Sold by footboxer on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,280,517 satisfied buyers
Ellen Kickboxing 1
Ellen's got a wickedly sweet smile, a spectacular roundhouse kick, and the endurance of the Energizer bunny. This first clip focuses on her sparring skills, which Ellen strategically deployed to secure the title of Junior Sparring Champion in her division.
Ellen's gut-crushing roundhouse and side kicks were perfected by focusing on sparring with, and defeating, male classmates. Now it's YOUR turn to witness what it feels like to be on the receiving end of those kicks and punches.
And, in the follow-up clip (part two, coming soon), you'll discover exactly how Ellen celebrates a victory in the ring... and the utter humiliation her opponent must endure. A FANTASTIC CLIP!!!!!!
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This file is sold by footboxer, an independent seller on Tradebit.