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MP3 Pikesvillain - pikesvillain
A lot of people have been asking about the Self titled Pikesvillain album. Its here. 20 track. No labels no limits.
20 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: Hip Hop, HIP HOP/RAP: Alternative Hip Hop
Rapper Mani Plater goes by Pikesvillain, a name that came from the town where he and his mom lived after his parents split up. Living among a predominantly Jewish and Russian population, Mani experienced a great deal of racism and prejudice. According to Mani, "I felt like my community thought of me as evil, so I came up with the name Pikesvillain". Mani is currently going to school, working two jobs, and trying to make a career in music.
Sometimes a few words can say a million things. The reason I love hip hop other then the beats, sounds, and the culture, is that you can say so many things and get so many messages, stories, and jokes, across in just one line. If you take advantage of that you can say so much.
"This if how it goes. Nick shay got me into rap we’d send battle raps back and forth in class. We were not any good but it felt good and it started my first stages of writing.
Fast forward to senior year of high school I meet up with a dude name Sasha bender who was on of the first people to encourage me to Take shit to the next level and treat my talent as a career instead of just a leisure activity. He started laying down money and transportation to the studio and I would just do my thing. At the time I was in a group called Pirate Air Play so some times my guitarist Mike Kaplan or peat would write a guitar line just for me to use. I’d drop a beat and bass on it and paint the canvas with words. Looking back on it taught me more then you will ever know about communication, creation, business and getting shit do no matter what pressure there is on you.
Eventually Sash went out of state for college Pirate air play was falling apart and my lifestyle prevented me from perusing music. A year or two of just working and schooling and getting fucked up got me fed up so I contacted an old sk8 buddy/ Isaac Brendes from back in the day who said he had got some recording equipment. I got my shit together and started recording songs with him. I’d lay down a guitar line, pop a bass in on it, drop the words and he would create a beat for it on fruity loops. After recording tracks that way for a few months we decided to take the new songs and the old songs I had done from back in the day and put together a 20 track CD. This will go down as being the first ever full length Pikesvillain self title CD. We sold the CD on the streets and in schools the first week we sold 100 CD''s which isn’t bad considering we pressed then for 2 ands sold them for 10.
Now the only missing link was live shows. We spent a little time looking for a DJ. We figured we would press the instrumentals to wax and have some one spin them while I raped. After having no success finding one and old friend of mine /Dave Write said hey I know all the songs, I know all the guitar parts why don’t I play for you. Isaac played drums so all I needed now was a bass player. David crest from Local high-rise was up for it and every since we been rocking shows like no other. I haven’t herd from my friend nick Shay who go me into rhyming, be cool to get up wit him. I do here from Sasha and he always showed support. Write now a teams forming. Every on who books us shows from static chain to the fans what rock with us. This bio is just the beginning of a novel with a ending that will shake the earth. I promise you this."
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