Magnetic Sales Letters
The ultimate collection of winning ads and Sales letters by Michael Kimble.
An amazing collection of killer advertisings and order pulling sales letters that have generated thousands of dollars in pure profits. Now available for you to read, adapt and model on your own business.
Can you use the one simple (but jealously guarded) secret that direct response marketers use, to skyrocket your income through the roof?
The answer is YES, if you know what their secret is!
Would you like to know one simple secret that can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams? If so, then pay close attention- because this may be the most important message you will ever read.
Here is why: have you ever wondered what it is that separates mail order millionaires from people who struggle day to day... just to make ends meet? Do they have a special talent, connections in high places, or were they just born rich? The truth is... none of the above! They just know a secret. One simple secret.
What is this secret- one that you too can use to bring in as much money as you want as fast as you want? What is it they do, that ordinary people don't? Quite simply,
They Steal!
Yes, you read it right- they steal. But, they do it in a perfectly legal, perfectly ethical fashion, in a way that allows them to make as much money as they want... while working only a few short hours each week.
How can they (and you) do this- and do it in a perfectly legal way?
It's pretty simple. See, the wonderful thing about mail order is, you can test. You can test one ad against another and see which one makes more money. Then you run the one that made more money. This is how fortunes are made in mail order.
Over the past 70 years or so, mail order millionaires have been testing and refining ads and sales letters over and over. And, they have discovered during this time, there are certain words, and certain phrases that practically force people to open their wallets and send you money.
So, when the mail order millionaires decide they want more money, all they do is 'steal' these words and phrases that have been tested over and over. They don't write anything original- why should they? They simply go to their collection of winning ads and sales letters (they even have a name for this collection- it's called a 'swipe file'), copy and paste the words they know that sell, smooth out the letter a bit, and then send it out to bring them more money.
Would you like to 'Steal' your way to a fortune too?
But here's the key- in order to 'steal' like they do, you have to have your own collection of WINNING ads and sales letters. Because if you don't know the words and phrases to put on paper to get people to send you money, your chances of writing a winning letter are slim and none. No mail order millionaire ever attempts to write a letter without knowing these words and phrases- it's much too risky and almost guaranteed to lose money.
So, how do you get your hands on a winning collection of ads and sales letters? To be quite frank, it's not easy- you have to either be friends with a mail order millionaire (and even if you are he probably won't let you see his swipe file- it's way too valuable), or you have to go through the multi-year process of looking for ads that are repeated or mail order offers you keep receiving. See, an ad is only repeated if it makes money, so if you see an ad running over and over it's probably making money. Probably- but you can't tell for sure.
At last... A Direct marketer and millionaire generously offers to share his collection of winning ads and sales letters with YOU!
Finally, though, there is a quick and easy way to get your hands on a mail order millionaire's personal swipe file. For a limited time, and a limited time only, Michael Kimble, a rather famous mail order millionaire, has decided to offer, to a few select people, a copy of his own personal swipe file... cleverly entitled:
"Magnetic Salesletters!"
The ultimate collection of winning ads and salesletters
This material is unbelievable. It contains the exact same ads and sales letter Mr. Kimble himself has used to build a million dollar a year mail order business. All of these ads and letters are tested and proven. All have made thousands and thousands of dollars... some of them have made millions!.
In fact, one letter (which is only one page long), written by Gary C. Halbert, was so successful it brought Halbert over 7.3 million replies - each containing a check (made out to his wife) or cash he could put in his pocket. Getting that many orders (with checks enclosed) forced Halbert to hire 30 full time employees- Just to make his Bank Deposit!
Imagine getting 20,000 checks PER DAY just like Halbert did. You'll get to see this letter when you get Magnetic Salesletters, and you should remember, after Halbert wrote that letter, all he had to do was pay other people to mail it for him- while he sat back and collected all the money.
And that's only ONE of the complete set of letters and winning ads that are included in this amazing swipe file! Keep in mind, all these ads and letters have one thing in common: they all contain the exact words and phrases that compel people to send you money. And you too, can use these words and phrases to create a sales letter of your own and cash in on the secret of the mail order millionaires.
You can have these letters today!
Why sit down and write a letter when all the work has already been done for you? Writing is hard work- and the rich do not like to work. (That's why they got rich in the first place- so they don't have to work!). You can use their secret to make yourself as much money as you like, whenever you like.
Simply steal the tested, proven, money-making words and phrases, from Magnetic Salesletters, and use them to quickly and easily create a letter or ad of your own. There's no thinking and no writing necessary- all the work has already been done for you.
How much will you earn?
By now, I'm sure you'd like to know how much Magnetic Salesletters is going to cost? To be quite honest, you shouldn't be thinking cost, you should be thinking investment. Sit down and ask yourself this question: how much would it be worth to you to be able to create a letter or ad- without doing any writing- that you
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