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MP3 Jason Brown - Now I've Spoken Mine

If you enjoyed Jason''s 1st CD you will love this one, this one is filled with many more tracks that will leave you thinking and satisfied with your purchase.

16 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: Rap, HIP HOP/RAP: Spiritual Rap

I was born in Horton, Kansas on April 5, 1980. My mother met my step father and we moved to Atchison, Kansas when I was around two years old. I spent my childhood in this area. My biological father is a mystery to this day. I don’t know what he looks like and I have never met him. I don’t know his name, race or anything about him. I want to meet him and always have. Several people including myself questioned the fact that my mother told me my step father was my birth father. Because he is a white man and I don’t look anything like him. But my mother insisted he was. She told me this lie until I was sixteen. At which she told me that my father was another white man with blonde hair and blue eyes. Nonetheless my mother and step father were the ones who raised me. They had two boys, which are my younger brothers. We grew up together having a similar relationship to the one that I had with my Mother and Step Father. We had a love hate relationship. In fact the family that I do know on my Mother’s side had this same relationship with each other.
I went to the public schools in Atchison. In school I was very unpredictable. I was either the very quiet reserved kid or the class clown that everyone was laughing at. I really didn’t know my role. I was very confused. I would get a great score on one test and then fail the next. I was very confident one minute and rock bottom the next. I was very active in sports. I competed in Baseball, Basketball, Football and Wrestling. I had a lot of talent and potential. But the problems I had in the classroom also affected me in sports. I would be doing awesome one minute then struggling the next. I had a few teachers and coaches that tried to reach me, but I had a hard time trusting them. This time in my life was also very tough being a biracial child. Not only did my family members use and call me every derogatory name for a black person, but my peers at school did also. And when they weren’t saying this directly to me they did it to someone else. Their lack of respect and hatred toward blacks was very evident. And of course the blacks felt the same hatred toward the whites. So I was “Stuck in the middle”. I hated hearing and seeing this. So I spent most of my time around the few other biracial peers. Unfortunately most of them turned to illegal actions that landed them in trouble. So I could not hang out with them either. I was very lonely to say the least.
Trinity Lutheran Church had several activities that I kept myself busy with. I went to Sunday services regularly and was a Youth Group Leader. I helped out with Bible school, ushering people in church and had several other responsibilities. My Spiritual life has always been very important to me. I try to surround myself with peaceful people that can help me clear my thoughts and become closer to GOD. And this Church definitely helped me with this while growing up. I try to attend Church or some function often to help me get to the right frame of mind. I have personally found myself doing better in life while being active in these places.
After high school I went to Butler County Community College in El Dorado, Kansas. This decision in itself was a miracle. My mother told me not to go here because it was too expensive to go to college and she said I was not “College Material”. Thank GOD I disagreed with her, as I often did. I got my Associates Degree as well as played Football on the Back to Back National Championship teams in 1998 and 1999. This place was referred to as a stepping stone to a four year college. I think these schools are more than just a stepping stone. This school was a huge help to me. It taught me the fundamentals I will need for the rest of my life. The teachers, coaches and situations that I went through there shaped my life.
After I finished there I transferred back to Atchison and went to Benedictine College. The main reason I did this was to help my mother who was struggling with cancer. I wanted to help her and try to patch up our differences and get to know her better. I also wanted to guide my brothers in the right direction. They made a few bad decisions that were taking them down the wrong path. They also had their own set of struggles they were challenged with. I have learned that life is not prejudice. Every person has things that are huge hurdles for them. From the man that owns the Rolls Royce to the person that cleans that beautiful car. Even the car faces challenges. If you don’t believe me write down that VIN number and check in on that car in 50 years. I know that’s not possible for many, but you get what I’m saying.
Beyond all of this, I also wanted to finish college and get my Bachelor’s degree. And fulfill my dream of making it to the NFL. We had a lot of success in Football. We went undefeated during the regular season. I was part of a tremendous defense that set a lot of records. But we ended up losing in heartbreak fashion by one point in the playoffs. I received All Conference honors and the respect of many. After a successful season of Football at Benedictine I had to undergo surgery to repair damage to one of my knees. My leg kept locking up where I couldn’t bend it. I had surgery and worked very hard to rehab this. Rehab went very well. I was even fortunate enough to get to workout with a soon to be Hall of Famer from the Super Bowl Champion 49ers.
A lot of us could see big things for me in football. Except life’s roads aren’t always so predictable. Not only did I get injured during the first practice of my senior year, but I had to undergo an even worse surgery. This time it was my shoulder. Several ligaments were torn off of the bone. This makes it almost impossible to move your arm. The injury took three years for me to be able to lift weights. And with the position I played you have to be very strong and explosive. At that point I was neither. So football was over for me as a player. This was very difficult for me. And to make it worse right after the injury was diagnosed the coaches demanded I play with it and ignore the doctor’s advice for surgery. They wanted me to shoot up my body with huge amounts of pain killers and risk further injury. The doctor told me that if I try this I will more than likely not be able to use my arm later in life. I was wise enough to listen to the doctor. But I had no idea that my decision would create the problems that soon followed. I became an outcast from the same team that recently showed me what I thought was unconditional love. We were very close as a team. We had each others back, no matter what. I soon found out the hard way, this was only if you are able to play. The coaches and most of the players looked at me as if they didn’t even know me. Even my teachers stop helping me and asked that I drop my classes. I set up a meeting with the school counselor. After I told her what was going on, she recommended that I leave this school. Without a real choice I dropped my classes.
Before all of this happened I met a special person on campus. She was this quiet, cute and very nice girl from California. She soon decided to leave campus and returned to her home. We were involved in a long distance relationship, while all of this other stuff happened. This lady was not only the first person that had not let me down, but in many ways she came to me in the form of an Angel. She asked me to move to California with her and try to find a better place for opportunity to grow. After weighing my options I did just that. I moved to California.
I got a job at a gym as a personal training intern and helped out at their front desk. After several months I decided to find a job with better pay and find something that wasn’t so connected with sports. I still had a hard time with the fact I couldn’t compete in sports because of the injury. I soon got the opportunity to work at a local bank. But no sooner than I received this job, I got bad news about my mother. I was told I needed to come back to Kansas immediately. Her health diminished very quickly. The cancer was back and she has a short time to live. My first day back she was very tired. She looked worse than I had ever seen her. In fact I peeked around the corner a few times and had to gather myself before I entered her room. But when I walked in there she brightened up. I got to talk a little with her. But this short time was actually spent saying good bye. All I remember is hugging her, seeing her smile at me and telling her I loved her. She told me she loved me too. The next day she was not conscious. And the third day she died.
Talk about feeling all alone. Here I was 21 years old, my mom just died and I still don’t know who my father is. After my mom’s funeral I had to get back to my new job in California. They only gave me a couple of days to get back or I would lose the job. I had no family in California and I was not able to trust enough to make friends. All I had was my girlfriend, my faith in God and this new job. So I focused on my new life in the San Francisco Bay Area. I worked in shirt and tie for two years at the bank. This place kept me very busy. It also helped me establish credit and learn a lot about money. This was something that I knew little about. Then the next opportunity came to work for a property management company. I made more money and got out from behind that desk that I was growing very tired of. You see the bank was very helpful in this way. I got to meet and help very wealthy people with their accounts. This in turn reminded me daily how I had to find a better paying job. This maintenance job was a pay increase for me. Except I had to start from the ground up, I didn’t know how to do most of the things we had to do. I started doing maintenance and construction work roving between many of their commercial buildings. I have since learned how to do these jobs. I received a promotion to a stationary maintenance position at their nicest office building. And have currently been with this company for a little more than two years.
In my personal time in the evenings, after work and on the weekends I have found a hobby I enjoy. I have always enjoyed writing poetry and rap songs. I have been given the opportunity over the past few years to write and record songs in a studio in Antioch, California. My brother in law introduced me to a friend of his that he worked on several music projects with. We began a project of our own. I wanted to make a rap album, but not with the typical boring beats and negative lyrics. I wanted to use all original music tracks that we create and write positive lyrics for the songs. We have finished two cd’s. The first one is Jason Brown, “The Road I Follow”. And the second one is Jason Brown, “Now I’ve Spoken Mine”. The whole point in writing these songs has been to positively affect anyone who hears our songs. I have been told by many we have succeeded. My hope is to be able to keep writing and have some of these songs make it to radio, creating a new sound and image for the music industry. I love music, and to able to create my own has been amazing. I really hope the listeners find something original and catchy about our songs. The next step is to get out there and perform these songs in concert. And try to promote this as much as possible. I am looking forward to performing in many places. But if we don’t get to impact a lot of people with our music, we will be ok. I already know of several people that we have helped. I love what we are doing and it feels like the right thing to do. And that’s the most important thing.
Back to that special girl I mentioned earlier. Gina and I got engaged and married. Our wedding was in one of the most beautiful places. Carmel, California. We are expecting our first child. I am excited about raising this little boy. I trust GOD to help me make the right decisions while raising him. The San Francisco Bay Area is our home. But we understand that GOD will use us in many ways and in different places. We are willing to do that. I am excited to see where he takes us next. So that pretty much is a Biography of me, Jason Brown. Thank you for reading this. GOD Bless you and “Take Care of Yourself”. And “Now that I’ve Spoken Mine”, don’t forget to speak yours.

Sincerely Yours,

Jason Brown

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