Successful Beekeeping A-B-Cs
Successful Beekeeping
Find the Perfect Avocation Learning the A-B-C's of Beekeeping!
by Terry Martyn Jr.
Eliminating Stress Has Never Been This Much Fun!
Subject: It's the Bees Knees!
Okay, so maybe that comment is a bit outdated.
But getting excited about something positive is a huge improvement over what we hear every day lately.
Most of us are so stressed over the economy it gets harder to find something positive to hang on to.
If you find yourself in a negative mindset, maybe it's time to find a hobby or even an avocation that can strike a more positive chord in your daily life.
Listen, what we suggest might be the weirdest thing you've ever considered.
Maybe, just maybe, you might be surprised and willing to have an open mind.
What we are proposing is a hobby the whole family can enjoy.
It could prove to be kind of lucrative too if you decided to turn it into a profit making proposition.
If you are socially conscious about our environment, you need to know that you won't find a business more in tune with that responsibility than Beekeeping. Bees are active, natural pollinators.
Research shows that the dollar value of pollination by domesticated bees and beekeepers to a range of agricultural crops in the U.S.A. alone is measured in the millions of dollars per year.
Beekeepers reportedly feel bees help them reduce their personal stress levels.
Beekeeping is educational. Keeping a regular watch on beehives, observing bees, drones, and worker bees going about their work can teach us valuable lessons on work and time management that we can share with your children.
Beekeeping helps you to be able to shower your friends and relatives with various exclusive gifts at a fairly low cost. Gift items from your beehives could include bottled honey, beeswax, cosmetics, homemade candles and even lip balm.
You can use the bee products available from your bee colonies to maintain your health. A regular supply of fresh, pure honey collected from your own beehive is just the start.
What? You don't know anything about bees other than you don't want to be stung? Not to worry, that's why you're here.
Everything you could possibly need to know about bees and raising them is jam-packed into the digital pages of "Successful Beekeeping A-B-C's."
Did you know that there are different types of bees? Do you know how to get your bees? Are you aware that you can prevent bees from swarming?
That's just the tip of the iceberg of what you will learn in "Successful Beekeeping A-B-C's." How about this:
* What tools and equipment are required
* What and how to feed your bees
* What diseases attack bees and why (hint: they are different for adult and juvenile bees)
* What other dangers must be curtailed to keep bees safe
* How to manage bees throughout the seasons
* How to harvest the honey
Again, you need to take a serious look at beekeeping and see if it might be the right "fit" for you and your family. Who knows, you might just see a honey of a deal in your future.
Benefits of Beekeeping
Stress Reliever
Healthy Products
First Steps
Food, Water etc
Pets and Other Domestic Creatures
Wild Animals
Rules and Regulations
Watch and Learn from the Bees
Join Your Local Beekeeping Group
Support the Group
Types of Bees
Queens, Workers and Drones
Queen Bee
Introducing a New Queen Bee
Worker Bees
Producing Queens, Drones and Workers
Producing Queens
Producing Worker Bees
Essential Equipment
Bee Hives
Modern Hives
Managing Hives
Parts of a Hive
The Tools
Hive Tool
Bee Brush
The Smoker
Getting Your Bees
Complete Hive
Nucleus Hive
Setting up a Nucleus
Package Bees
Transferring the Bees to the Hive
Hiving a Swarm
Helpful Tips
Prevention of Bee Swarming
Combining Weak Hives
Feeding Your Bees
Bee Food
Table Sugar
How to Feed Bees
Entrance Feeder
Tile division-board feeder
Friction Top Can
Hive Top Feeder
Pollen or Pollen Substitutes
Disease Management
American Foulbrood
European Foulbrood
Parasitic Mite Syndrome (PMS)
Diseases of Adult Bees
Pest Management
Small Hive Beetle
Fire Ants
Beekeeping Management During Summer
Beekeeping Management During Fall
Hive Examination (I)
Hive Management
Managing Bees within Your Hive
Managing Bees During Winter
Hive Inspection
Cluster Inspection
Honey Supply
Checking Honey Storage
Beekeeping Management During Spring
Hive Inspection
Hive Strength
More Supers
Capped Honey
Laying Queen
Your First Harvest
Extracting the Honey Crop
Brushing the Bees
Escape Boards
Bee Blowers
Extracting Honey
Comb Honey
Liquid Honey
Transporting Hives
Important Terms
United Kingdom
About The Author
Terry says that he will always be grateful to his grandfather who let him help with his bee hives. He credits his grandfather with learning about the productive and puzzling creatures inside them.
He wrote this book to answer your questions and encourage you to become new bee- keepers.
He also hopes that that you will use it as a reference and for motivation from when you first set up a hive to some point when you start sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm with other would-be apiarists.
Then, you might agree with him that the benefits are much more than just honey and money!
If you're ready to relieve some stress AND have a little fun, go ahead. We'll see you on the other side.