Its Never Too Late to Save Your Marriage
Simple Solutions for Saving Any Marriage... Yes! Even Yours
It's Not Too Late to Make Things With Your Spouse Right Again, Even If You're Two Steps From The Divorce Lawyer's Door!
Packed With The Secret Methods and Techniques That Are Clinically Proven to Re-Invigorate Even the MOST Hopeless of Marriages, This Book Is Literally Your Relationship's LAST Hope!"
Here's a Peek Behind the Curtain at What Kind Of Amazingly Powerful Information You'll Be Downloading From My Brain To Yours Today...
I've listed some exclusive statistics on marriage and divorce that might surprise you -- all you have to do is open-up your copy to page 3!
I also reveal the 16 most common marriage-killers on page 5, and I push the envelope even further by disclosing, once and for all, the "toxic-seed" that eventually REPELS even the most smitten of lovers!
HINT: It's just one dirty word... and believe it or not - it has NOTHING to do with SEX... or Money!
If you use these 4 proven "Marriage Menders" on page 8 as your guide, then there's no doubt that that bond can be healed and strengthened once again. Never give up hope -- get back in control of your relationship TODAY!
I'll reveal the 5 most common Defense Mechanisms often uttered by estranged couples -- including one that you've probably used just earlier on TODAY without realizing it -- and load you with the emotional ammunition guaranteed to fend-off these no-good distractions!
Try to recall the 5 most recent conversations you had with your soon-to-be-ex spouse -- no matter what the conversation topic was, I'd be willing to bet that your tone was anything but pleasant!
Flawed communication among couples is clinically proven to be one of the most destructive "Divorce Triggers" for millions of failed relationships worldwide, often being the last straw that is sure to get your signature on the dotted line of the divorce paper.
That's why it's ESSENTIAL that you educate yourself to the 3 most potentially destructive forms of Poor Communication and the tell-tale signs to stay alert to, all exposed on page 14!
I have handed down to you, on page, 19 a fool-proof crash course to repairing spouse-to-spouse communication that includes the steps you MUST take to return to your relationship to those "just-married" glory days!
I have even gone the extra mile to include real-life examples of what NOT to say in a particular situation, whether about money or domestic issues. I inject each and every one of these "Spousal Stingers" with a dose of argument repair-all -- that's right, I tell you EXACTLY what to say when facing even the touchiest of topics with your spouse!
You hear your significant other complain about the dirty dishes always in the sink or blame you for that massive credit card charge, but are you actually listening to their grievances -- or are their words just flowing in one ear and out the other?
The difference between hearing and listening is a thin line, but this same small difference is also the lifeline that keeps your relationship in a healthy, day-to-day balance.
And if you're serious about preventing this lifeline from being severed like a piece of floss, you'll waste no time turning your attention to page 25 for a one-stop Exposé on how just hearing can deprive this lifeline of its vital emotional nutrients... and how using these time-tested Listening Techniques can be the fertilizer that makes your relationship bloom once again.
When it comes to marriage, emotions and logic get along with each other about as well as cats and dogs -- but it doesn't have to be that way!
It is not only possible to have a thriving relationship in which both logic and emotion share values, but learning *HOW* to strategically combine these 2 dire opposites may be the swift tactic that revives your once-passionate affection for each other!
The TRUTH about having friendships with members of the opposite sex!
If your idea of compromise is, "It's My Way or the Highway!," then it's no wonder that your marriage is crumbling like a loaf of month-old bread!
When you turn to page 37, I'll expose the unquestionable dangers of Self-Importance that are chipping your marriage away, bit by bit, this very moment. Make sure you check out this page first!
I'll slip my secrets to mastering the art of Compromise in mere moments, including a report on the 5 crucial, real-life aspects of your relationship that MUST be mended today!
Also, your jaw will hit the floor when you discover who's REALLY right in classic spousal arguments, such as where to spend even the smallest extra bit of money!
Back in the days of "I Love Lucy," women were expected to stay at home, take care of the kids, and cook family meals -- now fast-forward to 2008, a time when Gender Roles have spun a complete 360 -- and left countless marriages in shambles!
On page 42, I'll discuss what this mind-blowing shift in gender roles means for the well-being of your relationship, and tell you exactly how these changes could be the agent that rescues -- or destructs! -- your marriage.
From everyday household issues to financial and income-related concerns, making your marriage work will be AS SIMPLE... as... (make sure your partner hears this)... popping a cure-all pill!
Let's face it -- with your marriage going haywire, it's safe to say that you're probably not "getting' any" -- but all hope is not lost.
On page 47, I'll reveal, STEP-by-STEP, the proven methods for identifying the 4 most likely causes of Bedroom Blunders, along with the "Relationship Repairers" that are guaranteed to pump a shot of Vi@gra directly into your bloodstream! When you discover how simple it is to make these dangerously effective techniques work- making love will be just AS breathtaking as it was when you were dating!
If you've ever thought to yourself, "It can't POSSIBLY be my fault!" -- then you will want to turn to page 52, where your thoughts will be confirmed and you'll discover 6 Outside Influences that often have nothing to do with you...but EVERYTHING to do with crashing your marriage like a highway collision! I'll show you how to realistically WIPE these problems off the map, and if you don't ask yourself these 2 super simple, but undeniably crucial questions on page 54, you'll always remain a victim to this unforgiving cycle of outside influences!
Perhaps the most valuable tool in saving your marriage awaits you on page 57, where I'll reveal the 4 principles of a stunningly simple concept that is so simple, you'll slap your head and say, "why didn't I think of that!" But knowing is only half the battle, so I've packed your own "Marital First-Aid Kit" that includes down-to-earth strategies for making this life-saving principle work for you and your spouse, even if the divorce is just a phone call away from being finalized!
All This and TONS More Inside Each and Every Instantly Downloadable Copy of "Saving a Marriage"
Here's My Personal Promise To You: Between Now And The Next 58 Days, You Fall In Love With Your Copy Of "Saving A Marriage" Or You Get A Full And Prompt Refund!
P.S. Whether it's your fault or not, your marriage is in shambles, and if you've read this much, that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're serious about holding on to that last glimmer of hope that, yes, even YOUR marriage can be saved.
Do you really want to walk away from that? KNOWING that you could spin back the emotional and sexual clock back to when you first met each other?