MP3 Intricate Dialect - 2 Stories High
Intricate Dialect''s double cd anthology. Featuring an Electro disc and a hip hop disc.
35 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: Hip Hop, ELECTRONIC: Experimental
Intricate Dialect was introduced to the rap game with his first group, the Southfield, Michigan-based Unbeeleevable Entertainment. The group released an
independent album, but broke up shortly after to pursue solo projects. Soon after this, Id moved to Ann Arbor, released his first album, Life of Id: Basement Up, and met the group of MCs that soon formed as the Abolitionists. With their help, Id made two solo albums, Solomon''s Treasure and Periods, and a very rare E.P., Love It Like Sex. Over time, the Abolitionists helped Id''s lyrical skills blossom into a new breed of electro-based, freemasonic, freeing-the-mind style lyricism