MP3 Oblique Brown - HIP HOP/RAP: Alternative Hip Hop
Raw, emotional, gritty and narrative laced hip hop that takes on love, ambition, politics, mixed with bits of battle ready rhymes.
11 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: Alternative Hip Hop, HIP HOP/RAP: East Coast
Oblique Brown is the eponymous first official release from long time collaborators Zeeb from The Soulful MP''s and Chee Malabar of Himalayan Project. Having previously worked together on HP''s 2003''s Wince At The Sun, Zeeb and Chee started work as Oblique Brown two years ago after Himalayan Project finished promoting Wince At the Sun. The resulting album is a mix of Hip Hop swagger, heartbreak, celebration and, ultimately, is a snapshot into the life of a young man in America grappling with being a "brown man in a white world, living through black music". Zeeb''s beats on OB are simple yet lush urban soundscapes that provide a raw, thumping backdrop for Chee''s lyrics, which range from humorous to introspective, and whose subject matter reflects a number of complicated issues such as politics, love, ambition and emotional growth. Oblique Brown consists of songs that mark what Hip Hop music has evolved into- a tool for self-expression and evaluation of all aspects of life. Chee and Zeeb recognize that dedicated fans, as well as the artists themselves, are getting older, and this album is a reflection of that maturing Hip Hop community which seeks to find itself through the music it grew up on. for more i
info visit & (site launch June ''06)