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Your Guide to Better Sleep - Insomnia & other Problems

Your Guide to Better Sleep
By Neville Amis

Subject: What Do You Do. .

When All You Need...

..is a good night's sleep!

Are you blessed each night with peaceful, restful sleep?

Do you close your eyes and nod off as soon as your head hits the pillow?

If you answered yes, then you should consider yourself truly blessed!

There is nothing worse than a night of tossing and turning.

Staring at the iridescent numbers on your alarm clock ticking away hour after hour gets very old, very fast.

And yet hundreds of people go through it every single night.

The sad part is that they really believe that this is a normal part of modern living.

Well, it's a lie!

You don't have to suffer night after night. It is not impossible to get a good nights sleep!

You can do it. Learn what one fellow did that turned the tide for him. If he can do it, so can you!

No matter who you are, you have probably suffered from some kind of sleep deprivation sometime during your life. In today's fast-paced world it's hard to avoid losing a few hours sleep. Besides, losing a little sleep never hurt anyone, right?


Nothing could be further from the truth. As our author states, " Many still believe the old theory that sleep is a necessary nuisance and a blank hole between the important productive and enjoyable parts of our busy lives."

If that describes you, then you need to read what we have to say more than anyone else. Especially if you are losing sleep on a regular basis. And, like many people, you may think that sleep loss is a normal condition in today's world.

If you find yourself occasionally wondering why you are no longer able to perform some of the physical AND mental activities you used to take for granted, you are on a collision course with disaster.

If that describes you, then you know exactly what we are talking about. On some level you know that sleep is good for you. Getting plenty of sleep and eating right all point to a healthy lifestyle, right?

Science continues to research the benefits and restorative qualities of uninterrupted sleep. In fact, The National Institute of Health in the U.S. reports that rats which were not allowed to have any Rapid Eye Movement (light) sleep lived just a few weeks where their normal life span would be about two years!

3 Things You Should Know!

1. Researchers say that an essential growth hormone is released when young people are in the light R.E.M. phase of sleep.
2. Researchers also state that the areas of the brain related to learning are stimulated during the R.E.M. stage. That may explain why infants seem to have much more of this sleep phase than older humans.
3. If someone cannot get adequate R.E.M. sleep, it has an effect on their ability to retain information which they have recently acquired.

Youre in the right place to get some answers about experiencing better sleeping habits. Learn about some of the common causes and how to recognize them. This is the first step toward getting a good nights sleep!

Learning about the causes can be a challenge. That is why Your Guide to Better Sleep was created. You need information and we've got it. Now you can have it too!

Its simple to read and understand

Its presented in simple, easy to read and understand language.
Because of that you dont

* Need any special training.
* Need a lot of money - the cost is dirt cheap.
* Have to wait days for answers get them immediately.

You have all the information you need to get answers in Your Guide to Better Sleep.

Take a quick look inside of Your Guide to Better Sleep and see what you will learn:

Easily read about the importance of sleep.

Finally learn just how much sleep you really need.

Quickly discover the severe effects of sleep loss.

How To Help Yourself Sleep Better

Natural Sleep Inhibitors And Types Of Insomnia

and much more.

There is much more about getting better sleep that you will access inside. Learn how to recognize symptoms and what are the best treatments.

This is a must have for everyones digital bookshelf but especially crucial if you or a loved one have been experiencing sleep deprivation.

And, at only $9.97 this guide is a steal!

About The Author
Neville Amis had undiagnosed sleeping problems for a few years.

They affected his health, relationships and his ability to do his work to the standard he was really capable of.

Neville was told by his doctor that a lack of quality sleep was a major factor affecting his life.

He made fixing his problems a priority instead of continuing to accept that his constant tiredness and frequent minor illnesses were a price he had to pay for his fairly successful career.

He started to make simple changes and was amazed at the improvements he felt in himself and his interaction with those around him.

Neville realized that many people were also suffering from various sleeping problems. Some were, like him, unaware that they didnt have to accept them as part of their lives.

Others were unable to find ways to deal with their problems.

So, Neville did some research on the best information about sleep problems and how to control or remove them.

I wanted my book to help people that were suffering in their work and relationships as I had been.

This is a plain language guide by an average person who has started to reap the rewards from dealing with his own sleep problems.
I hope it will be as helpful to other people in that situation.

P.S. Last night could be your last night of tossing and turning. Get your copy now and don't suffer another sleepless night!
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