MP3 Sarah Ince - Immersion - Akashic Records descend to Hall of Records
Angelic toning Sound Healing in the Language of Light, soothing relaxation music that calms the senses, yet activates the soul for meditation
11 MP3 Songs
NEW AGE: New Age, NEW AGE: Healing
Immersion :- Newly remastered version, includes bonus track:- Akashic Records descend to Hall of Records. Working with sound tones, beyond human language, we reach the original creator angel tones, the tones of light that create form. The original philosophy behind "Immersion" was only recently revealed, along with the new track that is included as a bonus track.
angelic keys for healing of the body, mind and soul. Angelic Rays of sound float effortlessly to the very cells of your being
Immersion is the key to life, moving into the subconsiousness that which is submerged through duality. To retrieve that lost part of ourselves, we must IMMERSE ourselves in this task of retrieval of our divine being, collecting all of our selves and bringing our totality into the light. Only then may we exit the current cycle of duality and begin the new creation of the Golden Age on Earth.
The Eternal Cosmic Rhythm of Life
Immersion is an offering of the hands of angels, to immerse deep into your own soul, to open the gateways to other realms for healing. The Cd can be used for healing and relaxation. All tracks are imbued with the Christ Light for ascending lower density and duality. Through angelic tones from the heart of source itself, “Immersion” connects you to your origins and “home”. As the arms of angels carry you to sublime light heights, effortlessly you slip into the sanctity of your spirit.
Angelic Keys of Ascension guide you through the veils of illusion to source of ALL.