into software, and publish them to the world for hefty profits.

It was all there — a book chock-full of all the secrets of software business — completely naked, completely EXPOSED!

Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty — see how this ultimate guide, "Software Secrets—Exposed!™" delivers the goods —
How-To Techniques for Coming Up with Dozens of Software Ideas in Minutes...

You'll be amazed when you learn about the simple, proven techniques I use every single day to generate software ideas hand over fist!

Here are some of the little gems you'll unearth:

* You'll watch as several software ideas are developed out of thin air. And I'll teach you the surefire techniques you can use to do the same thing. It doesn't take a genius — you simply have to know the keys for plucking killer ideas out of nowhere.
* "How Your Hobby Could Be the Next Hot Selling Software Product." You'll see several examples of how you can take any hobby and transform it into a profitable software idea. It's so simple, you'll wonder why you didn't think of it!
* Learn How to Get People to Throw Hot Software Ideas at Your Feet. Not only will you learn how simple this technique is — but I'll show you where to go to find these people. Too many people throw away money overlooking this technique!

That's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm throwing in a list of 24 sizzling places you can immediately go to online to get tons of free software ideas. Before long, you'll have so many ideas that your eyes will pop and your brain will explode!

Ok, ok... would you like to know what else you get in "Software Secrets—Exposed!™"?

Let me show you...
How To Turn a Software Idea into Software Reality — with Zero Headaches...

I've watched year-after-year as people put together sloppy, buggy, useless software. As they come to me with the hope that I can resurrect the dead lifeless software, I point to one thing that would have solved all their problems — this "BluePrint" system.

Ouch, imagine the money and time those people have wasted forever!

The BluePrint wasn't concocted overnight. It's a time-tested bulletproof system I've used and refined over the last 10 years.

How do I know it works?

One web-based application I created — contained over 50,000 lines of code. But with the "BluePrint" system I followed — it was designed, built, and worked effortlessly!

You'll find the BluePrint a life-saver, worth many times what I'm charging for you to own this once-in-a-lifetime system.

Get this — with the BluePrint technique you don't need to know how to program a computer. You never have to touch a line of code, you don't need to know your ASP from your C++!

It's crazy! But...

If you are a programmer, and you insist on writing code yourself — you'll get my time-tested system for writing ironclad code.

I divulge the five-star secrets I've been using to code faster, more simply, with less bugs — all while having fun doing it.
Building the Bridge to Software Profits Success —

In the final section "Software Secrets—Exposed!™", I'll unload the goods on how to make your software irresistible — techniques that will have people pounding on your door, begging for your software!

There is no magic and there is no mystery to what motivates people to buy — but there are proven methods that work. Here's some of what you'll find in this section:

* The 4 Steps to Packaging Your Product Perfectly. With steady sharp-shooter precision, you'll see what needs to go into your software's "box" — the magic ingredient list that will thrill your customers!
* 17 "Zones" every Killer Website Must Have. In a blow-by-blow session, you'll get the goods to give you the unfair advantage over your competition.
* The Magic "Booster Shot" You'll Learn to Rely On. This technique is like a giant magnet — it will suck visitors to your site and keep them coming back over-and-over. You'll also use this technique to get your buyers to zip back to your site on a regular basis and buy every new product you release!

Not only that, but we'll talk about how the "top dogs" leverage affiliate programs to grow their software sales consistently week after week. (Some report a 50% increase in sales using this technique by itself!)

Remember —

I want to show more that is in the guide, but I want to remind you —

Regardless of your technical abilities, "Software Secrets—Exposed!™" will give you the step-by-step template you can use to:

* Create Hot Ideas for Profitable Software...
* ...Turn those Hot Ideas into Killer Software Even If You Can't Program your own VCR....
* ...and Transform that Killer Software Into Colossal Profits...

It is a system that will work for anyone that is serious about making money, not just dreaming about it. (If you're a dreamer, don't order my system — we'll both end up being disappointed.)

Again —

You can use the system over-and-over, building your suite of software and building profits — until you simply can't carry the cash bag to the bank anymore!

Ok, that's not it!
Here are more of the Amazing Secrets, Tips and Techniques You'll Learn in the "Software Secrets-Exposed!™" Course...

Look what else you'll be getting...

* How to pick out the perfect software project — learn from the shipwrecked lessons of others —
* Like a clever soldier in a field of mines, I'll show you the tricks to avoid becoming a battlefield casualty of a bad project...
* Use my "Power Strategy" to scope out the competition and get them to blindly give away all the juicy details about their software — you'll love this technique! (I use this technique every day to spy on my competition!)
* You'll get a sneak peak at the three top strategies every successful software developer employs —
* Why you don't have to create perfect software — and who you can thank for this idea...

And you'll also find out...

* How building software is exactly like building a house — and what you need to know to ensure your software is strong as a rock! (This may be the most important part of the whole guide...)
* If you're in a hurry, I'll tell you how you can have software ready-to-go in 7 days...
* Can you believe that thousands of dollars of software are being "dumped in the river" every week? You'll get the tools for building a turbocharged software money-vacuum!
* You'll get the scoop on the two software styles you must absolutely understand before touching a project — and how to pick the perfect one for your project —

Think about this...

* Hotmail gives us one of the secrets to how powerful software is developed — I'll reveal their little "secret"!
* The "Next Generation Software Strategy" that no one knows about — and how to profit from it before they do! (Get a headstart — in six months, this market will be crammed with competition!)
* My friends said I was crazy, but I unlock my toolbox — and you get to see every tool I use to hammer, torch and weld my way to successful software projects —
* What all "Successful Idea People" have in common — I'm gonna tell you and you might be shocked!


* How to leverage the Handheld Craze — what others are missing and how you can butt your way into the hot handheld market...
* Using current events to ignite a software buying frenzy —
* You need to know about several types of software projects you should never, ever touch. I'll tell you which ones! (I wish someone had grabbed me by the shoulders and told me when I was starting out!)
* Before you ever embark on your project, I give you the sure-fire tips to guarantee it'll be an "out-of-this-world" winner.

You'll have the front-row seat as:

* I'll divulge my techniques for building your software on paper before a line of code is written — and you'll discover how this simple process will save you thousands of dollars every single time you use it! It's crazy!
* My list of proven questions you must absolutely ask of any programmer who wants to work with you — these could be a lifesaver —
* How I use a magic little piece of paper to save my day, keep all my projects on track and keep me motivated on all my software projects. (I'd be dead in the water if I hadn't discovered it!)


* How to "hypnotize" programmers into building your software project for free — you need to know about two of my techniques!
* The "Deluxe Guide to Building the Ultimate Website" for your software. (I've been told this is worth the price of the system — all by itself!)
* If you hire someone to build your software, you could lose your shorts — unless you read my red-hot guide to contracts.
* Everyone asks me — "How Much Do I Charge for my Software?" I'll tell you — and I'll also give you a peep on tips you can use to boost your prices instantly!

You might want to know —

* What one programmer taught me that keeps my support costs at virtually nil — by using my own customers! Shhh! Don't tell anyone about this!
* How to Demo your software for "Maximum Profit Potential". I keep laughing — no one seems to get this right — but I reveal what secrets the gurus are using.
* Don't have a merchant account to accept credit cards? No problem. You'll get the ultimate zero-cost source. Knowing this will save you a fortune!

And that's only the tip of the iceberg!

Imagine being able to wake-up each morning, sit down at your computer, fire up your email and see dozens of new orders for your software piling up.
"Instead of going to the grind every day — you could be creating interesting software projects, making wheelbarrows of cash and living the Dream Lifestyle!"

With "Software Secrets—Exposed!™", you have the step-by-step process you need to go from Software Idea to Software Profits faster than you ever thought was possible.

Let me tell you...

These days, since I don't have employees anymore, I spend my free time flying stunt kites (it's one of my favorite hobbies), and while I'm doing it — I'm making more money than ever! (Even more than I made as a CTO! I'm thankful everyday for getting rid of that stress!)

I'm not tied to a boss or a time clock. My wife and I head out of town any time we feel like it. I work when I want and where I want. I wouldn't trade my lifestyle as a software developer — for anything in the world.

You see —

It could take you years and a small fortune to figure out how to build profitable software products. Now you won't have to. I did all the hard work over many years so you wouldn't have to.

In "Software Secrets—Exposed!™", I reveal the world-class secrets in coming up with hot, profitable software. I show you step-by-step how to generate ideas for software, transform the ideas into software, and build pure profit by marketing it online.
"Ok, Enough Already ... Tell Me What I Get!"

Ok, let me lay it out for you —

Here's what you get with the full course:

You get my e-manual "Software Secrets—Exposed!™" we've been talking about, the huge how-to guide that will reveal all the secrets you need to build a successful software business from scratch.

You'll get all the tips, techniques and strategies for making software building magic happen.

I've been told that I was nuts to offer this package for anything less than $250.

In fact...

One guy even said I should put a sticker price of $500 on it — simply to keep everyone's hands off the material — it was too powerful.

I gave some serious thought to the price — and realized that my goal isn't to get rich with this package. I'm making plenty of money doing exactly what the book is about — creating and selling software.

So —

Here's the deal — you get the entire package for — $149.00.

I'm confident you'll easily save $149.00 on any project you touch. In reality, I know you'll save much more — many hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

And once you've stop saving — you'll be making tons of cash with the project you just built! Many of the book's proud owners have told me that it has been a lifesaver for their own projects. (That's what every author strives for!)
WAIT! WAIT! For a Short Time —

I don't know if I should be doing this —

But if you order "Software Secrets—Exposed!™" — you get the whole enchilada, including the bonuses you'll read about in a second, for $47.00.

Am I serious?

I'm serious — but my wife thinks I'm going crazy. (And maybe I am!) Everything — $47.00.

One other thing — I'm only selling 5,000 copies of this course. After the 5,000th copy is sold, I'm permanently retiring the course. You will never find it on the market again.

Huh? That's right — I'm interested in getting this course in the hands of people that are serious and ready to take action in the world of Software Product Development. And I want the people who are ready — to have the edge on everyone else.

Make me a deal — if you plan on grabbing "Software Secrets—Exposed!™" and then just sitting on it — please, please don't buy it — you'll only be taking the opportunity away from someone else, okay?

Order "Software Secrets—Exposed!™" today if you want to ensure you'll get everything for an incredible $47.00.
But that's not it! I want to make sure you can't say 'no' to this package...

When you have this complete guide in your hands, I think you'll agree that the $99.00 $47.00 was a tiny investment compared to the dizzying amount of money you can make with just one successful software project.

You'll get "Software Secrets—Exposed!™" instantly via our special download site. You'll receive it immediately after you've completed your order. Click here to order today!

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P.S. Just think! You'll never have to suffer through the pain and hassle of trying to develop a Software Project on your own — now you'll have a proven guide that shows you how to do it — step by step. Order Now!

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