Mother Stories on New Testament
A Book of the Best Stories that Mothers can tell their Children. Composed of 45 stories from New Testament.
Stories include: The wise mens visit, The Angels Tidings, Jesus in the Temple, The Wonderful draught of fishes, The house built upon the sand, Healing the Centurions servant, ANOINTING THE FEET OF JESUS, The Rich Fool, The Unfruitful Tree, Sowing the Seed, The Enemy sowing Tares, The Parable of the Leaven, Seeking for Hidden Treasure, The Pearl of Great Price, The Parable of the Net, The Man Possessed by The Devil, Curing the Incurable, Jarius Daughter, The Two Blind Men , Feeding Five Thousand, Christ Walking on the Sea, The Woman of Canaan, Peter and the Tribute Money, The Good Samaritan, Importunity Rewarded, The Unmerciful Servant, The Good Shepherd, The Prodigal Son, Christ Blessing the Children.
Comes with Resell Rights.