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*NEW!* 6300 PLR Articles+ 5000 PLR Articles with PLR

This collection contains the following products:
*NEW!* 6300 PLR Articles - Private Label Rights
*NEW!* 5000 PLR Articles - Private Label Rights

Big Money Package contains 6300 Private Lable Rights Articles "PLR". These articles contain detailed information on a wide range of topics including health, technology, ebay marketing, adsense, and many other forms of internet marketing. Once again, thats 6300 articles with full resell rights. That means the articles can be resold or given away.

You Get 6,300 Resellable articles.
Resell these articles cheaper than the competition

you could turn these in to ebooks
view our other sales for ewriter pro
you can build your own reseller ebook collection
with these articles

Here is what you get

Affiliate Marketing - 35 articles
Hobbies, Arts and Crafts - 35 articles
Self Improvement, Personal Development - 40 articles
Expert Article Pack - 15 articles
Fitness, Vitamins, Weight Loss, Skin Care - 100 articles
Credit Cards and Debts - 50 articles
Landscaping and Gardening - 50 articles
Real Estate- Sell Your Home - 50 articles
Marketing, Blogs, Opt in - 50 articles
Self Improvement - 65 articles
Internet Marketing - 75 articles
Basics of Investing - 25 articles
Online Dating - 25 articles
Web Designing - 25 articles
Health and Fitness Pack - 25 articles
Private Label Article Pack - 217 articles
Student Loan Reports - articles
Traffic and Search Engine Optimization - 15 articles
Year of Content - 3 big files

* Adware and Spyware
* Aikido
* Air-freight
* Boarding
* Boot-Camp
* Burglar-Alarm
* California-Tan
* Camera-Bag
* Colic
* Corporate-Gifts
* Credit-Score
* Digital-Photography
* Emergency-Preparation
* Fashion-School
* Horse-Racing
* Hybrid-Car
* Male-Menopause
* Moving-Overseas
* Playstation3
* Private-Investigation
* rc-car
* Snoring
* Tax-Attorney
* Teeth-Whitening
* Terrier-dogs
50 articles about Back Pain
* 50 articles about Christmas
* 50 articles about Crafts
* 50 articles about Divorce-Rebuild Life
* 50 articles about Event Planning
* Acid-reflux
* Atkins Diet
* Body Detox
* College-scholarship
* Dental Assistant
* Digital Cameras
* Email Marketing
* Hosting
* Internet-Security
* Ireland-Golf-Vacation
* LasVegas
* Low-Cholesterol
* Marketing Your Business On The Internet
* Moving
* Real Estate Articles
* Nursing Assistant
* Outsourcing
* pHMiracle Diet
* Pregnancy
* Skiing Locations
* Snoring-remedy
* Snowboarding
* Accounting
* Air Purifiers
* Bathroom Remodeling
* Christmas Shopping
* Decorating for Christmas
* Digital Cameras
* eZine Marketing
* Holiday Games & Activities
* Kitchen Remodeling
* Moving house
* New Years Eve Party Planning
* Online Dating
* Parenting skills
* Pregnancy
* Real Estate Articles
* Thanksgiving Party Articles
* Wart Removal
* Wedding Games & Activities
* 125-Random-Articles
* Craigslist
* feng-shui-articles
* Formula D Racing
* International Airports
* Myspace
* New Air Travel Rules
* Real Estate
* Re-Financing
* Renting A House Or Apartment
* sports-coaching-articles
* Supercross Racing
* Tattoos
* Vitamins and Supplements
* astrology
* Auto Responders
* Backyard Activities
* Cats
* entrepreneur
* Home Security
* Pool Accessories
* Private Label Resell Rights
* Social Networking
* Tracking Software
* Video Sites
* Wine And Spirits
* yoga
* Adsense
* Art Auctions
* Buying Paintings
* Contact Lenses
* Credit Cards
* Diamonds
* Golden Retriever
* Raw Food
* San Fransisco
* Seattle
* Bleeping Baby
* Superfoods
* Swimming Pools
* Toothache and Tooth Care
* Vegetarian
* Cruise Ships
* Data Recovery
* Fruit Trees
* Gardening
* Ipod Video
* Martial Arts
* Mexico Vacations
* Satellite Radio
* St Thomas Vacations
* Summer Vacations
* Internet Marketing Articles
* Blog Articles
* Opt-In Articles
* PPC Articles
* RSS Articles
* Sitemap Articles
* Affiliate Articles
* Gardening Articles
* Sports Articles
* Child Care Articles
* Kitchen Articles
* Self Help Articles
* Health Articles
* Self Improvement Articles
* Dogs Articles
* Beach Vacations
* Carpet
* CD duplication
* Diesel VS Gasoline vehicles
* Excavation Equipment
* Exercise
* High Definition Video Cameras
* La Jolla California
* Mountain Biking
* Vacuum Cleaners
* Affiliate Marketing On The Internet
* Auto-Leasing
* Bluetooth Technology

* Breast Feeding
* Buying A Boat
* Garage Remodeling
* Healthy Eating
* Microbrews
* Mountain Biking
* Office Chairs
* Porsche
* Pre-Paid Legal
* After School Activities
* Blogging
* Cigars
* Google Ad Sense
* Home Schooling
* Making Money With Articles
* Newport Beach
* Podcasting.zip
* San Diego
* Scotch
* Affiliate Articles
* Article Marketing Articles
* Aspen Nightlife Articles
* Autoresponders Articles
* Dental Articles
* Diamonds Articles
* Diamonds v2 Articles
* Disneyland Articles
* Ebay Articles
* Extra Income Articles
* Google Adsense Articles
* Internet Marketing Articles
* Jewelry Wholesale Articles
* Loans Mortgages Articles
* Mixed Niche Articles
* Opt In List Articles
* Ski Vacations Articles
* Universal Studio Tours Articles
* Web Traffic Articles

Grab The Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights To 5000 High Quality Articles For Less Than $0.02 Each & Multiply Your Income Streams MANIFOLD!

What You Would've Spend $1000.00 And 30 Weeks Of Work, You Can Now Acquire Within Minutes And Jump Start Your Way To Obscenely-HIGH Profits!

From: FBM

Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dear Friend,

How would you like to create your own hot-selling Information Product without having to write from scratch (or a single word)? Do you love the idea of advertising your business through viral-spreading article marketing - even if you hate writing? How about profiting big time from PPC programs such as Adsense by building content rich web sites and blogs without cluttering your keyboard away?

It's something you can't ask for more!

I'm not a mind reader by profession, but I hazard a few guesses that:


You fancy the idea of making money online via selling information,

You're a very busy person and don't have time creating your own content, and

You cannot afford to outsource your writing work to ghostwriters because you're on a tight budget!

Whether you're a hardcore niche marketer or making a living from helping other people's Internet Businesses, creating your own information and content can be time- and effort-consuming in the long run it can be counter-productive instead.

Your efforts should be concentrated on marketing your business, you think. And guess what? You are right about it.

Maybe you make money selling information (i.e. E-books or publishing newsletters). Maybe you cash in on Adsense and PPC programs via building content rich web sites and blogs. And perhaps you're more than convinced on the powers of viral marketing with the use of articles.

Sure, you can outsource for ghostwriters to write your contents for you, but how much can you afford? But what if I introduce to you an even more affordable solution?

Announcing The Big Private Label Article Pack.

With These Articles, You Can:

Edit the articles and include your resource box with links pointing to your web site,

Compile brand new eBooks and special reports from these articles or even add content to your newsletter/eZine,

Charge up your marketing efforts easily by going viral with article marketing and freebie eBook submissions! And even,

Resell the source Private Label Rights! Your customers can also in turn resell the Private Label Rights to the article packages if you want them to have the rights to do so. You can resell the Private Label article packages individually or all of them together!

Get A Killer Sales Letter FREE!

Since you can also resell these article packages separately or altogether, you can use my principal sales letter to help you sell the Private Label articles! That's another $500.00 value you're getting, since copywriters would've charged a minimum $500.00 for writing a sales letter like this.

That's right. But since I want to make this readily and easily available to you, I'm going to let you "steal" this package for the price of only $1,000.00 $97.9. You won't see it anywhere else (at least, before this page came up).

I know there's no great sense of urgency in getting this complimentary offer, but think about it:

You could be cashing in on 36 totally different hungry niches by selling your own Information Products, publishing your own newsletters, and building content rich sites. If each niche brings you $1,000.00 a month, that would be $4,000.00 or more a month in total!

You save at least 30 weeks in writing your own content - assuming you're a good writer, that is. If you don't have a flair for writing, it would probably take forever. And this isn't taking into account the knowledge you might or might not have in all 4 niches.

You're getting $1000.00 worth of articles for the price of only $97.9.

You could be earning more reselling the articles package - individually or altogether at any price you want - offering you an instant income opportunity!

It's digital in nature so you can download this mega pack instantly as soon as you make your payment via the order form below. The faster you secure this package, the faster you can forget the nightmarish thought about having to spend weeks, maybe months of torment in content creation and oodles of hard earned money spent!

Tags: plr, private label rights, plr content, plr ebook, plr ebooks, ebook, ebook sales, success, business, full master resale rights, master resale rights, resale rights, resale, full master resell rights, master resell rights, resell rights, resell, reseller, resell products online, resell digital product, affiliate marketing, ewen chia, how i made my first million on the internet and how you can too, affiliate super affiliate, resell ebook, marketing, money, earn money, make money, make money online, ways to earn money, earn money online, internet marketing, making money, affiliates, the 48-hour affiliate action plan, money making website, million dallar deals, joint venture, jv, joint ventures, digital products, articles, private label rights articles, private label articles, content, niche, niche articles, niche marketing, plr articles, private label, web content,download

User tags:
internet marketing, internet marketing ebooks, website promotion, online marketing
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This file is sold by masterkeys, an independent seller on Tradebit.

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Rated 5 out of 05, based on 1 review(s)
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