**New** Article Advantage Pro With Resell Rights
At Last! A Way In Which Even The Most Novice Webmasters (And Webmistresses!) Can Plaster Crowd-Pulling Articles All Over The Web!
(And You Dont Even Have To Write A Word!)
Dear Fellow Webmaster
How many of these questions apply to you? (tick the boxes)
Have you ever wondered how some top internet marketers names seem to keep cropping up all over the web?
Have you ever wished that you could achieve the same results?
Are you really getting desperate to get wider exposure for your website? For your product or service?
Are you wanting to dramatically boost the number of subscribers on your mailing list?
Believe me, if youve ticked any of these boxes, youre in good company! Many website owners are really struggling to resolve these online marketing problems.
I know. Ive been there!
And I also know that theres no one single simple solution to overcome these problems. Ive been in selling and marketing for more years than I care to remember! So I know that marketing - online and offline - is all about trying new ideas. About experimenting. About making small changes to your marketing approach, and seeing what works and what doesnt.
And thats where the strategy of marketing through writing articles comes into its own.
Everyone online is looking for free information. Something for nothing. So give people what they want.
They want advice on the products / services you are selling? So give them this advice. Free and unreservedly. As much as you give, so shall you receive. So you write an article, and it has a link to your website or your email address - and you hope thats going to get a swarm of qualified prospects (people with the money and the inclination to buy) to your site.
But Youve Got Two Huge Problems
Problem #1 You dont have the time / skills to keep churning out articles.
Problem #2 You dont know how get these articles, even if you could write them, plastered over the Internet. You know that its not enough to offer them just from your own website.
Now, consider an alternative..
What if you could offer this free information, this free advice, these articles over a much wider network than just your own website?
What if you had a click and paste solution which could instantly produce over 200 ready made articles with your name as the author?
What if you could offer a solution to other webmasters to put your articles on their website - with links back to your product or service pages?
What if this offer was so irresistible that they couldnt refuse you?
What if your offer to them convinced them that their visitors would return to their website time and time again.. with fresh updated material - and they didnt have to do a lick to do it!
Its a webmasters dream. And you could give this dream to them.
On a plate! Free, and with only a tiny bit of work on their part. Like, 2 minutes of their time! And about the same amount of your time.
Im talking about webmasters all over the world biting your hand off to allow them to syndicate your articles.
And you know what? Its almost as easy for you to offer them this dream! Yes, it is possible. All you need is..
Article Advantage Pro
Heres what you can do with this unique suite of programs:
Generate over 200 articles with your name and contact details in the resource box
Allow other webmasters to have your articles on their websites. And you can change the articles without them having to do anything!
Search my private database of over 11,000 articles and format them in text or HTML with a single click.
Write your own articles, guided by expert authoress, Kristi Sayles. Just fill in the blanks!
Heres What You Will Be Downloading
Just Minutes From Now!