MP3 Nfluence - The Awakening
Nfluencial Music
5 MP3 Songs
Nfluence aka Donnie Dabney born, raised and currently lives in Richmond Va. For the real deal check out his first album entitled "Choose your Sword", or log onto
This new cd is stimulated from heart and eyes of Nfluence, he has become more passionate about his life and understands that he has been created to nfluence the world to christ. Nfluence understands the streets because he came from the streets, he understands the church because he''s involved in ministry but yet he''s not caught up in just going to church, he is after the mindset of christ, actually living it. He has become vexed at the thought of so called christians not living it, talking one way and living another. Why would anyone follow poor examples? This world is so evil, thats why we need the Awakening!
He is determined in this new single and upcoming album to awaken the minds of not only the "world" or secular audiances, but he has turned his sights to the "church" as well. No one is safe including himself in this album, Nfluence is exposes all, reveals lies, lives, truths, and hardships, all in an effort to turn eyes and lives to christ.