Sold by soldierone on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,280,517 satisfied buyers
SEO Automatic Backlinks Generator PhP Script
This is a very easy to set up virtually self maintaining php script that can be easily install and ran on any shared web hosting provider or any web server with PHP and MySQL access.
This script has unlimited power by creating a limitless amount of backlinks for anyone who runs it while providing a FREE Service to everyone else Google has announced recently that they are going to CRACK down on the Sales of Backlinks.
This simple and very fast running script can help as this HUGE change with Google takes place Backlinks will no longer be a service anyone can purchase soon so why not give them away FREE. This is just like the concept of a Link Exchange but way better.
For a live demo please visit:
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This file is sold by soldierone, an independent seller on Tradebit.