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Unstoppable Product Creation

Who Else Wants to Discover How to Create Profit-Generating Info-Products WITHOUT Creating the Actual Product Using these 10 Tested and Proven Ways For Creating Passive Income Businesses...

Give Me Just 42 Minutes and Ill Tell You How To Create Your Own Products From Scratch - Even if you are a Beginner - Ive Created Over 25 Products In Less Than Two Years - and I am Revealing How You Can Do it Too...Want To Be Next?...

Dear Friend,

It happens every single day of my life...

I get dozens of emails from subscribers and customers who all have similar problems, like:

* How can I make money fast?

* I want to make money but I dont have much

* I bought tons of courses and I am still not making money

* I am a beginner, so where do I start?

* Is there an easy way to make money online?

* And many more emails like these.

Does this sound familiar?

there is no magic pill or key to success.

But what Ive found is that most successful businesses have one thing in common - they all have a product or service to offer.

Look at Microsoft, Robert Kiyosaki, car companies, Nike and the list goes on.

Common sense, right? I know you are intelligent enough to know that.

By having your own product, you will experience a more profitable, scalable and stabled business. Every guru knows that.

As you read every word of this letter, you will be amazed at how truly profitable it can be to have your very own winning product that sells.

Wouldnt it be amazing if you had something you could call your own and be able to sell over and over again?

What If You Dont Have a Product?

To give you an example of what can happen if you have no product, I will tell you a story about a friend of mine. Let’s call him John.

** Real Life Case Study **

John makes a killing online…. $1000, $3000, even $10,000 a day. That is how much he makes. do not get me wrong here: his “tactic” is great for making “quick cash,” but not for long-term success. This type of business also requires you to monitor all the time, so its not something you can set and forget. To be brutally point-blank with you here, John lost over 75 percent of his revenue, literally overnight. So what is he doing? He’s doing 100 percent Google Adwords Arbitrage. Basically It is like buying something for $1 and selling it for $2. You bid on keywords to promote other people’s products. Let me ask you: If you could spend $100 on advertising and get a $200 return on investment, would you do it? Of course you would. But what happens if Google, one day, jumps your campaign from $1 per click to $5 a click? You would not notice the change until you have actually checked your account to see that you owe a ton of money to Google. John was affected by, what we call, the “Google slap”. This is when Google Adwords makes adjustments where they penalize advertisers who have landing pages with little or poor content. In cases like this, advertisers will suddenly experience higher minimum bids.

The bottom line is -- you ca not rely 100 percent of your efforts on one thing, especially something you cant control. To ensure that you have total flexibility and control, you need your own product.

Are you beginning to see how important it is to have your own product?

But Here is Where The Problem Strikes...

* You dont know how to create a product

* You hate the pain and thought of writing

* There is too much garbage and fluffed up guides out there

* You hate putting the pieces of puzzles together just to get one simple thing done

* You tend to procrastinate when it comes to creating your products

* You want to learn the easiest and fastest way to create your own product

Why Should You Believe Me?

I dont want to brag or boast my ego, but Here is something you should know - Ive created over 25 products in less than two years - reports, ebook, video tutorials, graphics packages, home study courses, resell rights products and more.

I must admit, some of the products couldnt even make a couple of sales, while others sold over 2100 copies in its first few weeks of launch (e.g. - https://www.tradebit.com).

Some marketers believe that if your product doesnt sell either 1) Give it away for free/sell rights or 2) throw it away/remove it from your site completely.

Some dont believe that the more products you have, the more you will make. I believe that if youve crafted a product that people need, you will surely add a great source of income to your bottom-line.

...and hey, the more products you have, the more offers you can make.
When you have multiple products, you will have multiple streams of income.

You can package all your products and sell them as one big course and at a higher price ($97 - $997)

You can create a themed package to give your package a more focused edge.

How Can You Get Started Right Here, Right Now?

The process of creating your own products can be daunting, especially if you find it difficult to communicate and deliver your point.

But luckily, Ive made the job easier for you. Ive created a practical guide on how to create your own info-products without doing the creation process yourself. This guide details the exact methods I use to create my own products on the fly.

Let me introduce to you...

- Special Report -
Unstoppable Product Creation

In the Unstoppable Product Creation Report, You will Discover The *Exact* Strategies I Use To Create Products That Sell Like Crazy...

Listen, I didnt just make these strategies up and its not based on theory. What Ive shared is based on practical ways you can begin to create your own products.

These strategies work for anyone and in any niche - it doesnt matter if you are a beginner.

In this special report, you will discover...

- 10 of my best, tested, proven, used, product creation strategies without creating the content yourself - You will be excited once you see how quickly and easily you can create your own products using these powerful strategies.

- An easy and quick way to create high-quality products that you can almost do with your hands tied behind. (Page 8)

- 6 easy steps to creating your own professional looking, high-quality and in-demand products. (Page 9)

- A super simple way to create your own products using someone elses content and research - Yes, its completely legal and it shouldnt take you more than a day to whip up a product thats ready for sale.

- How to separate yourself from other people who are selling the same product - you will instantly boost your sales and add a higher perceived value to your product using this tactic.

- An easy way to get gurus to create the content for you - itll be hard for them to say No to this one. (Page 11)

- The *hands down* #1 best method of quickly creating your own product - and you can do this over and over again. Simply rinse and repeat.

Are you beginning to see the value of this information? I am telling you, if you follow these instructions, you will have your own product created that allows you to sell over and over again.

But thats not the end, thats just the icing on the cake. You will also discover:

* A free tool that you can use to turn your documents to PDF documents - this will protect your work. Its free to download. (Page 8)

* How to grab a ton of free content from somewhere you may be visiting everyday but havent noticed - You can find topics about almost anything - dogs, internet marketing, home business, technology, gardening and hundreds of topics. (Page 13)

* How to get professional writers to write about any topic you want - Ill show you where and how. You will be able to create products faster than a Japanese bullet train! (Page 16)

* How I used ________ to create a quick product. (Page 23)

* How I created a meaty traffic report without writing a single word - All I did was ask this one simple question to the gurus. (Page 12)

* How to let your list members make your product - Ill tell you what to say to your subscribers so they cant refuse your offer. (Page 19)

* How to use forums and blogs to create your product - I am surprised that not many people are taking advantage of this strategy. You will have little or no competition. (Page 22)

* And much, much more...

Does that sound exciting or what?

Just in case you are still wondering if this is for you, here are...

10 Reasons Why You Need Your Own Product

Just imagine having your own product...

1) You make almost 100 percent of the profits – Now you dont have to rely on affiliate programs that only pays you 50 percent commissions...and whats even better - you dont need to wait for commissions to be paid out weeks, or even months later!

2) ZERO delivery cost – You dont need to go to the post office and ship anything. Your customers can instantly download your product after their payment.

3) Almost ZERO risk of running this business – even if you fail (Im not saying that you will), what do you have to lose, compared to brick and mortar businesses?

4) You make money on autopilot – Even if you are out playing golf or with your friends or family, your product will still be available for prospects to order at anytime they want.

5) You sell to a larger market - you are not limited to selling nation-wide, you can reach the entire world where Internet access exist.

6) Passive/Residual income - You create and set it up once, tweak your site here & there and you profit. This is true leverage - you dont need to exchange time for money. With a regular J.O.B., you work for someone elses dreams and make them rich while you work overtime.

7) You provide value to your market - what better way to help others by sharing valuable information they want to learn? Besides, the Internet is the information super highway.

8) You feel a sense of achievement after you have completed your very own product - How great will you feel knowing that you have something out there that people will buy.

9) You brand yourself and your business to your market - with your product, you will instantly build rapport and credibility because you are the expert.

10) It is easy to duplicate the process + multiple streams of income - who said to stop with just one product? After youve completed one, create another product and another and another...so even if ones having a slump during January, you still have your other products selling!

Just imagine having your very first product for sale. You can create multiple streams of income and build your very own info-product empire...

Do you see how powerful and profitable it is by having your own product?

In Less Than 3 Minutes From Now You will Discover The Exact Strategies I Use To Create Products On The Fly!

The way I see it, you only have two choices and I know you are intelligent enough to figure out which choice is better for you:

1) You can start from scratch - write the content and browse around the net to figure out how to create your own product so that you can put the pieces of puzzles together.


2) Own a copy of the Unstoppable Product Creation report, for just $1.99, where Ill share the exact strategies I use to create products that sells like crazy. I promise to only share the meat and juice - no fluff and theory.

Thats less than youd pay for a large-sized pizza!

Why Would I Basically Hand You This Information For Almost Nothing?

I could easily charge anywhere from $100-$200 for this information, knowing that it took me years of learning and applying.

The reason why I am offering you this information for only $1.99 is simply because this is not the only product I sell and market.

I have dozens of products and I want to prove to you, from this report, that you will experience a lot of valuable information so that you will have no doubt that my other products are just as valuable.
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