MP3 arjuna greist - odd numbers
Love, sex, loss, the joys of the open road, addiction, the internet, liberation from the status quo, people over profit, creation over destruction, feminist ecoporn, homophopia challenged with the power of the word, spoken & sung.
16 MP3 Songs
SPOKEN WORD: With Music, FOLK: Political
odd numbers is a collection of songs and spoken word manifestas focusing on feminism, queer pride, religion, body issues, politics, love, loss, ethically slutty travel, environmentalism, and your mom. arjuna''s guitar & vocals provide the core of the album''s sound, while guest artists (Chris Pureka, Marty Helly, Gail Hegeman, Ellen Greist, Dana Astmann, Anna Levitt) mix things up on a few tracks with bass, drums, cello, violin, harmony vocals, and organ.
You''ll laugh, you''ll cry, you''ll discover a whole new reason to recycle.
*upcoming shows*
tues nov 1 northampton, ma - Bishop''s Lounge on Pearl St.
fri & sat, nov 11-12 olympia wa - The Manium
sun-tues, nov 13-15 eugene/portland
wed, nov 16 tacoma, wa
fri, nov 17 bellingham, wa
thurs nov 18 seattle, wa - Seattle Center, Center Stage
sat, nov 19 vancouver, bcSaturday Nov 19th
the butchershop, 195 East 26th
see for updates.
join the mailing list by sending a request to arjuna@
In her acceptance speech for the 2004 Just Plain Folks International Songwriting Award in the spoken word category, arjuna enthused, "I am so honored, and so joyous... the fact that my queer-happy, anti-establishment, freakazoid, punk-ass manifesta passed the muster of my peers to win an award lets me know, in an official way, that messages of peace, and change, and hope, and non-violent revolution are both wanted and needed in this world... we just need to keep getting louder."
A performer since before she can remember, arjuna spent her formative years singing in choirs and at open mics before graduating to professional gigs during college. In 2000, arjuna answered fan demand for an album with a six song demo CD, "some chick sings," which she supported with her first nationwide tour in 2001. She continued to expand her performance horizons, singing solo as well as sharing the stage with such lovely folk as Pamela Means, Edie Carey, Trina Hamlin, and Adrianne. arjuna has been getting louder every year, criss-crossing the continent to bring her deeply personal music and poetry to appreciative audiences at women''s festivals, pride events, colleges, coffee houses, and living rooms from Southern California to Toronto.
arjuna moved to the Northampton, MA area in mid January, 2002. Since then, she has played at area performance spaces such as The Elevens, The Ironhorse, The A.P.E. Gallery, and Diva''s Nightclub in Northampton, P.A.C.E. and Flywheel in Easthampton, The Open Square in Holyoke, The Java Hut in Worchester, and Earthdance in Cummington. She has been a featured performer at area college events, including various benefits, Queerfest 2003, concerts at Mt. Holyoke, and rallies for National Coming Out Day. arjuna has appeared regularly at feminist poetry happening Sisiter Spit Northampton, and one of her songs was chosen for a compilation CD of the 2002 Northampton Music Festival.
The collection of folks she has shared the stage with has been growing happily, and now includes Ember Swift, Lyndell Montgomery, Erin Smith Band, Meg Hutchinson, James O''Brien, Chris Pureka, Laura Love, Aisha Ayers, God-des, Tribe 8, Shelly Doty, CommonbonD, Juha, Ferron, and Michelle Tea. arjuna joined forces in 2002 with gooselove, Lenelle Moise, and Chris O''Carroll to form The People''s Poetry Theater, a spoken-word troupe presenting what is best described as "the Vagina Monologues of social justice poetry." They can be found performing in theaters, presenting programs in schools, and sharing the stage with poetic luminaries such as Saul Williams. The Springfield Journal featured arjuna as their cover story in October of 2002, citing her as "one of the up-and-coming politically charged folk musicians in the valley."
''odd numbers,'' arjuna''s 2003 release, has garnered accolades from fans and media alike, as well as airplay on college, community, and internet radio in the U.S. arjuna plans to increase the volume with several tours in 2005, as well as another full-length album to be released in early 2006.
some recent shows included:
3/26/05 8pm gooselove''s book/cd release party
APE Space & Gallery 3rd floor Thornes northampton, ma
4/2/05 CLPP Reproductive Rights Conference Amherst, MA
4/8/05 Trenton Q-Nite, the queer coffeehouse.
5/11/05 Night Owl Records, with Aerin Tedesco, Andrea Bunch
6/9/05 Apollo Grill, Easthampton MA
6/11/05 Beatles Tribute at PACE, Easthapton MA
8/ 6/05 The Elevens, Northampton with Lenelle Moise, Addie Brownlee and Athena Reich
8/7/05 Live on the Valley Free Radio first broadcast
9/25/05 Peace Rally, Amherst MA
for booking, please contact arjuna@
thank you!