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Turbo affiliate link generator

Find out how to add 4 Commission boosting tools to any affiliate link in seconds...and grab an un-fair advantage over other affiliates!
*** Now with Master Resale Rights ***
Check out the 4 tools that will turbo charge your affiliate links, and instantly increase your commissions
1. You can add an un-blockable popup to any affiliate link. Virtually every major marketer online uses them now... and the popup blockers cant stop them.

2. You can add audio to any affiliate link. You know Armand Morin and all the other big name marketing guys use audio on their sites to help them increases conversion rates. Why do they use audio... because it works.

3. You can add proactive live chat to any affiliate link. By showing there is a human behind your business, people will trust your site and your advice a lot more. This extra trust leads to extra sales.

4. You can add a completely un-blockable exit screen to your affiliate links. My programmer figured out a way to add a totaly unblockable exit screen to any affiliate link. Every visitor you send to your new turbo charged affiliate link, WILL SEE this second page, which can be any page you want it to be.

Here is a screenshot of an affiliate link that was created using Turbo Affiliate Link Generator

* Click the picture to see a working Turbo Charged affiliate link
Will this really help ME increase MY commission checks and build MY own list?

*** check out my stats screen shot from 1 split testing campaign***

* These numbers were gathered using blind split testing on a single advertising purchase.

As you can see Turbo Affiliate Link Generator
not only helped me make more sales, but
it also helped me build my email list.

Turbo Affiliate Link Generator will get your visitors doing business with you instead of your merchant. Did you know that 97% of affiliates are not building their own businesses; they are just performance based advertisers building their merchants long-term business. This is exactly why they are failing.

Now that you realize this, you are ahead of 70% of affiliates, but just knowing that isnt really going to help you make more money as an affiliate. Acting on that knowledge and finding ways to overcome that problem will make you more money.

So how can you build your business as an affiliate marketer instead of just building your merchants business?

It is easier than you might think. Take just a few minutes out of your busy day to find out how I overcame the very same problems that are holding your business back right now... And how you can too.

But dont take my word for it,
check out a few comments from people
who have used Turbo Affiliate Link Generator

I love your software, it is so easy to use... I had my turbo charged link built in less than 6 minutes.

Jessica Tremor - Dallas, TX

I built my first list of a little over 200 subscribers in under 2 weeks. I know thats no big deal to you, but it is to me. Thanks.
Chris Duke - St. Paul, MN

Finally a simple way a simple person like me can start building an email list. I really didnt even need a web site...

Jimmy Spencer - Springfield, MO

I cant believe no one has thought of this before....

Crystal Jenkins- Detroit, MI

...Couldnt be simpler to use... Just a couple of suggestions.
1.) could you add some stats tracking stuff to the program?
2.) you should create a flash demo for really really in-experienced people.

Tommy Gillmore - Tucson, AZ
*** These sugestions will be added very soon.***

I was skeptical at first... I have bought many of the latest greatest products that promise wonderful things only to find out the only people they really help are those who already have a busy website, their own product, or a huge list. But turbo affiliate link helped me (a little guy) start building my list for the first time. I also increased my sales too.

Jeremy Booth - Castle Rock, CO

Does this sound all to familiar?

When I started affiliate marketing over 6 years ago, I tried everything, I followed every gurus latest marketing secrets, I purchased lots of ads in pay-per-click search engines, I bought ezine ads, and other forms of advertising, which all generated traffic, but...

I only made a few sales from all this. Few being the keyword. I rarely made a profit, and every time I wanted to promote something else, I had to start all over again buying ads. Then one day it all started to makes sense.

I needed to be building MY
business instead of someone elses

Now the challenge was how to build my business as affiliate. I was an affiliate for 10s of programs, but all I had to promote each one was a simple affiliate link.

The problem with that was that I could only earn commissions by referring visitors straight to that affiliate link. So all those visitors were actually doing business with the merchant...not me.

Once I sent visitors to my affiliate link. The visitor was gone forever...they either bought the product I was promoting, or they didnt. I only got one chance to make the sale.

And we all know 85% of prospects dont buy until they see an offer more than 7 times, So how many do you think buy the very first time they see an offer...NOT MANY!

But knowing I needed to be building my business and mainly my email list was only half the battle.

I needed an easy way to build
MY business as an affiliate

Now I knew what I had to do, but it seemed almost impossible. You see all the gurus were telling me that the only way to truly build my business was to have my website.

Well, that sounds simply enough, but have you ever tried to create a great looking website that has all the aspects necessary to be successful online...good luck. It is hard.

So I decided I needed another way. I needed a way to get my visitors to do business with me instead of my merchant.

I needed them on my mailing list, on my customer lists, and in my database, so I could follow up with them and make backend income for life. The problem was there just didnt seem to be a solution to my problem.

Out of desperation, I called a friend of mine
...that call changed my business forever

Luckily for me (and you) this friend just happened to be a very good programmer.

After explaining my problem to him, we ran through a couple of ideas, and a few days later he got back to me with a truly amazing development.

In just a few short days, my friend had been able to figure out a way to add 4 business building, conversion rate boosting tools to my affiliate links.

I instantly realized how powerful this system was and began using it with some amazing results.

What does this mean for me
...in plain english.
I said all that to say this, you need to be building your own business, which means building your own list. The easiest way to do that is by using Turbo Affiliate Link Generator on every single one of your affiliate links.

The bottom line is that suddenly with just a few minutes of work to build your turbo charged affiliate links, the ads that lost you money yesterday, make you money today...and build your email list at the same time. You wont find an easier system to help you squeeze more profit out of your internet business.

This system is super powerful outside of the
how to internet marketing world

One of the best things about this system is that it is incredibly powerful outside of the how to internet marketing world.

Many of the informational and software products that the guru marketers push are designed to be used primarily in the marketing world.

Turbo Affiliate Link Generator is different. In fact this software will make it easy to apply many of the conversion rate boosting tools we use in the marketing world to any affiliate link. And I mean any affiliate link for any product.

The real power of this software is that when you apply these strategies to less competitive markets with visitors who dont see all these sales tools every single day,
they will work even better.

Turbo Affiliate Link Generator is so
easy to use...Anyone can use it

Many affiliates never make it online because there is just simply too much to learn...trust me I know how you feel, I struggled for over a year, before I figured it out. But it doesnt have to take you that long.

When we set out to create Turbo Affiliate Link Generator, we wanted to make sure it really solved many complex problems affiliates are facing every day.

Then we went one step further...we not only wanted it to solve some difficult problems, we wanted Turbo Affiliate Link Generator to be easy to use.

Our goal was to give you a real chance to succeed online as an affiliate. Turbo Affiliate Link Generator is so easy a complete novice could use it effectively. It is software that just works for you.

Here are a few screenshots of the software...
it is very easy to use, just fill in the blanks.

For a limited time you get
Master Resale Rights for free

Creating a quality product is hard... thats the honest truth

It takes weeks if not months to create a great product that solves an existing problem people are facing.

Trust me there is a lot to this. Every time I start on a new project, somewhere along the way I sit back and say WOW, no wonder most people are never able to succeed in bringing their own product to the market. It is hard...very hard.

Heres The Deal...

You can buy the Authorized Master Resale Rights to Turbo Affiliate Link Generator and sell it yourself...

* You keep 100% of the profits from every sale. * You will be safe in the knowledge that youre selling a terrific product that people will love! * You will be building your own business. After buying the rights, you will never pay me another dime.

By buying the resale rights, youll save yourself several months of agonizing product development...even if you have a great idea.

Your Software Rights
[YES] Sales page and graphics included.
[YES] Can be packaged with other products.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus product.
[YES] Sales letter and template may be edited.
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites.
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites.
[YES] Can sell resell rights to others.

Your customers rights:
They can USE Turbo Affiliate Link Generator. There is no restriction on the number of servers you can use the script.

Technical / Product Support - This is very important
We will offer your customers free technical support for Turbo Affiliate Link Generator. This means all you do is sell the product, and collect the profits. If they have questions we take care of them.

*** We designed the software, and to be honest, no one knows how to run and use the software as well as we do, so we are the most qualified people to provide support on the software.

You just take in the money, let us handle all the customer support

NOTE: Most of the money in the resale rights business is made by the fast movers. If you wait to long, so many people are selling the software, and suddenly the profits dry up, but if you act quickly you can hit a homerun. (homerun = make a lot of money)

Your satisfaction is important me, and I prove it with a no risk, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee with your Turbo Affiliate Link Generator order.

If for any reason, you arent completely satisfied with this product, just contact me within 30 days and Ill refund 100% of your purchase price. No need for explanations or excuses, just let me know and Ill refund your full purchase price on the spot.

Now lets recap what you get

1. You get the Turbo Affiliate Link Generator Software that gives you the ability to instantly add 4 commission boosting tools to all of your affiliate links. I will quickly go over the 4 tools again.

1. You can add an un-blockable popup to your affiliate links.
2. You can add audio to your affiliate links.
3. You can add pro-active live chat to your affiliate links.
4. You can add a TOTALLY un-blockable exit screen to your affiliate links..

2. You get Master Resale Rights to this amazing new software. This includes:

1. The right to sell the software.
2. The right to sell resale rights to the software.
3. The right to use our professionally written sales copy
4. The right to use all graphics on the site
5. The right to sell it at any price you want.

3. You get a 100% money back guarantee.
File Data

This file is sold by tradings12, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 3 megabytes
File Type EXE
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July 24, 2023 by Randy R. (UTAH, United States)
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July 24, 2023 by Faviola (United States)
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