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MP3 Emergency Gate - Nightly Ray
This is German Power Metal at its best, This cd has it all, powerfull guitars and solos, vocals from hell and the bass and drums are very tight with each other. if you like great metal this is your cd to get NOW. Old school mixed with New age metal
13 MP3 Songs
METAL: Power Metal, METAL: Heavy Metal
In 1995, after having played together in various school bands, bassist Mario Lochert and guitarist Fabian Kießling recognized a strong musical bonding and decided to form their own band. Emergency Gate was born. After months of song writing and grueling rehearsals, their first live appearance took place in April 1996. The excited reaction of the crowd and the praise of the local press reinforced the teenagers in their decision to play own-compositions only and to concentrate on their own unique sound. This was a decision to strive for their vision and not become "just another cover-band". In the following couple of years, Emergency Gate played countless gigs and festivals and took part successfully in regional and national newcomer talent contests. They rapidly built a strong base of fans around their music that spans many age groups. A couple of highlights to-date include the Radio-Premiere of the first Emergency Gate CD on the Hamburg Rock Station "Deutsch-Maschine", the performance in Munich with members of the band "Bonfire" and the studio work on the new Emergency Gate album 2004 with the Australian Engineer/Producer Spike Steefkerk. 2006 Emergency Gate signed the contract with The Electric Co. / Universal. Emergency Gate works also with some of the best people of the music Biz. With the amount of energy, freshness and spirit that these talented young musicians put into their music, it''s only a matter of time before Emergency Gate get their big break. For more Information visit
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This file is sold by music, an independent seller on Tradebit.