emPOWERMENT: Creating Lives, Families and Organizations that ROCK (Self Help ebooks)
emPOWERMENT by Michael Shenker
Subject: The End or The Beginning
How do you currently measure your life experience?
Are you being, doing and having all you desire?
Have you set and reached every goal you can conceive?
What footprint have you left behind and is it everything you would like it to be?
Are you prepared for the end, or the beginning?
It's never too late to change direction.
It's never too late to begin anew.
It's never too late to live.
Inside the digital pages of "emPOWERMENT" you unlearn bad habits and relearn what is still lurking beneath the surface within yourself.
In a nutshell you learn how to Take Back Your Power!
Author Michael Shenker is a premier authority on exactly how to do just that. His unique training methods invoke "inspiration" rather than motivation and he has successfully transferred that talent to the digital page in "emPOWERMENT."
Usually this is where most "sales copy" lists the contents of the material and how it will benefit you. However, that's not what you are going to read here today.
What you DO need to know is:
Michael takes you on a journey of "emPOWERMENT" along with a mysterious friend. The story of his personal evolution unfolds as you follow his pathway.
Read the contents through and through and pay particular attention to the last few lines. In fact let's totally break away from tradition and give them to you right here:
The End...
or The Beginning.
You can reject or accept what you have read.
You can remain as you are or have everything you want.
The choice is yours.
I guess we still need to give you your guarantee, although you won't want to use it. But if you don't find your life profoundly touched by what you read, yes we will give you your money back.
Universal Truths
Creativity Vs Competition
The Quest for a Worthy Ideal
Expectation and Non-resistance
Personal Freedom
Sharing It
Empowering Others
The Mastermind
The Practice
Doctrine Of Gratitude
The Gratefulness Exercise
Author's Note
The Next Steps
About The Author
Michael Shenker
Michael Shenker, founder and President of Dare 2 Be Great Coaching Systems has served as a business adviser, business coach, and has been involved with personal and organizational development since 1980. Prior to that he was a sales and marketing consultant. He has consulted with over a hundred companies from start ups to turn arounds to Fortune 500 Companies.
His unique training methods invoke "inspiration" rather than motivation and help management and employees alike gain a new perspective of how to be successful, make good business decisions, how to treat their clients, and how to create work environments that produce an unprecedented ROI.
He has written numerous articles, lectured throughout the U.S. on the Law of Attraction, The Secret, team working, the power of the mind, and recently wrote the book, "EMPOWERMENT: Creating Lives, Families and Organizations That ROCK!"
P.S. Again, the end or the beginning, only you can judge.
Get your copy now!