Twitter Clone Php Script
Twitter Clone Php Script
General Member Features
- Each user will have a custom profile URL ex:
- Search friends
- Search groups by title, description and tags
- Password forget
- Cancel account
- Member registration (with Captcha image)
- Display most recent/most popular members
- Display most popular/new groups
- Latest text updates
- Instant Messenging supported: MSN, GTalk, AIM, Yahoo Messenger
- SMS service Covers 712 mobile networks in 212 countries world-wide via ClickaTell SMS Gateway
Multi-Language Support
- Users are able to select the language setting to be shown on the site
Email Invitation
- Members can enter friends email addresses to sent invitation
- Email importer Addon (value at $100 FREE)
Imports email contacts from Hotmail, Yahoo, GMail, AOL and MSN
Member Profile
- Ability to change background image or color
- Members can also use images from the Twitter Clone Image library
- Advance member profile page customization including setting text/link/border/message area color
- Ability to post text messages with image on member profile page
- View members own messages
- View members friends messages
- View public replies
- View members friends
- Member profile including name, age, location, about me, interest and website URL
- Member statistics overview: Number of direct messages/followers/friends/favorites/SMS credits
- Ability to notify member new messages either all the people the member is following or only direct messages from people the member follows
- Ability to notify member by IM/EMail/Web/SMS
Member Account
- Member can edit name, password, email and enable/disable setting for messages to be visible to all users
- Upload member photo or choose from image library
- Set members instant messenger setting so that member can post/receive message via instant messenging
- Set members mobile phone number to send/receive messages via SMS
- Ability to enable/disable email notification about new followers
- Edit member information: age, location, about me, interest and website URL
- Member API key: This API key is unique for each member who wish to develop applications or widgets using Twitter Clone API
- SMS Credits: Members can view/reset SMS credits and purchase SMS credits via Paypal. Member also has the ability to set SMS limit to prevent spam/excess usage of SMS credits
RSS Feeds
- Public Timeline RSS feed: Shows the latest message updates posted by public members
- Member RSS feed: Displays latest messages updates for each member
Admin Features
- Edit admin password
- Edit site configurations including avatar size, max image size/width/height, admin email
- Edit website title/keywords/description, IM account, ClickaTell SMS details and Paypal address
- Upload site logos
- CMS for admin to add custom static pages
- Ability to search for users and messages
- Ability to view/edit/delete users
- Ability to view/edit/delete messages
- Ability to add/edit/delete groups
- Admin can create custom SMS payment plans
- View SMS credits transaction - Filter results by user/date range
- Mass email all members
- View site statistics including number of messages
- Language: Admin has the ability to create/edit/delete new languages, create new language variables and perform translation or upload the language file
Server Requirements
Unix/Linux Server
PHP 5+
MySQL 5+
libpurple ( )
glib ( )
Clickatell Account ( Optional: For members to send/receive SMS )
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