MP3 Leslie Riopel, ACHT - Wealth & Abundance Hypnosis
Prosperity and wealth are nothing more than mindsets or bars we have set for ourselves. This session utilizes our classic progressive relaxation induction method and takes you to a beautiful beach where you relax & enjoy over 170 custom wealth suggestions
1 MP3 Songs in this album (52:29) !
Related styles: New Age: Self-Help, New Age: Meditation, Type: Vocal
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Most people believe that wealth is the result of years of hard work and careful saving, unless of course you are lucky enough to inherit a small fortune. I''m here to tell you that wealth is just an illusion! Reprogramming your ideas about money will actually draw it to you far more quickly than slaving away day after day. The road to riches is actually paved with strong, positive ideas that are constantly held in your mind, eventually attracting an abundance of money into your life. If you are not experiencing abundance in your life right now, ask yourself a few important questions.
What messages were associated with money while you were growing up? If you can''t think of any, I will give you a few:
Money doesn''t grow on trees
Save some for a rainy day
There is never enough money
We can''t afford that
That’s just the way it is
Do these sound familiar? These kinds of messages become embedded in your mind until eventually you buy into the scarcity myth. Whatever it is you are telling yourself day in and day out, is what you believe. I like to use the analogy of musical chairs, because in essence, that is what most of us believe. There is not enough for everyone and eventually someone is going to miss out. This mantra then becomes sort of a default setting, where scarcity is a way of life.
Think about this for a minute. What are the messages you are telling yourself from the minute you get up to the minute you go to bed? I don''t have enough time. I don''t have enough money. I don''t have enough patience. I don''t have enough: you fill in the blank. This kind of thinking permeates everything, because that is what you are telling yourself all day long. I would like to challenge you to start thinking differently, and to start thinking in terms of abundance, and what you do have. Money is nothing more than mere energy. Money is neither good, nor bad. In actuality, there is plenty for everyone; you just have to learn how to tap into the wealth mentality because the surprising truth is:
There is enough for everyone and you have the ability to tap into this!
That is the key to turning your mindset around. Hypnosis acts as a fast track to your subconscious mind. Replacing those old worn out statements that are running through your mind every minute of every day, is the key to success.
When your attention is focused on what’s lacking and scarce in your life, in your work, or in your family, then that becomes what you are all about! That’s the song you sing and the vision you are generating! No matter how much money you have, it will never be enough, if this is your mindset!
When you are crushed by the victim or scarcity mentality, your ability to envision and dream is crushed too, because all you are really doing is expanding the presence and power of scarcity and tightening its grip on your world.
Once you begin to focus your attention on your UNLIMITED RESOURCES FROM WITHIN, that we all have access to, the outer resources must materialize and follow; that is the law of nature. Looking at what’s working, instead of what’s not working, leads to discovery, dreaming and designing a more perfect future. In essence, reprogramming your mind to thoughts of prosperity, wealth, and abundance, allows you to redirect your energy currently tied up in anxiety, worry and fear, to appreciation, wealth, and abundance instead.
Think about all the wonderful things you could focus on and create, if you weren’t so busy trying to merely survive? Wouldn’t the world, and everyone in it, be a better place if we could all spend our time dreaming and creating and being of service?