MP3 Elaine Voci, Ph.D. - Celebration of Light
Non-fiction, inspirational and informative stories by patients who overcame vision challenges.
23 MP3 Songs
SPOKEN WORD: Audiobook
Dr. Francis W. Price, Jr., founder of the Cornea Research Foundation of America (CRFA) wanted to find a way to reassure, inform, inspire and empower his patients who were considering surgery on their eyes. What better way to do that than to offer a collection of stories of patients who have already undergone surgery? Each of the unique stories resonates with the authenticity of the storyteller bringing hope, humor and encouragement to readers.
The book is divided into sections featuring the most common corneal disorders including Fuchs’ Dystrophy, keratoconus, as well as some unusual ones such as iris implants. Some of the patients were blind when they found Dr. Price and he was able to restore their sight using the latest technology and surgical interventions. They range in age from a 6 year old boy to patients in their 80''s.
About the Writers
Dr. Francis W. Price, Jr. M.D. is CEO of the Price Vision Group in Indianapolis and President of the Foundation. He is an award-winning ophthalmologist, a teacher and world-renowned lecturer. He completed fellowship training in corneal and external diseases at Tulane University following graduation with honors from Notre Dame University and medical school and residency at Indiana University School of Medicine. More about Dr. Price can be found on
Elaine Voci, Ph.D. is Development Director for the CRFA. She is an award-winning writer whose works have been published in university publications, magazines and professional trade journals such as the American Society for Training and Development, and a popular international speaker. She is the author of two prior inspirational books. More about Elaine can be found on her website,
About the Foundation
Since its inception in 1988 as a 501-c 3 nonprofit organization, the Foundation has committed time, talent and passion to its mission to be a “world-class research and educational organization, dedicated to the preservation and restoration of vision.” Success is measure by RISE – Research, Innovation, Service to humanity and Education of patients and physicians.