MP3 j.rec - Citizens Development Group
Conscious hip-hop with R&B vocals and biting social and polical commentary: immortal technique meets mos def.
20 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: East Coast, HIP HOP/RAP: Alternative Hip Hop
Breaking generic boundaries, combines the best from conscious hip-hop rap with an earlier tradition of critical lyrics dating to Bob Dylan. Musically talented and lyrically profound, Rec melds R&B-like vocals with intense, rapid hip-hop verbal virtuosity. His politically biting lyrics promise to keep it real for hip-hop fans, while crossing over into other indie listener audiences. does not mimick the most denigrating stereotypes of black gangsta rap. Rather, as Rec puts it, "I don''t pretend to be a gansta or from the hood. I know the very rich and the very poor and I''ve struggled all my life economically. I am basically a musical reporter, reporting on what I see. I am ''correspondent Rec'' and my songs are cut-up, collage, stream-of-consciousness, musical Kerouac-like news stories and editorials from the front lines of my life, sung and spoken in the rapid fire salvos of class warfare. I am keepin'' it real by staying close to my own experience and yet I also ''scrutinize the source'' of the official reality as given in the news and other sources of dominant ideology. I ask that people pay close attention to what I''m saying and compare that to what they''ve heard elsewhere and what they see with their own mind''s eye."
Stay tuned for reviews of''s new CD from alternative media outlets--coming soon!