Sold by master-resale on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,280,517 satisfied buyers
How to Gain Confidence PLR
Have you ever wondered why so many people just seem to be so darn lucky? They have it all - a great job, great relationships and a lot of friends. Yet they are no more attractive than you, no smarter than you and really, when you think about it, don’t have anything that you don’t have.
Why do some people seem to have it all and you have nothing. Why do some things, like job promotions, love, money and good fortune seem to come to other so easily while you have to struggle for every crumb you get?
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe they really did have something that you didn’t have. Something that couldn’t be seen by the naked eye, but was more powerful than anything else? Paul was an average Joe who thought that he was just unlucky. He worked for the same company for 13 years and watched others climb the ladder of success with what seemed like little effort.
Paul blamed everyone for his bad luck. He said that he was just born under an unlucky star. He went about his business and allowed others to not only reap the rewards of his efforts, but also steal his ideas and make them into their own. They were shining stars. Paul was the perennial loser.
Here is what you will learn....
* How To raise confident children
* How to recognize you own low confidence
* How to raise your confidence levels
* Secrets of confident people
* Marketing yourselfAnd a lot more!
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